Morgan Stanley Interview Experience for Internship | Off-Campus 2021

I applied for the Morgan Stanley Technology Analyst Programme 2021 off-campus through the company careers website.

The selection process was as follows

Round 1: This was an online coding round. There were 3 sections. Section 1 was MCQs related to aptitude. Section 2 consisted of wrong codes that had to be corrected and run. Section 3 had 3 coding questions related to priority queue, graphs and array implementation. I was able to solve all aptitude questions, 4 out of 6 questions of section 2 and 2 out of 3 questions of section 3.

Round 2: This was an interview round. The interview was on Zoom. I was asked to explain heaps and all related functions and write the code for heapify() function. The second coding question was to detect 2 nodes in a BST that were in the wrong position and swap them. I was asked to design Google Play Store as part of a system design question. He also asked me to describe an android game using OOP concepts. In the end, he asked me about the types of memory used in a C program.

Round 3: This was a Tech+HR round. The interview was on Zoom and was taken by HM. He asked me to tell him about myself. A lot of questions were asked related to a project on my resume, related to technical problems, and teamwork. Then I was asked which algorithm would be used to sort a very big text file efficiently if there is very little extra memory available and its complexity. My answer was Merge sort. The second question was related to bus travel between stations. I had to find the shortest path from a given graph, which had multiple edges between any 2 vertices, having a starting and ending position and its complexity. In the end, I was asked one problem about my college which I find ethically wrong and how I can fix it.

The overall procedure by Morgan Stanley was very smooth. The interviewers were very friendly. The key to crack the interviews is to be confident about what you know and express it to the interviewer. 

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