Morgan Stanley Interview Experience

 Round 1: 

  •  The first round is the aptitude round. Morgan Stanley is a financial institution it checks our numerical ability. This has 18 questions and questions are given as graphs or tables and we must calculate ratios, relationships, etc. (Time frame: 25 minutes).
  • It also included questions comparing one set of numbers with another set with a short duration of 2 minutes (To get a minimum of 32 comparisons)
  •  The verbal reasoning was paragraph-MCQ based and Logical reasoning questions included more of a diagram-based question.
  • The coding question was also covered in MCQ round for me and it had 2 coding questions: One was to find the Maximum Sum Subarray and the second I am not able to recall as I had no time to solve it.

NOTE: Sometimes after we submit the online application, a link will be sent to complete the online assessments within 3 days.

Suggestion: I would suggest practicing more of number based relationship questions and also diagram-based logical reasoning questions { Sites:- w3wiki, Indiabix, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude(Book: Author-R.S.Agarwal)}.

Tip: – The earlier you apply, the quicker you get a response , Ensure you’re aware of the company’s values and the skills they’re seeking.

Round 2: Technical Round [Almost 1 hour]

  •  I was given a mixture of alphanumeric characters and was asked to find the top 2 alphabetic characters. [ You can use Trie and MinHeap and code the logic]
    Example: h1n1 sun23 bottle6, Answer – sun, bottle.
  • He asked me for an SQL query which consisted of GROUP BY.
  •  I was asked to explain Polymorphism using a Kinley bottle.
  • He also asked me questions about my project. My project was based on the Brain signals interface, so he asked me about the working, output, and criteria related to it.

Tip: Glance over your major project outcomes, uses, pros, and cons, etc.

Round 3: Group Discussion/Activity

  • He put me in a group of 5 and gave asked us to come up with a logo,  name, and price of any product and sell it. [Tip:- Talk in a way about how it would also bring profit to the company]

Round 4: HR Discussion

  •  Tell me about yourself
  •  Tell me about your strength and weakness.
  •  Talk about your family background.
  •  What is the one quality about you that Morgan Stanley would hire you for?
  •  What are your hobbies?
  • Why should we hire you? [ Tip:- Show your strength and highlight your personality and include the company’s traits too]
  •  Describe yourself in three words

Overall Tips and Suggestion:- As Morgan Stanley is a financial-based company, Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, etc. focus more on numbers, graphs, and diagram-based questions. Coming to technical round/coding questions, focus on sorting numbers, arrays, removing alphabet among number kind questions, etc.

Be yourself, be confident, and always have that smile on your face

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