Morgan Stanley Interview Experience | 1.5 Years Experienced

Coding Round:

Round 1: 

  1. Find occurrences of a given element in a long sorted array
  2. Find the max element in an unsorted array.
  3. Bubble sort.
  4. Difference between class, package, module
  5. Iterators, mutable and immutable
  6. Find the missing number in the array
  7. Map and filter in python
  8. Joins
  9. Get nth highest salary from table SQL query given table has salary, name
  10. Get Max salary for each day in table given table(name, salary, date)

Round 2:

  1. Inheritance. Multiple inheritances in python?
  2. Polymorphism – Is runtime polymorphism is possible in python?
  3. Functional overloading in python? Using *Args as a function argument
  4. Decorators. How do you define it?
  5. Generators in python? Read file using generator without loading completely in memory
  6. Magic functions
  7. Solid Design principles
  8. Given an order and items write class diagrams – order has items and payment method
  9. Given employee table, find nth largest salary
  10. Given two tables, one employee(has employee_id and salary) and other relation(which has employee_id, manager_id), find those employees which have salary greater than their manager
  11. Given a gender column in table update male with female and vice versa
  12. Get the last 10 lines of a file using the Unix command
  13. Given two commands as pip command1 | command2, let command fails, what will be the result
  14. Find a particular pattern from a file(cat and grep command)
  15. Get line numbers 50 to 100 from a file

Round 3:

  1. Detailed project discussion
  3. Given a particular row and column for a triangle, get its actual value(You cannot create a whole triangle to get this value) – use recursion
  4. OOPS, concept, pillars of OOPS – inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, encapsulation. Explain runtime and compile-time polymorphism, Is runtime polymorphism possible in python?
  5. Given a filename, table name, DB name, and DB vendor name(Oracle, MySQL) and two functions import and export design class diagram which should be extensible
  6. Given two tables, employee(id, name, gender,department_id) and department(id, name),
    1. i) Change the gender of male to female and vice versa
    2. ii) Get count of all employees from each department  

Round 4(Managerial):

  1. Detailed Project discussion.
  2. Tell me your weakness and strengths. Give Example for that
  3. What are Morgan Stanley’s core values? Explain them
  4. What are unit and system testing?
  5. How will you build an automation framework?
  6. What does culture signify in a firm? If you are building  your own company, what things you should keep in mind
  7. What do you like about the role which we are offering(mine was python dev)
  8. Why Morgan Stanley?

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