Moonfrog Labs Interview Experience

Moonfrog Labs Interview Experience

Recently I got interviewed at Moonfrog Labs. Here is my interview experience.

Round 1(1 hour):

The interviewer was very friendly and helping. She started with my introduction and discussed a bit about my current project.

Q1. Check whether a graph can be converted to a tree or not.

First we have to discuss the approach and then code on paper.

Q2. Design a jigsaw puzzle.

Discussion on this went for long and I have to write the class diagram and definition for few functions which I mentioned in my design.

Round 2(1 hour):

Q1. Reverse a singly linked list (Both iterative and recursive approach).

Q2. Add 2 numbers represented in the form of linked list.

Q3. Print nodes at a given distance K from the given node in a binary tree.

Q4. Given an array of integers, at each index I can take steps upto the value at that index. I have to find the minimum number of hops required to traverse the complete array.

For example: input[] ={2,5,3,6,8,1,3}

From index 0, I can take 1 or 2 steps. From index 1, I can take 1,2,3,4 or 5 steps and so on.

Round 3(30 minutes):

Q1. Two players are playing a game in which each have to pick 1, 2, 3 or 4 coins in each turn. There are n coins in total. Design a strategy to win the game.


I was not able to solve this question.

I did not receive the offer but it was a good experience. I would like to thank w3wiki for providing such an awesome platform for interview preparation.


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