Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay Journey As An Indigo Squad Ambassador

Becoming an Indigo Squad Ambassador at Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay, was a defining moment in my journey as a student leader. In this article, I’ll share my firsthand experience of being part of this prestigious initiative, detailing the steps I took and the projects I contributed to, all from my perspective.

Discovering the Opportunity:

My journey began with the discovery of the Indigo Squad Ambassador program, a platform that aimed to empower students to become ambassadors of creativity, innovation, and positive change within the IIT Bombay community. Intrigued by the opportunity to make a meaningful impact, I eagerly applied to join the squad.

Application and Selection Process:

The application process involved submitting a detailed application form outlining my motivation, relevant experiences, and vision for contributing to the squad. After a rigorous selection process that included interviews and evaluations, I was thrilled to receive the news of my selection as an Indigo Squad Ambassador.

Orientation and Training:

Upon joining the squad, I underwent a comprehensive orientation and training session, where I gained insights into the mission and objectives of Mood Indigo and the role of Indigo Squad Ambassadors in achieving them. This training equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively represent the organization and drive impactful initiatives.

Project Initiatives:

Community Engagement:

One of the primary projects I spearheaded as an Indigo Squad Ambassador was community engagement initiatives aimed at fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among students. From organizing interactive workshops to facilitating networking events, I worked closely with my fellow ambassadors to create opportunities for meaningful interactions and collaboration.

Social Impact Campaigns:

In line with Mood Indigo’s commitment to social responsibility, I led several campaigns focused on driving positive change in the community. These campaigns addressed a range of social issues, including sustainability, education, and mental health awareness, through innovative initiatives such as awareness drives, fundraising events, and advocacy campaigns.

Creative Initiatives:

As advocates for creativity and innovation, my team and I launched various creative initiatives to showcase the talent and ingenuity of the IIT Bombay community. From organizing art exhibitions to hosting hackathons and innovation challenges, we encouraged students to explore their passions and push the boundaries of innovation.

Impact and Recognition:

Through our collective efforts, the Indigo Squad made a tangible impact on the IIT Bombay community, fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and social responsibility. Our initiatives garnered widespread recognition and appreciation, earning accolades from both the student body and the administration for our contributions to campus life.

Personal Growth and Reflection:

My journey as an Indigo Squad Ambassador was not just about the projects I led or the initiatives I spearheaded—it was also a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Through my experiences, I developed invaluable leadership, communication, and teamwork skills, and gained a deeper understanding of the power of collaboration and collective action in driving positive change.


In conclusion, my experience as an Indigo Squad Ambassador at Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay, was a transformative and rewarding journey that allowed me to make a meaningful impact, develop essential skills, and forge lifelong connections. As I look back on my time with the squad, I am grateful for the opportunities it provided and the lessons it taught me, and I am excited to continue my journey as a student leader, championing creativity, innovation, and positive change in my community.

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