MongoDB Cheat Sheet

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that revolutionizes data storage with its flexibility and scalability. By storing data in JSON-like documents, MongoDB offers developers a powerful and intuitive way to handle complex data structures. From basic CRUD operations to advanced aggregation techniques, MongoDB empowers users to build robust and dynamic applications with ease.

In this MongoDB cheat sheet, we’ll delve into MongoDB’s key concepts, including data types, CRUD operations, query techniques, aggregation framework, indexing strategies, transaction support, and data modeling approaches. Each section is packed with examples and explanations to help you grasp MongoDB’s functionalities quickly and efficiently.

MongoDB Basics

What is MongoDB

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.

DataTypes in MongoDB

MongoDB supports various data types including string, integer, double, boolean, arrays, objects, dates, and null.

What is ObjectId in MongoDB

ObjectId is a 12-byte hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies documents in a collection.

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database service. It provides automated backups, monitoring, and security features.

MongoDB Compass

MongoDB Compass is a graphical user interface for MongoDB. It allows users to visualize data, run queries, and analyze performance.

What is MongoDB Shell

MongoDB Shell is a command-line interface for interacting with MongoDB instances. It allows users to execute queries, perform administrative tasks, and manage databases.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

This section dives into CRUD operations, the foundation of interacting with your MongoDB database. We’ll explore how to Create, Read, Update, and Delete documents, giving you the power to manage your data effectively. Get ready to add, retrieve, modify, and remove information with ease!

Connect to MongoDB


Open a terminal and start the MongoDB shell by typing mongo.

Create and Use a Database

use blog

Create (if not exists) and use the ‘blog’ database

Create Collections

// Create a 'posts' collection

// Create a 'users' collection

Create two collections: posts for storing blog posts and users for storing user information.

Insert Operations

Insert a single document into ‘posts’ collection

title: "Introduction to MongoDB",
content: "MongoDB is a NoSQL database.",
author: "John Doe",
tags: ["mongodb", "nosql", "database"]

Insert multiple documents into ‘users’ collection

username: "johndoe",
email: "",
age: 30
username: "janedoe",
email: "",
age: 28

Update Operations

Update a document in ‘users’ collection

{ username: "johndoe" },
{ $set: { age: 31 } }

Update multiple documents in ‘posts’ collection

{ tags: "mongodb" },
{ $addToSet: { tags: "database" } }

Delete Operations

Delete a document from ‘users’ collection

db.users.deleteOne({ username: "janedoe" })

Delete multiple documents from ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.deleteMany({ author: "John Doe" })

Drop the entire ‘users’ collection


Query Operations

Find all documents in ‘posts’ collection


Find one document in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.findOne({ title: "Introduction to MongoDB" })

Find and modify a document in ‘posts’ collection

{ title: "Introduction to MongoDB" },
{ $set: { content: "MongoDB is a flexible and scalable NoSQL database." } }

Find one and delete a document in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.findOneAndDelete({ author: "John Doe" })

Find one and replace a document in ‘posts’ collection

{ title: "Introduction to MongoDB" },
{ title: "MongoDB Overview", content: "A detailed guide to MongoDB." }

Query with Projections

Find documents with projection (only return ‘title’ and ‘author’ fields)

db.posts.find({}, { title: 1, author: 1 })

Query nested documents (e.g., find users with email ending in ‘.com’)

db.users.find({ "email": /.*\.com$/ })

Query documents with null or missing fields

db.users.find({ email: null })

Show Database Information

// Show available databases
show dbs

// Show collections in the current database
show collections

To see a list of available databases and their collections

MongoDB Operators

MongoDB operators are special symbols or keywords that unlock the power of your data. Just like a chef uses tools to prepare a meal, these operators help you find, modify, and analyze information stored in your MongoDB database. Mastering these operators empowers you to efficiently query, manipulate, and unlock the hidden insights within your data.

Comparison Operators

Find documents where age is greater than 30 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } })

Find documents where age is less than or equal to 28 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ age: { $lte: 28 } })

Find documents where title is equal to “MongoDB Overview” in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.find({ title: { $eq: "MongoDB Overview" } })

Find documents where age is not equal to 30 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ age: { $ne: 30 } })

In these queries, we utilize the $gt (greater than), $lt (less than), and $eq (equality) comparison operators to filter documents based on specific criteria. Additionally, we demonstrate the $ne (not equal) operator to find documents where a field does not match a specified value.

Logical Operators

Find documents where age is greater than 25 AND less than 35 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ $and: [ { age: { $gt: 25 } }, { age: { $lt: 35 } } ] })

Find documents where username is “johndoe” OR email is “” in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ $or: [ { username: "johndoe" }, { email: "" } ] })

Find documents where age is NOT equal to 30 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ age: { $not: { $eq: 30 } } })

Find documents where age is neither 30 nor 31 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.find({ age: { $nor: [ { $eq: 30 }, { $eq: 31 } ] } })

We use the $and operator to find documents where multiple conditions must be satisfied simultaneously. The $or operator is utilized to find documents where at least one of the specified conditions is met. Using the $not operator, we exclude documents where a specific condition is true. The $nor operator is used to find documents where none of the specified conditions are met.

Arithmetic Operators

Add 5 to the age of all users in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $add: { age: 5 } })

Subtract 2 from the age of users aged 30 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({ age: 30 }, { $subtract: { age: 2 } })

Multiply the age of users by 2 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $multiply: { age: 2 } })

Divide the age of all users by 2 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $divide: { age: 2 } })

Calculate the absolute value of the age of all users in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $abs: { age: true } })

We use the $add, $subtract, $multiply, and $divide operators to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division respectively on numeric fields. The $abs operator calculates the absolute value of numeric fields.

Field Update Operators

Update the age of users to the maximum value of 40 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $max: { age: 40 } })

Update the age of users to the minimum value of 20 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $min: { age: 20 } })

Increment the age of users by 1 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $inc: { age: 1 } })

Multiply the age of users by 1.1 in ‘users’ collection

db.users.updateMany({}, { $mul: { age: 1.1 } })

We use the $max and $min operators to update fields to the maximum or minimum value respectively. The $inc operator increments numeric fields by a specified value. The $mul operator multiplies numeric fields by a specified value.

Array Expression Operators

Find documents where ‘tags’ field is an array in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.find({ tags: { $isArray: true } })

Find documents in ‘posts’ collection where the size of the ‘tags’ array is 3

db.posts.find({ $expr: { $eq: [{ $size: "$tags" }, 3] } })

Find the first element of the ‘tags’ array in each document of ‘posts’ collection

{ $project: { firstTag: { $arrayElemAt: ["$tags", 0] } } }

Concatenate the ‘tags’ arrays of all documents in ‘posts’ collection

{ $group: { _id: null, allTags: { $concatArrays: "$tags" } } }

Reverse the ‘tags’ array in all documents of ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateMany({}, { $reverseArray: "$tags" })

We use the $isArray operator to find documents where a field is an array. The $size operator is used to find documents based on the size of an array field. With $arrayElemAt, we retrieve a specific element from an array field. The $concatArrays operator concatenates arrays. Finally, $reverseArray reverses the elements of an array.

Array Update Operators

Remove all occurrences of “mongodb” from the ‘tags’ array in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateMany({}, { $pull: { tags: "mongodb" } })

Remove the last element from the ‘tags’ array in all documents of ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateMany({}, { $pop: { tags: 1 } })

Remove all occurrences of “nosql” and “database” from the ‘tags’ array in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateMany({}, { $pullAll: { tags: ["nosql", "database"] } })

Add “newtag” to the end of the ‘tags’ array in a specific document in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateOne({ title: "Introduction to MongoDB" }, { $push: { tags: "newtag" } })

Update the ‘tags’ array in all documents where “mongodb” is present with “updatedtag”

db.posts.updateMany({ tags: "mongodb" }, { $set: { "tags.$": "updatedtag" } })

String Expression Operators

Concatenate the ‘title’ and ‘content’ fields into a new field ‘fullText’ in ‘posts’ collection

$project: {
fullText: { $concat: ["$title", " ", "$content"] }

Compare the ‘title’ field case insensitively to “MongoDB” in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.find({ $expr: { $eq: [{ $strcasecmp: ["$title", "MongoDB"] }, 0] } })

Convert the ‘title’ field to uppercase in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateMany({}, { $set: { title: { $toUpper: "$title" } } })

Convert the ‘title’ field to lowercase in ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.updateMany({}, { $set: { title: { $toLower: "$title" } } })

Extract the first 5 characters from the ‘title’ field in ‘posts’ collection

{ $project: { firstFiveChars: { $substrCP: ["$title", 0, 5] } } }

We use the $concat operator to concatenate fields or strings. $strcasecmp compares strings case insensitive. The $toUpper operator converts a string to uppercase. $toLower converts a string to lowercase. $substrCP extracts a substring from a string based on code points.

MongoDB Aggregation Framework

We’ll perform various aggregation operations using MongoDB’s aggregation framework

Update documents with aggregation pipeline: multiply ‘age’ field by 2 and store in ‘doubleAge’ field

{ $addFields: { doubleAge: { $multiply: ["$age", 2] } } },
{ $out: "users" }

Count the number of documents in ‘users’ collection

{ $count: "total_users" }

Group documents in ‘users’ collection by ‘age’ and calculate the count in each group

{ $group: { _id: "$age", count: { $sum: 1 } } }

Perform a left outer join between ‘posts’ and ‘users’ collections based on ‘author’ field

$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "author",
foreignField: "username",
as: "author_info"

Get the first document in each group sorted by ‘age’ in descending order in ‘users’ collection

{ $sort: { age: -1 } },
{ $group: { _id: null, oldestUser: { $first: "$$ROOT" } } }

Perform map-reduce operation to calculate the total age of all users

var mapFunction = function () {
emit("totalAge", this.age);

var reduceFunction = function (key, values) {
return Array.sum(values);

{ out: { inline: 1 } }

We use various stages such as $addFields, $out, $count, $group, $lookup, $first, and map-reduce for different aggregation operations.

Aggregation framework allows us to perform complex computations, transformations, and data analysis on MongoDB collections efficiently.

MongoDB Indexing

Indexing enhances query performance and allows for efficient data retrieval in MongoDB

Create a single field index on the ‘username’ field in the ‘users’ collection

db.users.createIndex({ username: 1 })

Get the list of indexes on the ‘users’ collection


Drop the index on the ‘username’ field in the ‘users’ collection


Create a compound index on the ‘title’ and ‘content’ fields in the ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.createIndex({ title: 1, content: 1 })

Create a multikey index on the ‘tags’ array field in the ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.createIndex({ tags: 1 })

Create a text index on the ‘content’ field in the ‘posts’ collection

db.posts.createIndex({ content: "text" })

Create a unique index on the ’email’ field in the ‘users’ collection

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 }, { unique: true })

We use createIndex() to create various types of indexes, such as single field, compound, multikey, text, and unique indexes. getIndexes() retrieves the list of indexes on a collection. dropIndex() drops an index by its name.

Transactions in MongoDB

MongoDB supports multi-document ACID transactions, allowing for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.

// Start a session
session = db.getMongo().startSession()

// Start a transaction

try {
// Perform operations within the transaction
db.collection1.insertOne({ field1: "value1" }, { session: session })
db.collection2.updateOne({ field2: "value2" }, { $set: { field3: "value3" } }, { session: session })

// Commit the transaction
} catch (error) {
// Abort the transaction on error

Data Modeling in MongoDB

Data modeling in MongoDB involves designing schemas and relationships between documents.

// Relationship: Embedding data in documents
username: "john_doe",
email: "",
posts: [
{ title: "Post 1", content: "Content 1" },
{ title: "Post 2", content: "Content 2" }

// Relationship: Referencing documents
user_id: ObjectId("user_id_here"),
post_id: ObjectId("post_id_here"),
content: "Comment content"

// Specify JSON schema validation
db.createCollection("collection_name", {
validator: {
$jsonSchema: {
bsonType: "object",
required: ["field1", "field2"],
properties: {
field1: {
bsonType: "string"
field2: {
bsonType: "number"

// Scaling in MongoDB involves sharding, replication, and proper index usage to distribute data across multiple servers.

We demonstrate embedding data in documents and referencing documents to model relationships between collections. JSON schema validation ensures data integrity by enforcing structure and data types. Scaling in MongoDB involves strategies like sharding and replication to handle large volumes of data.


MongoDB stands out as a versatile and powerful document-oriented NoSQL database, offering developers a flexible and scalable solution for handling complex data structures. Throughout this cheat sheet, we’ve explored MongoDB’s key concepts, from its fundamental data types to advanced features such as CRUD operations, querying techniques, aggregation framework, indexing strategies, transaction support, and data modeling approaches.

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