Moment.js using with Webpack

Moment.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates and times. It was created by Tim Wood and is currently maintained by a team of developers. Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler that helps developers to create applications with multiple modules. It is used to bundle JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other web assets into a single file. Moment.js and Webpack can be used together to create powerful, dynamic applications that use dates and times.

Why Use Moment.js with Webpack?

Using Moment.js with Webpack can help developers quickly and easily format and manipulate dates and times in their applications. It’s easy to integrate Moment.js into existing projects, and it provides a wide range of features for manipulating dates and times. For example, it allows developers to convert dates into different formats, compare dates, and even calculate the difference between two dates. It can also be used to parse and display dates in different time zones, and it’s highly customizable.


  • Setting Up Moment.js in Webpack: In order to use Moment.js with Webpack, you need to add Moment.js as a dependency in your package.json file. Then you need to create a webpack.config.js file where you can specify how Moment.js should be bundled.
  • Configuring Moment.js Locales in Webpack: You can also configure Moment.js locales in Webpack. This allows you to only include the locales you need instead of downloading all of them.
  • Bundling Moment.js with Other Libraries: You can also use Webpack to bundle Moment.js together with other JavaScript libraries and assets. This allows you to reduce the number of requests to the server and improve the performance of your application.
  • Optimizing Moment.js in Webpack: You can also use Webpack to optimize Moment.js for production. This will reduce the size of the Moment.js bundle and improve the performance of your application.

Purpose of using Webpack with Momentjs

Webpack is a module bundler that can be used to bundle Momentjs and other JavaScript modules together into a single file. This is useful for reducing the number of requests needed to load a page, as well as optimizing the code to run faster. Webpack can also be used to optimize Momentjs for production environments by minifying the code and making it more efficient. Additionally, Webpack can be used to add source maps to Momentjs, which makes it easier to debug, as well as providing a better debugging experience for developers. Webpack can also be used to bundle Momentjs into libraries that can be reused in multiple projects. This is useful for projects that require Momentjs, as it eliminates the need to download the library each time it is required. It also allows developers to keep the library up to date, as any changes made to the library can be easily reflected across all projects.

Webpack can also be used to bundle Momentjs with other third-party libraries. This allows developers to use different libraries in the same project, without having to worry about compatibility issues between them. This can be particularly useful when working with complex libraries, as it can help to reduce the amount of code that needs to be written. Webpack can also be used to optimize Momentjs for delivery over the internet. By using Webpack, developers can reduce the size of the library, making it faster to download, and optimize it for better performance. This can be especially useful for mobile applications, where the library size can have a large impact on the performance of the application.

Overall, Webpack can be a great tool for optimizing and bundling Momentjs. By using Webpack, developers can reduce the number of requests needed to load a page, optimize the code for production, and bundle other third-party libraries with Momentjs. Additionally, Webpack can be used to optimize the library for delivery over the internet, making it faster to download and more performant. By using Webpack with Momentjs, developers can ensure that their projects are optimized for performance and maintainability.

How to Use Moment.js with Webpack

Using Moment.js with Webpack is relatively straightforward, and there are a few steps to follow in order to get started. Firstly, Moment.js needs to be installed into the project, and this can be done by running the following command:

npm install moment --save

This will install Moment.js into the project directory, and it will also save it to the package.json file. Once Moment.js has been installed, it needs to be imported into the project, and this can be done by adding the following line of code to the project’s main JavaScript file:

import moment from 'moment';

Finally, Moment.js can be used in the project by calling the various methods that it provides. For example, the following code can be used to format a date:

let date = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY');


moment(date, format, locale, strict);

Parameters: The parameters for Moment.js are:

  • date: The date to be parsed. This can be a string, a Date object, or a Unix timestamp.
  • format: The format to parse the date in. This can be an array of tokens or a string.
  • locale: The locale to use when parsing the date.
  • strict: Whether or not to be strict when parsing the date.

Return Value: The return value for Moment.js is a Moment object which contains information about the parsed date. The parameters for Moment.js are date, format, locale, and strict. The return value for Moment.js is a Moment object which contains information about the parsed date. We have provided two examples of how to use Moment.js with Webpack. The first example shows how to parse a date and the second example shows how to format a date. By using Moment.js with Webpack, developers can create powerful, dynamic applications that use dates and times.

Example 1: The following example shows how to use Moment.js to parse a date.


import moment from 'moment';
let date = moment('2012-10-19', 'YYYY-MM-DD');



Example 2: In a react application, you could use Moment.js to format dates and times in your components. For example, you could use the format() method to render a date in a specific format:


const FormattedDate = () => {
    const date = new Date();
    return (
            {moment(date).format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a")}


Monday, June 29th 2020, 8:00:00 pm

Example 3: You could also use Moment.js to compare dates and times. For example, you could use the isBefore() method to check if a date is before another date:


const CheckDate = ({ date1, date2 }) => {
    return (
            {moment(date1).isBefore(date2) ?
                "Date one is before date two" :
                "Date one is not before date two"}


Date one is before date two

Example 4: You could also use Moment.js to calculate the difference between two dates. For example, you could use the diff() method to calculate the difference in days between two dates:


const DateDifference = ({ date1, date2 }) => {
    const difference = moment(date1).diff(moment(date2), 'days')
    return (
            {`The difference between the two dates is ${difference} days`}


The difference between the two dates is 3 days


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