Moment.js using with Bower

Moment.js is a popular JavaScript library used for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. It is a lightweight library that makes it easy to work with dates and times in JavaScript. Bower is a package manager for the web and is used to manage packages and dependencies. It is a great tool to help with the installation and management of Moment.js and its associated dependencies.

Using Moment.js with Bower: Using Moment.js with Bower is a great way to manage the installation and dependencies of the library. With Bower, you can easily install Moment.js and its associated dependencies without having to manually install each one separately. You can also use Bower to update Moment.js and its dependencies to the latest version.

To install Moment.js using Bower, first, you will need to make sure that you have Bower installed. Once you have Bower installed, you can then type the following command into the terminal:

bower install moment --save

This will install the latest version of Moment.js and its dependencies. Once Moment.js has been installed, you can then use it in your project by including it in your HTML file.

<script src="bower_components/moment/moment.js"></script>

Using Moment.js: Once Moment.js has been installed, you can start using it in your project. Moment.js provides a wide range of functions and methods that can be used to work with dates and times in JavaScript. For example, you can use the moment() function to create a new Moment object. This object can then be used to manipulate and format dates and times. For example, you can use the format() method to format a date or time as a string.

Example 1:

const date = moment().format("MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a");


May 10th 2020, 10:00:00 am

You can also use Moment.js to compare two dates. This can be done using the isBefore(), isSame(), and isAfter() methods.

Example 2:

const date1 = moment("2020-05-10");
const date2 = moment("2020-05-11");



Example 3: You can also use Moment.js to calculate the difference between two dates. This can be done using the diff() method.

const date1 = moment("2020-05-10");
const date2 = moment("2020-05-11");
console.log(date1.diff(date2, "days"));




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