Moles to Grams Formula

The term “mole” refers to the amount of matter that has the same number of chemical elements (atoms, ions, and so on) as 12 grams of Carbon-12 isotope. It’s also known as the Avogadro atomic number. The molar mass (in grams) of 1 mole of a substance can be calculated by converting moles to grams. This article will explain to you how to use a formula to convert moles to grams.

Moles to Grams 

The mole is the standard unit of measurement for determining how much something weighs. Simple mole ratios govern how substances react. However, because balances do not provide readings in moles when comparing the amount of one material to another by moles, you must convert to grams.

To convert moles to grams, you must complete three stages:

  • Determine the number of moles in the question.
  • Calculate the substance’s molar mass.
  • Multiply the two values together.

Steps to Calculate Molar Mass:

  • Write the compound’s chemical formula.
  • Calculate each element’s atomic mass and multiply it by the number of atoms of that element in the compound.
  • When you add everything up, you’ll get the compound’s molar mass.

Moles to Grams Formula

Convert moles to grams has the following formula:

m = n × M


  • m is the Total mass of substances in Grams (g),
  • n is the number of moles (moles), and
  • M is the Molar mass (g/mol).

Sample Questions

Question 1: How to Convert Moles to Grams?


The simplest and most widely used units for expressing the amount of a material are moles and grams. Stoichiometric ratios of moles are used in chemical processes. However, according to CGS units, the weight of chemical substances that must be weighed is in grams. As a result, converting moles to grams is essential. The total molar mass of a given substance is multiplied by the total number of moles that are required to convert moles to grams.

Question 2: How many grams are present in 7 moles of CO?


Given that, n = 7 moles

Atomic mass of C = 12g,

Atomic mass of O = 16g.

M = CO = 12+16 = 28 g/mol


m = n × M

= 7 × 28

= 196 grams

Question 3: Calculate the mass in grams of 16 moles of sodium sulfite.


Given that, n = 16 moles

Sodium sulfite (Na2SO3),

Atomic mass of Na = 23g,

Atomic mass of S = 32g,

Atomic mass of O = 16g.

M = Na2SO3 = (23×2)+32+(16×3) = 126 g/mol


m = n × M

= 16 × 126

= 2016 grams

Question 4: Calculate the mass of the water molecule in grams for 2.8 moles.


Given : n = 2.8 moles

Water (H2O),

Atomic mass of H = 1g,

Atomic mass of O = 16g.

M = H2O = (1×2)+16 = 18 g/mol


m = n × M

= 2.8 × 18

= 50.4 grams

Question 5: Determine the mass in grams of 3.1 moles of KMnO4.


Given : n = 3.1 moles


Atomic mass of K = 19g,

Atomic mass of Mn = 55g,

Atomic mass of O = 16g.

∴ M = KMnO4 = 19+55+(16×4) = 138 g/mol


m = n × M

= 3.1 × 138

= 427.8 grams

Question 6: Calculate the number of moles of Ca, C and oxygen atoms in 213g of CaCO3 and their mass.


Given that, m = 213g

Atomic mass of Ca = 40g,

Atomic mass of C = 12g,

Atomic mass of O = 16g.

∴ M = CaCO3 = 40+12+(16×3) = 100 g/mol


m = n × M

n = m / M

= 213/100 

= 2.13 moles


Number of moles of Ca = 2.13 moles

Number of moles of C = 2.13 moles

Number of moles of O = 6.39 moles

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