ML | Intercluster and Intracluster Distance

Cluster Analysis –
Intercluster Distance
Intracluster Distance

d(x, y)
d(x, y)

Intercuster Distance:

  1. Single Linkage Distance : The single linkage distance is the closest distance between two objects belonging to two different clusters defined as –
  2. Complete Linkage Distance : The complete linkage distance is the distance between two most remote objects belonging to two different clusters defined as –
  3. Average Linkage Distance : The average linkage distance is the average distance between all the objects belonging to two different clusters defined as –
  4. Centroid Linkage Distance : The centroid linkage distance is the distance between the centers vs and vt of two clusters S and T respectively, defined as –
  5. Average Centroid Linkage Distance : The average centroid linkage distance is the distance between the center of a cluster and all the objects belonging to a different cluster, defined as –

Intracuster Distance:

  1. Complete Diameter Distance : The complete diameter distance is the distance between two most remote objects belonging to the same cluster defined as –
  2. Average Diameter Distance : The average diameter distance is the average distance between all the objects belonging to the same cluster defined as –
  3. Centroid Diameter Distance : The centroid diameter distance is double average distance between all of the objects and the cluster center of s defined as –
fig 3
fig 2
fig 1
fig 3

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