Miniorange Interview Experience for 6 months Internship (Off-Campus)

Miniorange is an American security company with offices in America and India, specifically Pune. I applied to the company with a referral from an employee at Miniorange. I got the mail to schedule the interview within one day of applying via email. We scheduled the interview for Friday evening.

The procedure was pretty straight-forward with only one technical round, (after resume shortlisting)

Interview Begins: The interview was scheduled on Google Meet and after exchanging pleasantries, I was asked a few questions on things I had mentioned in my resume. It involved describing the work that I had done in my previous interns and answering any follow-up questions. 

Next, we moved onto coding questions. The interviewer shared a link with me and started explaining the questions there.

  • First Question: The first question was pretty straightforward. Given a string, check whether it is palindromic.

    The interviewer prohibited me from using any STL or any in-built library functions. I struggled a bit to traverse the strings the C way ???? But ultimately I remembered that. My first approach was using two pointers. The interviewer was satisfied with my explanation, however, he wanted another approach, so I suggested solving it using stack. The interviewer agreed with my approach and asked me to write the pseudo-code for both and also explaining the time and space complexities in both approaches.

  • Second Question: The second question was to determine the middle element of a singly linked list.

    Again, the interviewer prohibited me from using any STL or any in-built library functions. My first approach was to first completely traverse the linked list and count the number of nodes. Then after that traverse till half of that number and return that node. Although my interviewer accepted this solution, he asked me to come up with something better and solve it in a single iteration. Then I used the method of . The interviewer agreed with my approach and asked me to write the pseudo-code for both and also explaining the time and space complexities in both approaches.

    Towards the end, my interviewer asked me some HR-type questions, like, would I be comfortable in shifting to Pune and whether I would be comfortable working in Java, and so on. This was the end of our interview. Miniorange has some pretty  which you can see on their website and this was the primary reason I had applied to Miniorange too. You can check out their for vacancies. Thank you for reading this and Godspeed.

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