Minimum total power consumption by both the current “+” & “-“

Given a matrix of size rows x cols called “power,” which represents the power associated with each cell in the field. There are two types of current flow in the field: “+” current starts from the top left corner, while “-” current starts from the top right corner. Both types of current can move in three directions: from a cell (i, j) to either (i + 1, j – 1), (i + 1, j), or (i + 1, j + 1). The power consumption between two cells is calculated as the absolute difference between the power values of the two cells: abs(power[i + 1][j + 1] – power[i][j]). The task is to calculate the minimum total power consumption by both the current “+” & “-” to reach the last row.

Note:   At any given point (i, j), both types of current cannot occupy the same cell simultaneously, as it would cause an electric shock.


Input: power[][] = {{2, 4}, {3, 9}}
Output: combined minimum power : 6
Explanation: The “+” current chooses the path 2 -> 3, and the “-” current chooses the path 4 -> 9. The minimum total power consumption [abs(3 – 2) + abs(9 – 4)] = 1 + 5 = 6

Input: power[][] = {{2, 4, 6}, {8, 0, 10}, {6, 3, 9}}
Output: combined minimum power : 10
Explanation:  The “+” current chooses the path 2 -> 0-> 3, and the “-” current chooses the path 6->10-> 9. The minimum total power consumption [abs(0 – 2) + abs(3 – 0) + abs(10 – 6) + abs(9 – 10)] = 5 + 5= 10.

Approach: To solve the problem using Recursion follow the below idea:

  • As mentioned in the question, both “+” and “-” currents can move in three directions: (i + 1, j – 1), (i + 1, j), or (i + 1, j + 1). Therefore, the total combined directions will be 3 * 3 = 9. For each “+” current, there will be three possible ways for the “-” current to move. We need to consider all the possible 9 directions.
  • The base case occurs when both the “+” and “-” currents reach the last row, which will be the minimum valid position. Once they reach the last row, it becomes the base case.
  • Now, for all possible paths, we calculate the minimum and return it as the result.

Mathematically the recursion will look like the following:

  • value = abs(power[next_i][next_j1] – power[i][j1]) + abs(power[next_i][next_J2] – power[i][j2]);
  • value += totalPower(next_i, next_j1, next_j2, power, rows, cols);
  • mini = min(mini, value);
  • // base case { once it reaches to last row. }
    • i == power.size()-1;

Steps to solve the problem:

  • Build a recursive function and pass the starting row, col for both the current.
  • For each (i, j) check if it’s valid or not, if it’s valid store the power consumption and call recursion for next.
  • compare all the paths and take out the minimum power consumption.

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ code for the above approach:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int totalPower(int i, int j1, int j2, int power[][3],
               int rows, int cols)
    // Base case: both "+" and "-"
    // reach the last row
    if (i == rows - 1)
        return 0;
    int mini = INT_MAX;
    // At each (i, j), there are 9
    // combined possibilities 3 possibilities
    // for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same
    // for j2 Thus, a total of 3 * 3
    // possibilities
    for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
        for (int p = -1; p <= 1; p++) {
            int nextI = i + 1;
            int nextJ1 = j1 + k;
            int nextJ2 = j2 + p;
            // Check the validity of the
            // path and ensure there
            // is no collision
            if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows && nextJ1 >= 0
                && nextJ1 < cols && nextJ2 >= 0
                && nextJ2 < cols && nextJ1 != nextJ2) {
                int value = abs(power[nextI][nextJ1]
                                - power[i][j1])
                            + abs(power[nextI][nextJ2]
                                  - power[i][j2]);
                // Recursively call for
                // the next i, j1, and j2
                value += totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2,
                                    power, rows, cols);
                // Take the minimum
                mini = min(mini, value);
    // return the answer
    return mini;
// Driver code
int main()
    int power[][3]
        = { { 2, 4, 6 }, { 8, 0, 10 }, { 6, 3, 9 } };
    int rows = sizeof(power) / sizeof(power[0]);
    int cols = sizeof(power[0]) / sizeof(power[0][0]);
    // Function call
    cout << "Combined Minimum Power: "
         << totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols)
         << endl;
    return 0;


// Java code for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    static int totalPower(int i, int j1, int j2,
                          int power[][], int rows, int cols)
        // Base case: both "+" and "-"
        // reach the last row
        if (i == rows - 1)
            return 0;
        int mini = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // At each (i, j), there are 9
        // combined possibilities 3 possibilities
        // for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same
        // for j2 Thus, a total of 3 * 3
        // possibilities
        for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
            for (int p = -1; p <= 1; p++) {
                int nextI = i + 1;
                int nextJ1 = j1 + k;
                int nextJ2 = j2 + p;
                // Check the validity of the
                // path and ensure there
                // is no collision
                if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows
                    && nextJ1 >= 0 && nextJ1 < cols
                    && nextJ2 >= 0 && nextJ2 < cols
                    && nextJ1 != nextJ2) {
                    int value
                        = Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ1]
                                   - power[i][j1])
                          + Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ2]
                                     - power[i][j2]);
                    // Recursively call for
                    // the next i, j1, and j2
                        += totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2,
                                      power, rows, cols);
                    // Take the minimum
                    mini = Math.min(mini, value);
        // return the answer
        return mini;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int power[][]
            = { { 2, 4, 6 }, { 8, 0, 10 }, { 6, 3, 9 } };
        int rows = power.length;
        int cols = power[0].length;
        // Function call
        System.out.println("Combined Minimum Power: "
                           + totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1,
                                        power, rows, cols));
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


def totalPower(i, j1, j2, power, rows, cols):
    # Base case: both "+" and "-" reach the last row
    if i == rows - 1:
        return 0
    mini = float('inf')
    # At each (i, j), there are 9 combined possibilities
    # 3 possibilities for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same for j2
    # Thus, a total of 3 * 3 possibilities
    for k in range(-1, 2):
        for p in range(-1, 2):
            nextI = i + 1
            nextJ1 = j1 + k
            nextJ2 = j2 + p
            # Check the validity of the path and ensure there is no collision
            if (
                0 <= nextI < rows
                and 0 <= nextJ1 < cols
                and 0 <= nextJ2 < cols
                and nextJ1 != nextJ2
                value = (
                    abs(power[nextI][nextJ1] - power[i][j1])
                    + abs(power[nextI][nextJ2] - power[i][j2])
                # Recursively call for the next i, j1, and j2
                value += totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols)
                # Take the minimum
                mini = min(mini, value)
    # return the answer
    return mini
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    power = [[2, 4, 6], [8, 0, 10], [6, 3, 9]]
    rows = len(power)
    cols = len(power[0])
    # Function call
    print("Combined Minimum Power:", totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols))
#This code is Contributed by chinmaya121221


using System;
class MainClass
    // Recursive function to calculate the combined minimum power
    static int TotalPower(int i, int j1, int j2, int[][] power, int rows, int cols)
        // Base case: If we reach the last row, return 0 (no additional power)
        if (i == rows - 1)
            return 0;
        int mini = int.MaxValue; // Initialize the minimum power as the maximum possible value
        // Iterate through the 9 possible combinations of j1 and j2 values (-1, 0, 1)
        for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
            for (int p = -1; p <= 1; p++)
                int nextI = i + 1;
                int nextJ1 = j1 + k;
                int nextJ2 = j2 + p;
                // Check the validity of the path and ensure no collision between j1 and j2
                if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows && nextJ1 >= 0
                    && nextJ1 < cols && nextJ2 >= 0
                    && nextJ2 < cols && nextJ1 != nextJ2)
                    // Calculate the power difference and add it to the value
                    int value = Math.Abs(power[nextI][nextJ1] - power[i][j1])
                               + Math.Abs(power[nextI][nextJ2] - power[i][j2]);
                    // Recursively call the function for the next row and updated j1 and j2
                    value += TotalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols);
                    // Update the minimum power if the current value is smaller
                    mini = Math.Min(mini, value);
        return mini; // Return the minimum power
// Driver code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Input power array
        int[][] power = new int[][] {
            new int[] { 2, 4, 6 },
            new int[] { 8, 0, 10 },
            new int[] { 6, 3, 9 }
        int rows = power.Length; // Number of rows in the power array
        int cols = power[0].Length; // Number of columns in the power array
        // Call the TotalPower function to find the combined minimum power and print the result
        Console.WriteLine("Combined Minimum Power: " + TotalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols));


// Javascript code for the above approach
function totalPower(i, j1, j2, power, rows, cols) {
    // Base case: both "+" and "-"
    // reach the last row
    if (i == rows - 1)
        return 0;
    let mini = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    // At each (i, j), there are 9
    // combined possibilities 3 possibilities
    // for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same
    // for j2 Thus, a total of 3 * 3
    // possibilities
    for (let k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
        for (let p = -1; p <= 1; p++) {
            let nextI = i + 1;
            let nextJ1 = j1 + k;
            let nextJ2 = j2 + p;
            // Check the validity of the
            // path and ensure there
            // is no collision
            if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows &&
                nextJ1 >= 0 && nextJ1 < cols &&
                nextJ2 >= 0 && nextJ2 < cols &&
                nextJ1 != nextJ2) {
                let value = Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ1] -
                        power[i][j1]) +
                    Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ2] -
                // Recursively call for
                // the next i, j1, and j2
                    += totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols);
                // Take the minimum
                mini = Math.min(mini, value);
    // return the answer
    return mini;
// Driver code
let power = [
    [2, 4, 6],
    [8, 0, 10],
    [6, 3, 9]
let rows = power.length;
let cols = power[0].length;
// Function call
console.log("Combined Minimum Power: " +
    totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols));
// This code is contributed by ragul21


Combined Minimum Power: 10

Complexity Analysis: 

  • Time Complexity: O(3n + 3n) The above solution may try all the possiable path in worst case. Therefore time complexity of the above solution is exponential.
  • Auxiliary Space: O(n) where n is recursion stack space.

Using Memoization :

Each state of the solution can be uniquely identified using three variables – rows,col1 & col2 (for both “+” and “-“) . So create a 3D array to store the value of each state to avoid recalculation of the same state.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int columns = 0;
int totalPower(int i, int j1, int j2, int power[][3], int rows, int cols, int memo[][3][3]) {
    // Base case: both "+" and "-" reach the last row
    if (i == rows - 1)
        return 0;
    // Check if the value is already calculated and stored in memo
    if (memo[i][j1][j2] != -1)
        return memo[i][j1][j2];
    int mini = INT_MAX;
    // At each (i, j), there are 9 combined possibilities
    // 3 possibilities for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same for j2
    // Thus, a total of 3 * 3 possibilities
    for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
        for (int p = -1; p <= 1; p++) {
            int nextI = i + 1;
            int nextJ1 = j1 + k;
            int nextJ2 = j2 + p;
            // Check the validity of the path and ensure there is no collision
            if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows && nextJ1 >= 0 && nextJ1 < cols && nextJ2 >= 0 && nextJ2 < cols && nextJ1 != nextJ2) {
                int value = abs(power[nextI][nextJ1] - power[i][j1]) + abs(power[nextI][nextJ2] - power[i][j2]);
                // Recursively call for the next i, j1, and j2
                value += totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols, memo);
                // Take the minimum
                mini = min(mini, value);
    // Store the calculated value in memo
    memo[i][j1][j2] = mini;
    // Return the answer
    return mini;
// Driver code
int main() {
    int power[][3] = {{2, 4, 6}, {8, 0, 10}, {6, 3, 9}};
    int rows = sizeof(power) / sizeof(power[0]);
    int cols = sizeof(power[0]) / sizeof(power[0][0]);
    columns = cols;
    int memo[rows][3][3];
    memset(memo, -1, sizeof(memo)); // Initialize memo with -1
    cout << "Combined Minimum Power: " << totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols, memo) << endl;
    return 0;


import java.util.Arrays;
public class MinimumCombinedPower {
    static int columns = 0;
    static int totalPower(int i, int j1, int j2, int[][] power, int rows, int cols, int[][][] memo) {
        // Base case: both "+" and "-" reach the last row
        if (i == rows - 1)
            return 0;
        // Check if the value is already calculated and stored in memo
        if (memo[i][j1][j2] != -1)
            return memo[i][j1][j2];
        int mini = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // At each (i, j), there are 9 combined possibilities
        // 3 possibilities for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same for j2
        // Thus, a total of 3 * 3 possibilities
        for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
            for (int p = -1; p <= 1; p++) {
                int nextI = i + 1;
                int nextJ1 = j1 + k;
                int nextJ2 = j2 + p;
                // Check the validity of the path and ensure there is no collision
                if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows && nextJ1 >= 0 && nextJ1 < cols && nextJ2 >= 0 && nextJ2 < cols && nextJ1 != nextJ2) {
                    int value = Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ1] - power[i][j1]) + Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ2] - power[i][j2]);
                    // Recursively call for the next i, j1, and j2
                    value += totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols, memo);
                    // Take the minimum
                    mini = Math.min(mini, value);
        // Store the calculated value in memo
        memo[i][j1][j2] = mini;
        // Return the answer
        return mini;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[][] power = {{2, 4, 6}, {8, 0, 10}, {6, 3, 9}};
        int rows = power.length;
        int cols = power[0].length;
        columns = cols;
        int[][][] memo = new int[rows][3][3];
        for (int[][] arr2D : memo) {
            for (int[] arr1D : arr2D) {
                Arrays.fill(arr1D, -1);
        System.out.println("Combined Minimum Power: " + totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols, memo));


def total_power(i, j1, j2, power, rows, cols, memo):
    # Base case: both "+" and "-" reach the last row
    if i == rows - 1:
        return 0
    # Check if the value is already calculated and stored in memo
    if memo[i][j1][j2] != -1:
        return memo[i][j1][j2]
    mini = float('inf')
    # At each (i, j), there are 9 combined possibilities
    # 3 possibilities for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same for j2
    # Thus, a total of 3 * 3 possibilities
    for k in range(-1, 2):
        for p in range(-1, 2):
            next_i = i + 1
            next_j1 = j1 + k
            next_j2 = j2 + p
            # Check the validity of the path and ensure there is no collision
            if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j1 < cols and 0 <= next_j2 < cols and next_j1 != next_j2:
                value = abs(power[next_i][next_j1] - power[i][j1]) + abs(power[next_i][next_j2] - power[i][j2])
                # Recursively call for the next i, j1, and j2
                value += total_power(next_i, next_j1, next_j2, power, rows, cols, memo)
                # Take the minimum
                mini = min(mini, value)
    # Store the calculated value in memo
    memo[i][j1][j2] = mini
    # Return the answer
    return mini
# Driver code
def main():
    power = [[2, 4, 6], [8, 0, 10], [6, 3, 9]]
    rows = len(power)
    cols = len(power[0])
    memo = [[[-1 for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(rows)]  # Initialize memo with -1
    print("Combined Minimum Power:", total_power(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols, memo))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This code is contributed by shivamgupta0987654321


using System;
class CombinedMinimumPower
    // Method to calculate the combined minimum power recursively
    static int TotalPower(int i, int j1, int j2, int[,] power, int rows, int cols, int[,,] memo)
        // Base case: If both "+" and "-" reach the last row, return 0
        if (i == rows - 1)
            return 0;
        // Check if the result is already memoized, return the memoized value
        if (memo[i, j1, j2] != -1)
            return memo[i, j1, j2];
        int mini = int.MaxValue;
        // Iterate through the 3x3 possible combinations for next positions
        for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
            for (int p = -1; p <= 1; p++)
                int nextI = i + 1;
                int nextJ1 = j1 + k;
                int nextJ2 = j2 + p;
                // Check if the next positions are within bounds and not colliding
                if (nextI >= 0 && nextI < rows && nextJ1 >= 0 && nextJ1 < cols && nextJ2 >= 0 && nextJ2 < cols && nextJ1 != nextJ2)
                    // Calculate the cost for the current combination
                    int value = Math.Abs(power[nextI, nextJ1] - power[i, j1]) + Math.Abs(power[nextI, nextJ2] - power[i, j2]);
                    value += TotalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols, memo); // Recursively calculate for next positions
                    mini = Math.Min(mini, value); // Update minimum cost
        memo[i, j1, j2] = mini; // Memoize the minimum cost for current positions
        return mini; // Return the minimum value
    // Initialize the memoization array with -1
    static int[,,] InitializeMemo(int rows, int cols1, int cols2)
        int[,,] memo = new int[rows, cols1, cols2];
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < cols1; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < cols2; k++)
                    memo[i, j, k] = -1;
        return memo;
    // Main method to initiate calculation
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int[,] power = { { 2, 4, 6 }, { 8, 0, 10 }, { 6, 3, 9 } };
        int rows = power.GetLength(0);
        int cols = power.GetLength(1);
        int[,,] memo = InitializeMemo(rows, cols, cols);
        // Calculate and print the combined minimum power
        Console.WriteLine("Combined Minimum Power: " + TotalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols, memo));


// Function to calculate the combined minimum power
function totalPower(i, j1, j2, power, rows, cols, memo) {
    // Base case: both "+" and "-" reach the last row
    if (i === rows - 1) {
        return 0;
    // Check if the value is already calculated and stored in memo
    if (memo[i][j1][j2] !== -1) {
        return memo[i][j1][j2];
    let mini = Infinity;
    // At each (i, j), there are 9 combined possibilities
    // 3 possibilities for j1 (from -1 to 1), and the same for j2
    // Thus, a total of 3 * 3 possibilities
    for (let k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
        for (let p = -1; p <= 1; p++) {
            const nextI = i + 1;
            const nextJ1 = j1 + k;
            const nextJ2 = j2 + p;
            // Check the validity of the path and ensure there is no collision
            if (
                nextI >= 0 &&
                nextI < rows &&
                nextJ1 >= 0 &&
                nextJ1 < cols &&
                nextJ2 >= 0 &&
                nextJ2 < cols &&
                nextJ1 !== nextJ2
            ) {
                const value =
                    Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ1] - power[i][j1]) +
                    Math.abs(power[nextI][nextJ2] - power[i][j2]);
                // Recursively call for the next i, j1, and j2
                const result = totalPower(nextI, nextJ1, nextJ2, power, rows, cols, memo);
                // Take the minimum
                mini = Math.min(mini, value + result);
    // Store the calculated value in memo
    memo[i][j1][j2] = mini;
    // Return the answer
    return mini;
// Driver code
function main() {
    const power = [[2, 4, 6], [8, 0, 10], [6, 3, 9]];
    const rows = power.length;
    const cols = power[0].length;
    const memo = new Array(rows).fill(null).map(() =>
    new Array(3).fill(null).map(() => new Array(3).fill(-1)));
    console.log("Combined Minimum Power: " +
    totalPower(0, 0, cols - 1, power, rows, cols, memo));


Combined Minimum Power: 10

Complexity Analysis: 

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of the given solution is O(N3), where N represents the number of columns in the power matrix. This is because, at each cell (i, j1, j2), we iterate over all possible combinations of j1 and j2.
  • Auxiliary Space: The space complexity of the given solution is O(N3) as well. This is because we use a 3D array memo to store the calculated values for each state (i, j1, j2), resulting in a space requirement of O(N3).

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