Minimum steps to make X equal to Y by performing increment or bitwise OR operation

Given two integers X and Y, the task is to find the minimum number of operations required to make X equal to Y by performing the given operations such that:

  1. X = X + 1
  2. Y = Y + 1
  3. X = X | Y


Input: X = 4, Y = 5
Output: 1
Explanation: Applying 1st operation one time X = X + 1 => 4 + 1 => 5 (Thus, both numbers become equal).

Input: X = 2, Y = 5
Output: 2
Explanation: Apply second operation on Y and then 3rd operation (bitwise OR with Y).
So first Y will become 6 and then 2|6 = 6 in second step.


Approach: The problem can be solved using bitwise techniques as per the following observation:   

  • Operation 3 should be applied only once, as (X | Y) is always greater than or equal to max(X, Y)
  • After operation 3, because of the reason mentioned the next operation (if needed) will always be incrementing Y by 1 to have minimum number of steps.
  • If operation 3 is not used at any time, answer  = Y – X.

Now to generalize the above idea in terms of formula and cost for each step :-
let’s say the initial value is given = (X, Y) -> and we would be calculating cost at each step as well.

  • Then Cost1 => 0, (initial cost)
  • The increased value = (newX, newY) (assume newX and newY as new values if they are increased some number of times)
    Then difference of increased value with original(initial) value) Cost2 = [(newX – Y) + (newY – Y)] 
  • Applying operation 3(only once as discussed above) on previous term X and Y will be [(newX | newY), newY]
    So cost for this will be Cost3 = Cost2 + 1\
  • After applying operation 2 on previous terms to make them equal, they will be [(newX | newY), (newX | newY)]
    Then Cost4 = Cost3 + (newX | newY – newY)(i.e, this would turn out to be cost for making newY equal to newX term)
  • Thus, overall cost after reducing terms would be = Cost2 + Cost3 + Cost4 = newX + (newX | newY) + [1 – X – Y].
  • Assuming the last term to be constant our final equation would turn out to be   =>   newX + (newX | newY)      
     [Reduced Term]

To minimize the overall cost, we have to minimize the reduced term. For doing so,  iterate over all possible values of newX and greedily find the value of newY. To construct newY, iterate from MSB(highest bit) to LSB(lowest bit). 

Follow the steps mentioned below to minimize the value of reduced term mentioned in the observation:

  • If the ith bit is set in newX, then:
    • If the bit is not set in Y, set bit in newY and break;
    • Else, set the bit in newY as well.
  • if the ith bit is not set in newX, then-
    • newY for that bit would be equal to Y for that bit.
  • In the end, compute the minimum for each iteration, and return the final minimum answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code to find the minimum
// number of steps to make
// first number equal to second
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to do required operation
int solve(int x, int y)
    // Initializing answer variable
    int answer = 0;
    // Can say that our default
    // answer would be y - x
    answer = y - x;
    // Iterating from x to y
    // for each newX
    for (int newX = x; newX <= y; newX++) {
        // Initialize newY to be 0
        int newY = 0;
        // Now, greedily try
        // to minimize (newX | newY)
        // while ensuring that newY >= y
        for (int i = 20; i >= 0; i--) {
            // Now, check for above
            // discussed two cases
            // If i'th bit is set in newX
            if ((newX & (1 << i))) {
                // If i'th bit is not set
                // in newY
                if (!(y & (1 << i))) {
                    // This makes newY >= y,
                    // along with minimizing
                    //(newX | newY)
                    newY += (1 << i);
                else {
                    // (newX | newY) will remain
                    // same set bit in newY
                    newY += (1 << i);
            // If i'th bit is not set
            // in newX
            else {
                if (y & (1 << i)) {
                    // Set bit in newY
                    newY += (1 << i);
                else {
                    // Continue or
                    // just add 0
                    newY += 0;
        // Computing minimum of each
        // iteration with generated formula
        answer = min(answer,
                     newX + (newX | newY)
                         + (1 - x - y));
    // Printing final answer
    return answer;
// Driver code
int main()
    // Taking input
    int X = 2, Y = 5;
    // Function call
    cout << solve(X, Y);
    return 0;


// Java code to find the minimum
// number of steps to make
// first number equal to second
class GFG {
  // Function to do required operation
  static int solve(int x, int y)
    // Initializing answer variable
    int answer = 0;
    // Can say that our default
    // answer would be y - x
    answer = y - x;
    // Iterating from x to y
    // for each newX
    for (int newX = x; newX <= y; newX++) {
      // Initialize newY to be 0
      int newY = 0;
      // Now, greedily try
      // to minimize (newX | newY)
      // while ensuring that newY >= y
      for (int i = 20; i >= 0; i--) {
        // Now, check for above
        // discussed two cases
        // If i'th bit is set in newX
        if ((newX & (1 << i)) != 0) {
          // If i'th bit is not set
          // in newY
          if ((y & (1 << i)) == 0) {
            // This makes newY >= y,
            // along with minimizing
            //(newX | newY)
            newY += (1 << i);
          else {
            // (newX | newY) will remain
            // same set bit in newY
            newY += (1 << i);
        // If i'th bit is not set
        // in newX
        else {
          if ((y & (1 << i)) != 0) {
            // Set bit in newY
            newY += (1 << i);
          else {
            // Continue or
            // just add 0
            newY += 0;
      // Computing minimum of each
      // iteration with generated formula
      answer = Math.min(answer, newX + (newX | newY)
                        + (1 - x - y));
    // Printing final answer
    return answer;
  // Driver code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    // Taking input
    int X = 2, Y = 5;
    // Function call
    System.out.print(solve(X, Y));
// This code is contributed by hrithikgarg03188.


# Python code for the above approach
# Function to do required operation
def solve(x, y):
    # Initializing answer variable
    answer = 0
    # Can say that our default
    # answer would be y - x
    answer = y - x;
    # Iterating from x to y
    # for each newX
    for newX in range(x,y+1):
        # Initialize newY to be 0
        newY = 0
        # Now, greedily try
        # to minimize (newX | newY)
        # while ensuring that newY >= y
        for i in range(20,-1,-1):
            # Now, check for above
            # discussed two cases
            # If i'th bit is set in newX
            if ((newX & (1 << i))):
                # If i'th bit is not set
                # in newY
                if (~(y & (1 << i))):
                    # This makes newY >= y,
                    # along with minimizing
                    #(newX | newY)
                    newY += (1 << i)
                    # (newX | newY) will remain
                    # same set bit in newY
                    newY += (1 << i)
            # If i'th bit is not set
            # in newX
                if (y & (1 << i)):
                    # Set bit in newY
                    newY += (1 << i)
                    # Continue or
                    # just add 0
                    newY += 0
        # Computing minimum of each
        # iteration with generated formula
        answer = min(answer,newX + (newX | newY) + (1 - x - y))
    # Printing final answer
    return answer
# Driver code
# Taking input
X,Y = 2,5
# function call
print(solve(X, Y))
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// C# code to find the minimum
// number of steps to make
// first number equal to second
using System;
class GFG {
  // Function to do required operation
  static int solve(int x, int y)
    // Initializing answer variable
    int answer = 0;
    // Can say that our default
    // answer would be y - x
    answer = y - x;
    // Iterating from x to y
    // for each newX
    for (int newX = x; newX <= y; newX++) {
      // Initialize newY to be 0
      int newY = 0;
      // Now, greedily try
      // to minimize (newX | newY)
      // while ensuring that newY >= y
      for (int i = 20; i >= 0; i--) {
        // Now, check for above
        // discussed two cases
        // If i'th bit is set in newX
        if ((newX & (1 << i)) != 0) {
          // If i'th bit is not set
          // in newY
          if ((y & (1 << i)) == 0) {
            // This makes newY >= y,
            // along with minimizing
            //(newX | newY)
            newY += (1 << i);
          else {
            // (newX | newY) will remain
            // same set bit in newY
            newY += (1 << i);
        // If i'th bit is not set
        // in newX
        else {
          if ((y & (1 << i)) != 0) {
            // Set bit in newY
            newY += (1 << i);
          else {
            // Continue or
            // just add 0
            newY += 0;
      // Computing minimum of each
      // iteration with generated formula
      answer = Math.Min(answer, newX + (newX | newY)
                        + (1 - x - y));
    // Printing final answer
    return answer;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main()
    // Taking input
    int X = 2, Y = 5;
    // Function call
    Console.Write(solve(X, Y));
// This code is contributed by Samim Hossain Mondal.


        // JavaScript code for the above approach
// Function to do required operation
function solve(x,  y)
    // Initializing answer variable
    let answer = 0;
    // Can say that our default
    // answer would be y - x
    answer = y - x;
    // Iterating from x to y
    // for each newX
    for (let newX = x; newX <= y; newX++) {
        // Initialize newY to be 0
        let newY = 0;
        // Now, greedily try
        // to minimize (newX | newY)
        // while ensuring that newY >= y
        for (let i = 20; i >= 0; i--) {
            // Now, check for above
            // discussed two cases
            // If i'th bit is set in newX
            if ((newX & (1 << i))) {
                // If i'th bit is not set
                // in newY
                if (!(y & (1 << i))) {
                    // This makes newY >= y,
                    // along with minimizing
                    //(newX | newY)
                    newY += (1 << i);
                else {
                    // (newX | newY) will remain
                    // same set bit in newY
                    newY += (1 << i);
            // If i'th bit is not set
            // in newX
            else {
                if (y & (1 << i)) {
                    // Set bit in newY
                    newY += (1 << i);
                else {
                    // Continue or
                    // just add 0
                    newY += 0;
        // Computing minimum of each
        // iteration with generated formula
        answer = Math.min(answer,
                     newX + (newX | newY)
                         + (1 - x - y));
    // Printing final answer
    return answer;
// Driver code
    // Taking input
    let X = 2, Y = 5;
    // Function call
    document.write(solve(X, Y));
   // This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh





Time Complexity: O(Y * logY)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)


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