Minimum number of operation required to convert number x into y

Given a initial number x and two operations which are given below: 

  1. Multiply number by 2.
  2. Subtract 1 from the number.

The task is to find out minimum number of operation required to convert number x into y using only above two operations. We can apply these operations any number of times.
1 <= x, y <= 1000


Input : x = 4, y = 7
Output : 2
We can transform x into y using following
two operations.
1. 4*2  = 8
2. 8-1  = 7

Input  : x = 2, y = 5
Output : 4
We can transform x into y using following
four operations.
1. 2*2  = 4
2. 4-1   = 3
3. 3*2  = 6
4. 6-1   = 5
Answer = 4
Note that other sequences of two operations 
would take more operations.

The idea is to use BFS for this. We run a BFS and create nodes by multiplying with 2 and subtracting by 1, thus we can obtain all possible numbers reachable from starting number. 
Important Points : 

  1. When we subtract 1 from a number and if it becomes < 0 i.e. Negative then there is no reason to create next node from it (As per input constraints, numbers x and y are positive). 
  2. Also, if we have already created a number then there is no reason to create it again. i.e. we maintain a visited array. 



// C++ program to find minimum number of steps needed
// to convert a number x into y with two operations
// allowed : (1) multiplication with 2 (2) subtraction
// with 1.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// A node of BFS traversal
struct node {
    int val;
    int level;
// Returns minimum number of operations
// needed to convert x into y using BFS
int minOperations(int x, int y)
    // To keep track of visited numbers
    // in BFS.
    set<int> visit;
    // Create a queue and enqueue x into it.
    queue<node> q;
    node n = { x, 0 };
    // Do BFS starting from x
    while (!q.empty()) {
        // Remove an item from queue
        node t = q.front();
        // If the removed item is target
        // number y, return its level
        if (t.val == y)
            return t.level;
        // Mark dequeued number as visited
        // If we can reach y in one more step
        if (t.val * 2 == y || t.val - 1 == y)
            return t.level + 1;
        // Insert children of t if not visited
        // already
        if (visit.find(t.val * 2) == visit.end()) {
            n.val = t.val * 2;
            n.level = t.level + 1;
        if (t.val - 1 >= 0
            && visit.find(t.val - 1) == visit.end()) {
            n.val = t.val - 1;
            n.level = t.level + 1;
// Driver code
int main()
    int x = 4, y = 7;
    cout << minOperations(x, y);
    return 0;


// Java program to find minimum
// number of steps needed to
// convert a number x into y
// with two operations allowed :
// (1) multiplication with 2
// (2) subtraction with 1.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;
class GFG {
    int val;
    int steps;
    public GFG(int val, int steps)
        this.val = val;
        this.steps = steps;
public class w3wiki {
    private static int minOperations(int src, int target)
        Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<>(1000);
        LinkedList<GFG> queue = new LinkedList<GFG>();
        GFG node = new GFG(src, 0);
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            GFG temp = queue.poll();
            if(visited.contains(temp.val)) {
            if (temp.val == target) {
                return temp.steps;
            int mul = temp.val * 2;
            int sub = temp.val - 1;
            // given constraints
            if (mul > 0 && mul < 1000) {
                GFG nodeMul = new GFG(mul, temp.steps + 1);
            if (sub > 0 && sub < 1000) {
                GFG nodeSub = new GFG(sub, temp.steps + 1);
        return -1;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // int x = 2, y = 5;
        int x = 4, y = 7;
        GFG src = new GFG(x, y);
        System.out.println(minOperations(x, y));
// This code is contributed by Rahul


# Python3 program to find minimum number of
# steps needed to convert a number x into y
# with two operations allowed :
# (1) multiplication with 2
# (2) subtraction with 1.
import queue
# A node of BFS traversal
class node:
    def __init__(self, val, level):
        self.val = val
        self.level = level
# Returns minimum number of operations
# needed to convert x into y using BFS
def minOperations(x, y):
    # To keep track of visited numbers
    # in BFS.
    visit = set()
    # Create a queue and enqueue x into it.
    q = queue.Queue()
    n = node(x, 0)
    # Do BFS starting from x
    while (not q.empty()):
        # Remove an item from queue
        t = q.get()
        # If the removed item is target
        # number y, return its level
        if (t.val == y):
            return t.level
        # Mark dequeued number as visited
        # If we can reach y in one more step
        if (t.val * 2 == y or t.val - 1 == y):
            return t.level+1
        # Insert children of t if not visited
        # already
        if (t.val * 2 not in visit):
            n.val = t.val * 2
            n.level = t.level + 1
        if (t.val - 1 >= 0 and t.val - 1 not in visit):
            n.val = t.val - 1
            n.level = t.level + 1
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = 4
    y = 7
    print(minOperations(x, y))
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


// C# program to find minimum
// number of steps needed to
// convert a number x into y
// with two operations allowed :
// (1) multiplication with 2
// (2) subtraction with 1.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG {
    public int val;
    public int steps;
    public GFG(int val, int steps)
        this.val = val;
        this.steps = steps;
public class w3wiki {
    private static int minOperations(int src, int target)
        HashSet<GFG> visited = new HashSet<GFG>(1000);
        List<GFG> queue = new List<GFG>();
        GFG node = new GFG(src, 0);
        while (queue.Count != 0) {
            GFG temp = queue[0];
            if (temp.val == target) {
                return temp.steps;
            int mul = temp.val * 2;
            int sub = temp.val - 1;
            // given constraints
            if (mul > 0 && mul < 1000) {
                GFG nodeMul = new GFG(mul, temp.steps + 1);
            if (sub > 0 && sub < 1000) {
                GFG nodeSub = new GFG(sub, temp.steps + 1);
        return -1;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // int x = 2, y = 5;
        int x = 4, y = 7;
        GFG src = new GFG(x, y);
        Console.WriteLine(minOperations(x, y));
// This code is contributed by aashish1995


// JavaScript program to find minimum number of
// steps needed to convert a number x into y
// with two operations allowed :
// (1) multiplication with 2
// (2) subtraction with 1.
// A node of BFS traversal
class node {
constructor(val, level) {
this.val = val;
this.level = level;
// Returns minimum number of operations
// needed to convert x into y using BFS
function minOperations(x, y) {
// To keep track of visited numbers
// in BFS.
const visit = new Set();
// Create a queue and enqueue x into it.
const q = [];
const n = new node(x, 0);
// Do BFS starting from x
while (q.length > 0) {
// Remove an item from queue
const t = q.shift();
// If the removed item is target
// number y, return its level
if (t.val == y) {
  return t.level;
// Mark dequeued number as visited
// If we can reach y in one more step
if (t.val * 2 == y || t.val - 1 == y) {
  return t.level + 1;
// Insert children of t if not visited
// already
if (!visit.has(t.val * 2)) {
  n.val = t.val * 2;
  n.level = t.level + 1;
  q.push(Object.assign({}, n));
if (t.val - 1 >= 0 && !visit.has(t.val - 1)) {
  n.val = t.val - 1;
  n.level = t.level + 1;
  q.push(Object.assign({}, n));
// Driver code
const x = 4;
const y = 7;
console.log(minOperations(x, y));
// This code is contributed by lokeshpotta20.



Optimized solution:

In the second approach, we will check the least most bit of the number and take a decision according to the value of that bit.

Instead of converting x into y, we will convert y into x and will reverse the operations which will take the same number of operations as converting x into y.

So, reversed operations for y will be:

  1. Divide number by 2
  2. Increment number by 1



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int min_operations(int x, int y) {
    // If both are equal then return 0
    if (x == y)
        return 0;
    // Check if conversion is possible or not
    if (x <= 0 && y > 0)
        return -1;
    // If x > y then we can just increase y by 1
    // Therefore return the number of increments required
    if (x > y)
        return x - y;
    // If last bit is odd
    // then increment y so that we can make it even
    if (y & 1)
        return 1 + min_operations(x, y + 1);
    // If y is even then divide it by 2 to make it closer to
    // x
        return 1 + min_operations(x, y / 2);
// Driver code
signed main() {
    cout << min_operations(4, 7) << endl;
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
int min_operations(int x, int y)
    // If both are equal then return 0
    if (x == y)
        return 0;
    // Check if conversion is possible or not
    if (x <= 0 && y > 0)
        return -1;
    // If x > y then we can just increase y by 1
    // Therefore return the number of increments required
    if (x > y)
        return x - y;
    // If last bit is odd
    // then increment y so that we can make it even
    if (y & 1)
        return 1 + min_operations(x, y + 1);
    // If y is even then divide it by 2 to make it closer to
    // x
        return 1 + min_operations(x, y / 2);
// Driver code
signed main()
    printf("%d", min_operations(4, 7));
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Rohit Pradhan


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
class GFG
    static int minOperations(int x, int y)
        // If both are equal then return 0
        if (x == y)
            return 0;
        // Check if conversion is possible or not
        if (x <= 0 && y > 0)
            return -1;
        // If x > y then we can just increase y by 1
        // Therefore return the number of increments
        // required
        if (x > y)
            return x - y;
        // If last bit is odd
        // then increment y so that we can make it even
        if (y % 2 != 0)
            return 1 + minOperations(x, y + 1);
        // If y is even then divide it by 2 to make it
        // closer to x
            return 1 + minOperations(x, y / 2);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println(minOperations(4, 7));
// This code is contributed by Shobhit Yadav


def min_operations(x, y):
    # If both are equal then return 0
    if x == y:
        return 0
    # Check if conversion is possible or not
    if x <= 0 and y > 0:
        return -1
    # If x > y then we can just increase y by 1
    # Therefore return the number of increments required
    if x > y:
        return a-b
    # If last bit is odd
    # then increment y so that we can make it even
    if y & 1 == 1:
        return 1+min_operations(x, y+1)
    # If y is even then divide it by 2 to make it closer to x
        return 1+min_operations(x, y//2)
# Driver code
print(min_operations(4, 7))


using System;
class GFG {
  static int min_operations(int x, int y)
    // If both are equal then return 0
    if (x == y)
      return 0;
    // Check if conversion is possible or not
    if (x <= 0 && y > 0)
      return -1;
    // If x > y then we can just increase y by 1
    // Therefore return the number of increments
    // required
    if (x > y)
      return x - y;
    // If last bit is odd
    // then increment y so that we can make it even
    if (y % 2 == 1)
      return 1 + min_operations(x, y + 1);
    // If y is even then divide it by 2 to make it
    // closer to
    // x
      return 1 + min_operations(x, y / 2);
  // Driver code
  public static int Main()
    Console.WriteLine(min_operations(4, 7));
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Taranpreet


function min_operations(x,y)
    // If both are equal then return 0
    if (x == y)
        return 0;
    // Check if conversion is possible or not
    if (x <= 0 && y > 0)
        return -1;
    // If x > y then we can just increase y by 1
    // Therefore return the number of increments required
    if (x > y)
        return x - y;
    // If last bit is odd
    // then increment y so that we can make it even
    if (y & 1)
        return 1 + min_operations(x, y + 1);
    // If y is even then divide it by 2 to make it closer to
    // x
        return 1 + min_operations(x, y / 2);
// Driver code
document.write(min_operations(4, 7));
// This code is contributed by Taranpreet



Time complexity:O(Y-X), where X, Y is the given number in the problem. 

Space complexity: O(1), since no extra space used.

The optimized solution is contributed by BurningTiles.  

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