Minimize operations to reduce N to 2 by repeatedly reducing by 3 or dividing by 5

Given a positive integer N, the task is to find the minimum number of operations needed to convert N to 2 either by decrementing N by 3 or dividing N by 5 if N is divisible by 5. If it is not possible to reduce N to 2, then print “-1”.


Input: N =10
Output: 1
Following are the operations performed to reduce N to 2:

  1. Dividing N by 5, reduces N to 10/5 = 2.

After the above operations, N is reduced to 2. Therefore, the minimum number of operations required is 1.

Input: N = 25
Output: 2

Approach: The given problem can be solved by using Dynamic Programming, the idea is to start iterating from 2 and perform both the operations in a reverse manner i.e., instead of subtracting, perform addition of 3 and instead of dividing, perform multiplication with 5 at every state and store the minimum number of operations for every possible value of N in the array dp[].

If the value of N is reached, then print the value of dp[N] as the minimum number of operations. Otherwise, print -1. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Initialize an auxiliary array, say dp[] of size (N + 1), and initialize all array elements with INT_MAX.
  • Set the value of dp[2] equal to 0.
  • Iterate over the range [0, N], and update the value of dp[i] as:
    • dp[i * 5] = min(dp[i * 5], dp[i] + 1).
    • dp[i + 3] = min(dp[i + 3], dp[i] + 1).
  • If the value of dp[N] is INT_MAX, then print -1. Otherwise, print dp[N] as the result.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the minimum number
// of operations to reduce N to 2 by
// dividing N by 5 or decrementing by 3
int minimumOperations(int N)
    // Initialize the dp array
    int dp[N + 1];
    int i;
    // Initialize the array dp[]
    for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
        dp[i] = 1e9;
    // For N = 2 number of operations
    // needed is zero
    dp[2] = 0;
    // Iterating over the range [1, N]
    for (i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
        // If it's not possible to
        // create current N
        if (dp[i] == 1e9)
        // Multiply with 5
        if (i * 5 <= N) {
            dp[i * 5] = min(dp[i * 5],
                            dp[i] + 1);
        // Adding the value 3
        if (i + 3 <= N) {
            dp[i + 3] = min(dp[i + 3],
                            dp[i] + 1);
    // Checking if not possible to
    // make the number as 2
    if (dp[N] == 1e9)
        return -1;
    // Return the minimum number
    // of operations
    return dp[N];
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 25;
    cout << minimumOperations(N);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
class GFG {
    // Function to find the minimum number
    // of operations to reduce N to 2 by
    // dividing N by 5 or decrementing by 3
    static int minimumOperations(int N)
        // Initialize the dp array
        int[] dp = new int[N + 1];
        int i;
        // Initialize the array dp[]
        for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
            dp[i] = (int)1e9;
        // For N = 2 number of operations
        // needed is zero
        dp[2] = 0;
        // Iterating over the range [1, N]
        for (i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
            // If it's not possible to
            // create current N
            if (dp[i] == (int)1e9)
            // Multiply with 5
            if (i * 5 <= N) {
                dp[i * 5] = Math.min(dp[i * 5], dp[i] + 1);
            // Adding the value 3
            if (i + 3 <= N) {
                dp[i + 3] = Math.min(dp[i + 3], dp[i] + 1);
        // Checking if not possible to
        // make the number as 2
        if (dp[N] == 1e9)
            return -1;
        // Return the minimum number
        // of operations
        return dp[N];
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 25;
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


// C# program for above approach
using System;
class GFG{
    // Function to find the minimum number
    // of operations to reduce N to 2 by
    // dividing N by 5 or decrementing by 3
    static int minimumOperations(int N)
        // Initialize the dp array
        int[] dp = new int[N + 1];
        int i;
        // Initialize the array dp[]
        for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
            dp[i] = (int)1e9;
        // For N = 2 number of operations
        // needed is zero
        dp[2] = 0;
        // Iterating over the range [1, N]
        for (i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
            // If it's not possible to
            // create current N
            if (dp[i] == (int)1e9)
            // Multiply with 5
            if (i * 5 <= N) {
                dp[i * 5] = Math.Min(dp[i * 5], dp[i] + 1);
            // Adding the value 3
            if (i + 3 <= N) {
                dp[i + 3] = Math.Min(dp[i + 3], dp[i] + 1);
        // Checking if not possible to
        // make the number as 2
        if (dp[N] == 1e9)
            return -1;
        // Return the minimum number
        // of operations
        return dp[N];
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 25;
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.


    // JavaScript Program for the above approach
    // Function to find the minimum number
    // of operations to reduce N to 2 by
    // dividing N by 5 or decrementing by 3
    function minimumOperations(N)
        // Initialize the dp array
        let dp = new Array(N + 1);
        let i;
        // Initialize the array dp[]
        for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
            dp[i] = 1e9;
        // For N = 2 number of operations
        // needed is zero
        dp[2] = 0;
        // Iterating over the range [1, N]
        for (i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
            // If it's not possible to
            // create current N
            if (dp[i] == 1e9)
            // Multiply with 5
            if (i * 5 <= N) {
                dp[i * 5] = Math.min(dp[i * 5], dp[i] + 1);
            // Adding the value 3
            if (i + 3 <= N) {
                dp[i + 3] = Math.min(dp[i + 3], dp[i] + 1);
        // Checking if not possible to
        // make the number as 2
        if (dp[N] == 1e9)
            return -1;
        // Return the minimum number
        // of operations
        return dp[N];
    // Driver Code
    let N = 25;
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.


# Python 3 program for the above approach
# Function to find the minimum number
# of operations to reduce N to 2 by
# dividing N by 5 or decrementing by 3
def minimumOperations(N):
    # Initialize the dp array
    dp = [0 for i in range(N + 1)]
    # Initialize the array dp[]
    for i in range(N+1):
        dp[i] = 1000000000
    # For N = 2 number of operations
    # needed is zero
    dp[2] = 0
    # Iterating over the range [1, N]
    for i in range(2,N+1,1):
        # If it's not possible to
        # create current N
        if (dp[i] == 1000000000):
        # Multiply with 5
        if (i * 5 <= N):
            dp[i * 5] = min(dp[i * 5], dp[i] + 1)
        # Adding the value 3
        if (i + 3 <= N):
            dp[i + 3] = min(dp[i + 3], dp[i] + 1)
    # Checking if not possible to
    # make the number as 2
    if (dp[N] == 1000000000):
        return -1
    # Return the minimum number
    # of operations
    return dp[N]
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 25




Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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