Minimize operations required to obtain N

Given an integer N, the task is to obtain N, starting from 1 using minimum number of operations. The operations that can be performed in one step are as follows:

  • Multiply the number by 2.
  • Multiply the number by 3.
  • Add 1 to the number.


Input: N = 5 
Starting value: x = 1

  • Multiply x by 2 : x = 2
  • Multiply x by 2 : x = 4
  • Add 1 to x : x = 5

Therefore, the minimum number of operations required = 3

Input: N = 15 
3 operations required to obtain x = 5. 
Multiply x by 3 : x = 15. 
Therefore, the minimum number of operations required = 4 

The idea is to use the concept of Dynamic Programming. Follow the steps below:

  • If minimum operations to obtain any number smaller than N is known, then minimum operations to obtain N can be calculated.
  • Create the following lookup table:

 dp[i] = Minimum number of operations to obtain i from 1 

  • So for any number x, minimum operations required to obtain x can be calculated as:

 dp[x] = min(dp[x-1], dp[x/2], dp[x/3])

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the minimum number
// of operations
int minOperations(int n)
    // Storing the minimum operations
    // to obtain all numbers up to N
    int dp[n + 1];
    // Initial state
    dp[1] = 0;
    // Iterate for the remaining numbers
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        dp[i] = INT_MAX;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 2
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            int x = dp[i / 2];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i]) {
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 3
        if (i % 3 == 0) {
            int x = dp[i / 3];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i]) {
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // Obtaining the number by adding 1
        int x = dp[i - 1];
        if (x + 1 < dp[i]) {
            dp[i] = x + 1;
    // Return the minm operations
    // to obtain n
    return dp[n];
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 15;
    cout << minOperations(n);
    return 0;


class GFG{
// Function to find the minimum number
// of operations
static int minOperations(int n)
    // Storing the minimum operations
    // to obtain all numbers up to N
    int dp[] = new int[n + 1];
    // Initial state
    dp[1] = 0;
    // Iterate for the remaining numbers
    for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        dp[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 2
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            int x = dp[i / 2];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i])
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 3
        if (i % 3 == 0)
            int x = dp[i / 3];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i])
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // Obtaining the number by adding 1
        int x = dp[i - 1];
        if (x + 1 < dp[i])
            dp[i] = x + 1;
    // Return the minm operations
    // to obtain n
    return dp[n];
// Driver Code
public static void main (String []args)
    int n = 15;
    System.out.print( minOperations(n));
// This code is contributed by chitranayal


import sys
# Function to find the minimum number
# of operations
def minOperations(n):
    # Storing the minimum operations
    # to obtain all numbers up to N
    dp = [sys.maxsize] * (n + 1)
    # Initial state
    dp[1] = 0
    # Iterate for the remaining numbers
    for i in range(2, n + 1):
        # If the number can be obtained
        # by multiplication by 2
        if i % 2 == 0:
            x = dp[i // 2]
            if x + 1 < dp[i]:
                dp[i] = x + 1
        # If the number can be obtained
        # by multiplication by 3
        if i % 3 == 0:
            x = dp[i // 3]
            if x + 1 < dp[i]:
                dp[i] = x + 1
        # Obtaining the number by adding 1
        x = dp[i - 1]
        if x + 1 < dp[i]:
            dp[i] = x + 1
    # Return the minimum operations
    # to obtain n
    return dp[n]
# Driver code
n = 15
# This code is contributed by Stuti Pathak


using System;
class GFG{
// Function to find the minimum number
// of operations
static int minOperations(int n)
    // Storing the minimum operations
    // to obtain all numbers up to N
    int []dp = new int[n + 1];
    int x;
    // Initial state
    dp[1] = 0;
    // Iterate for the remaining numbers
    for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        dp[i] = int.MaxValue;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 2
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            x = dp[i / 2];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i])
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 3
        if (i % 3 == 0)
            x = dp[i / 3];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i])
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // Obtaining the number by adding 1
        x = dp[i - 1];
        if (x + 1 < dp[i])
            dp[i] = x + 1;
    // Return the minm operations
    // to obtain n
    return dp[n];
// Driver Code
public static void Main (string []args)
    int n = 15;
// This code is contributed by rock_cool


// Function to find the minimum number
// of operations
function minOperations(n)
    // Storing the minimum operations
    // to obtain all numbers up to N
    let dp = new Array(n + 1);
    // Initial state
    dp[1] = 0;
    // Iterate for the remaining numbers
    for(let i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        dp[i] = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 2
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            let x = dp[parseInt(i / 2, 10)];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i])
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // If the number can be obtained
        // by multiplication by 3
        if (i % 3 == 0)
            let x = dp[parseInt(i / 3, 10)];
            if (x + 1 < dp[i])
                dp[i] = x + 1;
        // Obtaining the number by adding 1
        let x = dp[i - 1];
        if (x + 1 < dp[i])
            dp[i] = x + 1;
    // Return the minm operations
    // to obtain n
    return dp[n];
// Driver code
let n = 15;
// This code is contributed by divyesh072019




Time Complexity: O(N) 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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