Minimize length of a string by removing pairs of consecutive increasing or decreasing digits

Given a numeric string S consisting of N digits, the task is to find the minimum length of the string that can be formed by repeatedly removing pairs of adjacent consecutive characters arranged in either increasing or decreasing order.


Input: S = “12213”
Output: 1
The minimum length of the string S that can be obtained by removing elements in following way:

  1. Remove substring {S[0], S[1]}. The string S modifies to “213”
  2. Remove substring {S[0], S[1]}. The string S modifies to “3”

Therefore, the length of the string S is 1, which is the minimum possible length.

Input: S = “1350”
Output: 4

Approach: The given problem can be solved using the Stack Data Structure. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of this approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the minimum length
// of the string possible after removing
// pairs of consecutive digits
int minLength(string S)
    // Initialize the stack st
    stack<char> st;
    // Traverse the string S
    for (auto ch : S) {
        // If the stack is empty
        if (st.empty())
        // Otherwise
        else {
            // Get the top character
            // of the stack
            char top =;
            // If cha and top are
            // consecutive digits
            if (abs(ch - top) == 1)
            // Otherwise, push the
            // character ch
            else {
    // Print the size of the stack
    return st.size();
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "12213";
    cout << minLength(S);
    return 0;


// java program for the above approach
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    // Function to find the minimum length
    // of the string possible after removing
    // pairs of consecutive digits
    static int minLength(String S)
        // Initialize the stack st
        Stack<Character> st = new Stack<>();
        // Traverse the string S
        for (char ch : S.toCharArray()) {
            // If the stack is empty
            if (st.isEmpty())
            // Otherwise
            else {
                // Get the top character
                // of the stack
                char top = st.peek();
                // If cha and top are
                // consecutive digits
                if (Math.abs(ch - top) == 1)
                // Otherwise, push the
                // character ch
                else {
        // Print the size of the stack
        return st.size();
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String S = "12213";
// This code is contributed by Kingash.


# Python 3 program for the above approach
# Function to find the minimum length
# of the string possible after removing
# pairs of consecutive digits
def minLength(S):
    # Initialize the stack st
    st = []
    # Traverse the string S
    for ch in S:
        # If the stack is empty
        if (len(st) == 0):
        # Otherwise
            # Get the top character
            # of the stack
            top = st[-1]
            # If cha and top are
            # consecutive digits
            if (abs(ord(ch) - ord(top)) == 1):
            # Otherwise, push the
            # character ch
    # Print the size of the stack
    return len(st)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    S = "12213"
    # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to find the minimum length
// of the string possible after removing
// pairs of consecutive digits
static int minLength(String S)
    // Initialize the stack st
    Stack<char> st = new Stack<char>();
    // Traverse the string S
    foreach (char ch in S.ToCharArray())
        // If the stack is empty
        if (st.Count == 0)
        // Otherwise
            // Get the top character
            // of the stack
            char top = st.Peek();
            // If cha and top are
            // consecutive digits
            if (Math.Abs(ch - top) == 1)
            // Otherwise, push the
            // character ch
    // Print the size of the stack
    return st.Count;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String S = "12213";
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// JavaScript program for the above approach
// Function to find the minimum length
// of the string possible after removing
// pairs of consecutive digits
function minLength(S)
    // Initialize the stack st
    var st = [];
    // Traverse the string S
    S.split('').forEach(ch => {
        // If the stack is empty
        if (st.length==0)
        // Otherwise
        else {
            // Get the top character
            // of the stack
            var top =st[st.length-1];
            // If cha and top are
            // consecutive digits
            if (Math.abs(ch - top) == 1)
            // Otherwise, push the
            // character ch
            else {
    // Print the size of the stack
    return st.length;
// Driver Code
var S = "12213";
document.write( minLength(S));




Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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