Microsoft Student Chapter Interview Experience

It was for Microsoft Student Chapter (MSC) at my university VIT,AP. MSC is regarded as one of the premium chapters of the university. So after a written exam round I finally landed in the interview round so, here is my experience:

It started with the question why do you think you should be the perfect fit for the chapter?

  • How would you contribute to the club?
  • Why do you want to join the club?

There were two interviewers and they were quite friendly in nature.( was a senior Praise Paul)
After that I was asked some technical questions as I applied for the technical team the questions were related to the programming language (python), About sorting an array then, and a few more questions like how can you use your programming language to solve real-world problems?

Then the interviewer asked can you tell me any current problem in our university which is there and can be sorted out? I was also aksed about the solution to that very problem.

Overall it was a nice experience and finally, I was selected for the position.

Submitted by:

Adarsh Singh.

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