Microsoft Interview Interview Experience for Full Time

Microsoft Visited our campus for full time and internships.

Round 1 (online Test) : it was a 90 min coding round hosted on cocubes. Three questions were asked

(3 Marks): construct a binary search tree with the help of given post order traversal.

Tips :- Solve the questions with calm mind. Don’t stress yourself during test because you have to do 3 coding questions in 90 minutes. Don’t spend too much time on any question if you are not able to do it in the first attempt.

I would suggest you to write code again if you have time rather then finding bugs for more then 10 min.

Microsoft give preference to girls and pointers. Cut off for boys was 7/10 while some of the girls with 5/10 marks and good pointer was also shortlisted.

Round 2 (Group Test) : 77 candidates were shortlisted for group test. In contrast to their traditional second round i.e. group fly. Second round was a group test. All students were asked to write the code for two question on paper in one hour. The questions were given in 30 min gap.  Unlike group fly round you just have to write the code.

(instead of nextRight we have to link nextLeft)

(even the test case was same ? )


  1. Your code must be neat and clean.
  2. Use proper indentation.
  3. Use as many comments as possible.
  4. Dry run your code
  5. Write time and space complexity of your approach.
  6. your approach must be easily understood.

Trust me, they evaluate the candidates on above points only. 16 Candidates were selected in this round.


Round 3 (Technical Round 1) :

Interviewers took a short introduction of me. After that, he asked me to explain one of my Machine learning project. After 15 min. of discussion he asked me a coding question:

Given a binary search tree, a value M and another integer K. We have to find K such node data from the binary search tree whose difference from M is minimum.

I told him a approach using max heap. He asked me to code the approach. I asked him to give me some time so that i could find a better efficient approach taking in account that the tree is BST for the same. But i was unable to rectify the better approach, i just told him my intuition . later he asked me to code the solution using heap only. he took a look on my code and asked me to go.

All other interviewer were asking two or three coding question to the candidates, so i was unsure about my performance in the interview.


  1. In interview, reaching to the final solution is not important. They just want to see how you approach to the problem.
  2. Take care of boundary condition,
  3. Try to make use of every single detail given in problem.
  4. Try to understand the problem.
  5. you must think loudly

Round 4 (Technical Round 2) :

12 candidates make it to TR 2 .

Second TR was my best interview of all three. The interviewer was very interactive. He asked whether i m satisfied with my first interview. Which question was asked in that round? and if i am satisfied with my approach i gave in first round. I replied i can give a better approach now. But after checking my feedback from first interviewers he ask me to stop and start working on a new problem.

Although, i have done this question many times, but due to nervousness i was unable to recall the solution. I tried solving the question using basic programming logics. Interviewers also guide me on the way. With the help of interviewer, i was able to write an efficient approach.

He was impressed and was extremely satisfied with me and my CV. he said i m on perfectly right track when i asked if there is anything i can improve.

Interview last 40 min and he asked me to wait for third round.

Round 5 (Technical Round 3) :

Third round was taken by a senior technical member of Microsoft. She was focusing on the attitudes of candidates along with their technical aspects. only 10 candidates reached to third round. Some had an additional review round after TR 2 to get into TR 3.

The interview starts with the basic introduction. She asked me my favorite subject. I answered DS and ADA. She asked me the reason for it. Later, She asked me some questions from OS i.e..

What is memory management?

What is cache? what are the used of cache.

Demand Paging. Their use.

Although my answers was not to the point. But i was somehow able to explain the concept. she didn’t look much satisfied. Then she asked one coding question ie.

I gave her the efficient approach and explained it well to her. She asked me to write the code and then to explain it.

and my interview as over. it last for 30 mins. i was the second person reached to third round.


  1. While writing code take care of boundary condition and clean code
  2. It would be better if you explain each and everything you are writing on paper
  3. You must be hard working or present yourself as one.
  4. They need technical enthusiast. so make sure you present yourself like that only.

6 Candidates were selected after 3rd round. I am one of them. and hence MANIT has bagged 9 (6 + 3(PPO) ) selection in microsoft in academic year 2018-19.  ?


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