Microsoft Interview Experience | Set 112 (For 4.5 Years Experienced)

Round 1:

Round 2:

  1. Spam Filter design
  2. LCA of Binary Tree
  3. LCA of BST

Round 3:

  1. Number between twin primes is divisible by 6 or not. Proove it
  2. Question on Threads
  3. Scheduler Design

Round 4:

  1. Detect Misspelled localities from the 1000s of given addresses
  2. Data structure design for ‘Auto complete feature for search of file names’
  3. A 2D matrix of size mxn is given. User will select 4 positions in matrix. Determine those positions are contiguous or not. Contiguous can be in terms of Row-wise, column-wise, diagonal-wise.

All Practice Problems for Microsoft !

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