Microsoft Interview Experience for Software Engineer | 1 Year Experienced

Applied via employee referral. Got a call for interview rounds after 1.5 months from date of applying on portal.

Round 1(Codility Screening Round): 2 questions to be solved within 60 minutes.

Got confirmation within a day that I have been shortlisted for further rounds

Round 2(Technical Interview 1): Taken by Software Engineer with around 2-3 years experience. 

  1. All 4 pillars of OOPS
  2. Difference between Linked List and Arrays
  3. Reverse a Linked List
  4. Difference between Queue and Priority Queue
  5. Given a few tables which have some values linking few rows across tables, write a functional code to print the entry with highest priority. (Main focus here was on creating classes with modular and well defined structures, usage of correct data structures at right point [HashMap, ArrayList, PriorityQueue] and clean coding)

Round 3(Technical Interview 2): Taken by Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience.

  1. Detailed discussion about current work and tech stack.
  2. Add two binary strings that have been represented using Linked Lists (variation of
  3. Search for a word. (Trie based approach. Only asked for approach, did not ask to code)
  4. Discussion on Multi-Threading, Mutual Exclusion, Design Patterns in Java, Inheritance vs Interfaces, Synchronization, Producer-Consumer problem

Got call from recruiter that I had cleared both technical interviews and that my final round would be conducted in a couple of days.

Round 4(Manager Round): Taken by Engineering Manager with 20+ years of experience. After a quick introduction about myself, I was asked about

  1. Reason for changing job
  2. A time when you took feedback from peers constructively
  3. Toughest assignment you have been involved in
  4. Discussion about current projects and tech stack
  5. (only asked about choice of data structure and time complexity)
  6. (only asked about choice of data structure and time complexity)

Got a call from recruiter the same day saying that I had been selected for the role. 


  1. Focus on basics. DSA, OOPS, OS
  2. Show willingness and eagerness to learn and collaborate in technical interviews.
  3. Don’t lose faith and trust your preparation. I had previously been rejected by multiple product-based companies during campus placement and also during my off-campus attempts.
  4. Maintain a good connection with your assigned recruiter/HR. This shows an eagerness from your side and he/she can really guide you through the ins and outs of the process very well.

Above all, believe in yourself. 

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