Microsoft Interview Experience for SDE Internship 2020

Round 1:

In the first round, the participant was given to conduct online coding test on  There were three coding problems.  Two of them were easy, based on Strings as far as I recollect.  The last question was based on sequences on array.  I used Python to solve them.

Test cases were pretty tight.  One of them was a critical test case, which analyzed the complexity of your solution.  The critical test case needed effective solution to pass.  Problems were easy, not much difficult stuff (Simple strings and array).

Round 2:

The second round was online interview conducted on Skype.  The interviewer was IIT Delhi alumni (so, you can predict the interview level).  It was a technical interview. The scope of syllabus was unknown so they can ask you stuff not yet covered in your semesters.  In my case the first question was, differentiate threads and processes based on OS theory.  I failed to answer, as OS was to be covered in sixth semester.  Next question was, sort two arrays by comparing array elements (compare element of one array with the other array).  This was out of my thinking, so I failed to answer.  Next question was, print the skeleton of binary tree (one perfect algorithm, no patch work).  We needed to come up with a algorithm on-site.  This was unique as all sites feature code which are broken into two parts.  The last question was on building queue from any no. of stacks. (The hint is no. of stacks required is 2). For dequeue simply pop elements of stack, insert element and again push to stack.  For enqueue, simply push element onto stack.

Round 3:

I was rejected in Round 2.  So couldn’t appear in Round 3.  Round 3 was on-site interview with HR and technical.


Be thoroughly prepared as questions asked in Round 2 and Round 3 will be out of your league.  Be prepared to face them.  Only one well versed in International courses and having depth of topics can crack it.




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