Microsoft Engage Interview Experience for Internship

Hello Beginner!  With almost everything shifting to online mode, Microsoft also hires its interns via a special program called Microsoft Engage Program. In this article, I’ll be telling you about my interview experience about the same. Microsoft Engage is a mentorship program for engineering sophomores. There are 3 rounds before you get selected: 

  • Resume Screening
  • Technical Questions
  • Subjective Question

In case you go through, you are selected for the program. During 4 weeks, you have to build a full-fledged working prototype of the topic given to you, which is then judged by experts, and you are provided an interview or direct offer for an SWE Role at Microsoft. Read on to know about my Interview Experience with Microsoft! 

Interview Experience for Microsoft SWE Role: The interviewer was on time and so was I. We started on a casual note with me introducing myself. Thereafter, he told me that we’ll be solving a DSA question and provided me with a Codility link. He also mentioned that I need not give an Optimal solution, as he just wanted to test my problem-solving skills. I was given this question:
Needless to say, I was a bit nervous in the beginning, since this was my first technical interview and that too, with Microsoft. But, the interviewer was very nice, he made me feel comfortable and talked to me like a friend. He pushed me to find all the test cases and some of the edge cases too! I slowly gained confidence and was talking very fluently, keeping him engaged the whole time.
There was a time when I was not able to go through some of the cases, and he helped me. I never thought that an interviewer will help me in solving a question, but he did and I gained confidence quickly. Thus, solving the question completely and writing the code for it. 
Thereafter, he asked me why I had created a separate function and passed the parameters as reference. I explained that to him and he was satisfied with my answers. He also asked me about the time complexity of the same and I told him. 
In the last few minutes, he asked me about which sorting algorithm should be used here and in case I wanted to optimize the code, which searching algorithm I will use. I answered him confidently and he agreed with me. When he asked me if I have any questions, I asked him about the internship opportunity- whether it’ll be in online or offline mode and why did he choose Microsoft as before that he was working with a big tech company (I searched him on LinkedIn, heh). 

Some Tips for Interview

  • Microsoft is focused on a Growth mindset, so seek curiosity, not opportunity.
  • Convince them that you are curious about the company and its culture.
  • DSA is a must! Focus on that.
  • Mostly Leetcode Easy and Medium questions are asked so do solve them.

Hope my experience helps you! 

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