Microsoft Azure – Add CanNotDelete Lock on Azure Resource Group via Portal

Pre-requisite:- Azure

CanNotDelete Lock on Azure is a kind of Lock Protection against accidental deletion and modification. It allows only authorized users to delete or modify this CanNotDelete Lock on the resource group. Adding CanNotDelete Lock on Azure Resource Group via Portal is super simple. In this article, we will show you how to add a CanNotDelete Lock Level on Resource Group using Azure Portal. Let’s get started.

Prerequisites: The Owner or User Access Administrator role is required to perform this operation on Resource Group.


Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal

Step 2: Access the Resource groups from Azure Portal and select the resource group where you wish to apply the CanNotDelete Lock

Step 3: After accessing the target resource group from the menu scroll down to Lock under settings


Step 4: Now, Click on + Add


Step 5: Give the Name of the Lock “CanNotDelete” >> Lock Type: Delete >> Add Notes if you wish to add the reason and then Click on OK.


Step 6: Lock Configured


That’s you done Adding Azure Resource Lock with Lock Level Delete. Similarly, you can do the same for Read-only Lock as well. You can also Edit or Delete the Lock existing from the Locks itself.

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