MHT-CET Exam Experience

The year 2021 was important in my life. The year 2021 decided the career of my life. In September 2021, I attempted the MHT-CET Exam which is the Maharashtra State Engineering Entrance Exam. This year was filled with a lot of ups and downs for me. I made a lot of mistakes in my preparation. So, I share my experience and the lessons I learned along the way.

In the year 2021, the COVID-19 Pandemic happened. This period was very horrible for everyone. When the COVID-19 period started from that time I was in my village. Colleges were not open. Online colleges were started. But in villages, there were a lot of difficulties in attending the lectures like low internet connection. So many difficulties were in my village. But in that case, I tried my best from myself. Initially, I was not comfortable with online lectures. But as time passed away I felt comfortable and that life became normal for me. I think that time was the start of the online learning environment. I started my preparation in November 2020 for the MHT-CET Entrance exam. From December, colleges started to open in some manner. In December, when the offline session started that time, I realized the whole syllabus was so vast. I have to catch up with all the syllabus.

I have already started my preparation in November. But I can’t manage my consistency during preparation. But from January 2021, I took it seriously and started my preparation again. I had completed my syllabus in March 2021. In April 2021 I started to solve the previous year’s question paper. Also, analyze it. I did my preparation very well. But suddenly the news came that the MHT-CET Exam was postponed. Finally, the exam was over in September 2021. The result came. The MHT-CET Exam has 200 marks. I had not achieved the good percentile. So, I felt very sad about my result. That time my parents told me, ”Failure is the opportunity to grow, so face the failure”.

I told myself, “It’s ok, no problem”. I learned a lot of things from my preparation. The learned value of time, discipline and consistency from my preparation. Now I’m happy because this preparation taught me a lot of things that I never forgot. As I look at my present, I feel grateful.

So, the conclusion is:

The year 2020-21 of my life was filled with a lot of emotions, challenges, and uncertainties. The MHT-CET Exam journey did not give me my dream college. But fine, I accepted the reality I have to start my way with that reality. I think the pandemic did a lot of things, some were bad and some were good. But bad things always let it be and think about the good which changes your mindset. I’m totally happy about my life. I have started my preparation to achieve my dream.

I suggest some advice:

Don’t disturb your consistency. Enjoy your preparation. Don’t waste your time. Don’t do many hours of study, not necessary. Sometimes keep it for yourself. In that time do which activities give you relief, and happiness, so you feel relaxed.

Sometimes we consider the exams to be a burden. But no… exams are not a burden. Exam preparation is like a journey. So enjoy the journey. And start your preparation in a new way.

GFG plays a very important role in achieving my dream. I am learning coding languages C, C++, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, and OOPS concepts from GFG websites. I want to become a successful programmer. GFG is always ready to help me in my engineering journey. I am thankful to the GFG for showing me the way in every situation during my preparation. So, grew up with a lot of knowledge.

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