Mesh Surface Plot in MATLAB

Mesh Surface Plot is used to depict f(X, Y, Z) in a three-dimensional space. Matlab allows users to create mesh surface plots using the mesh() method.

Different syntax of mesh() method are:

  • Mesh(X, Y, Z)
  • Mesh(Z)
  • Mesh(___,C)
  • Mesh(___, Name, Value)
  • S = mesh()
  • Mesh(ax,____)

Mesh(X, Y, Z)

  • It plots X, Y, Z on a three-dimensional surface.
  • Matrices X, Y are plotted along the x-y plane and plots matrix Z as height above the x-y plane.
  • If size(Z) = [m, n], then X should be of the same size as Z or a vector of size n.
  • Y should be the same size as Z or a vector of size m.



% Define matrix of size 2*10
Z = [1:10;
% Define vector Y of size 2
Y = [1 2];
% Define vector X of size 10 
X = [1:10];
% Plot mesh surface

Output :


It creates a mesh surface plot with matrix Z by considering column and row indices as x and y-coordinates respectively.



% Creates a random matrix of size 2*10
Z = randi(2,10);
% Plot a mesh surface

Output :

Mesh(___, C)

  • It creates a mesh surface plot with the specified color of edges as C.
  • C is an m-by-n-by-3 of RGB array where Z is a matrix of size m-by-n.



% Creates a meshgrids X and Y of same size
[X,Y] = meshgrid(2:.7:11);
% Create matrix Z as same size of X
Z = cos(X)./X;
% Create a color matrix
C = X.*Y;
% Plotting mesh surface

Output :

Mesh(___, Name, Value)

  • It creates a mesh surface plot with the specified Name-Value pair arguments.
  • Some properties are Face Alpha, Edge Color, Line Style etc.



% Create meshgrids X and Y of same size
[X,Y] = meshgrid(4:.2:20);
% Create matrix Z
Z = X.*Y - sin(X);
% Create mash plot with FaceAlpha and EdgeColor

Output :

S = mesh(___)

  • It creates a mesh plot with specified variables and returns the chart surface objects of the mesh plot.
  • You can modify the mesh plot even after creating the plot using the variables.

Example 1:


% Creates meshgrids X and Y of same size
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:.2:3);
% Initialize Z as of same size of X
Z = X - Y.*X;
% Plot the mesh plot with X,Y,Z of linestyle = '--'
% We can change surface properties of using variable s
s = mesh(X,Y,Z,"LineStyle",'--')

Output :

Properties of mesh plot :

Example 2:


% MATLAB code for creates meshgrids
% X and Y of same size
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:.2:3);
% Initialize Z as of same size of X
Z = X - Y.*X;
% Plot the mesh plot with X,Y,Z of linestyle = '-' and Facecolor.
s = mesh(X,Y,Z)
s.LineStyle = '-';
s.FaceColor = '[1 0.7 0]'

Output :


This function is used to specify axes in the mesh plot instead of current axes.


% MATLAB code for mesh(ax,___) %
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-10:.8:4);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) + eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;


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