Merge two Maps of Array into one sorted Map of Array

Given two maps map1 and map2 having a string as the key and arrays of integers as values, the task is to merge them in one map such that if a key is common in both the maps, the respective arrays should be merged.


Input: map1 = { (“key1”, {0, 1}), (“key2”, {0, 1}) }, map2 = { (“key2”, {1, 2}) };
Output: { (key1, {0, 1}), (key2, {0, 1, 2}) }
Explanation: After merging key1 array will become {0, 1} and for key2 after merging array will become {0, 1, 2} 

Input: map1 = {(“key1”, {0, 1})}, map2 = {(“key2”, {1, 2})};
Output: {(key1, [0, 1]), (key2, [1, 2])}


Approach: The solution to the problem is based on the concept of merging two arrays. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Create a map to store the merged maps
  • Traverse map1 and store all the key-value pairs in map1.
  • Traverse map2 and:
    • If the key of map2 does not exists in map1, just insert this key value pair in map1
    • If the key of map2 exists in map1,
      • Take the array of map1 and array of map2
      • Sort both the arrays, and
      • Merge them using approach mentioned in merge two arrays.
  • Return the map3 at the end.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to merge arrays
vector<int> mergeArrays(vector<int>& a, vector<int>& b,
                        int n, int m)
    vector<int> mergedArray;
    // Declaring a map.
    // Using map as a inbuilt tool
    // to store elements in sorted order.
    map<int, bool> mp;
    // Inserting values to a map.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        mp[a[i]] = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        mp[b[i]] = true;
    // Printing keys of the map.
    for (auto i : mp)
    return mergedArray;
// Function to merge maps
map<string, vector<int> >
mergeMap(map<string, vector<int> >& map1,
         map<string, vector<int> >& map2)
    map<string, vector<int> > map3;
    map3.insert(map1.begin(), map1.end());
    for (auto itr : map2) {
        if (map3.find(itr.first) == map3.end())
            map3.insert({ itr.first, itr.second });
        else {
            auto temp_itr = map3.find(itr.first);
            vector<int> arr = mergeArrays(
                itr.second, temp_itr->second,
            map3[itr.first] = arr;
    return map3;
// Driver code
int main()
    map<string, vector<int> > map1, map2, map3;
    map1.insert({ "key1", { 0, 1 } });
    map1.insert({ "key2", { 0, 1 } });
    map2.insert({ "key2", { 1, 2 } });
    // Function call
    map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
    for (auto itr : map3) {
        cout << "\"" << itr.first << "\", { ";
        for (auto x : itr.second)
            cout << x << " ";
        cout << "}\n";
    return 0;


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
 public static Vector<Integer> mergeArrays(Vector<Integer> a,
                                           Vector<Integer> b, int n, int m) {
    Vector<Integer> mergedArray = new Vector<Integer>();
    // Declaring a map.
    // Using map as a inbuilt tool
    // to store elements in sorted order.
    Map<Integer, Boolean> mp = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
    // Inserting values to a map.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        mp.put(a.get(i), true);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        mp.put(b.get(i), true);
    // Printing keys of the map.
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> i : mp.entrySet())
    return mergedArray;
public static Map<String, Vector<Integer>> mergeMap(Map<String,
                          Vector<Integer>> map1, Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map2) {
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map3 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Vector<Integer>> itr : map2.entrySet()) {
        if (!map3.containsKey(itr.getKey()))
            map3.put(itr.getKey(), itr.getValue());
        else {
            Vector<Integer> temp_itr = map3.get(itr.getKey());
            Vector<Integer> arr = mergeArrays(itr.getValue(),
                                 temp_itr, itr.getValue().size(), temp_itr.size());
            map3.put(itr.getKey(), arr);
    return map3;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map1 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map2 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map3 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    map1.put("key1", new Vector<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)));
    map1.put("key2", new Vector<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)));
    map2.put("key2", new Vector<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2)));
    map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Vector<Integer>> itr : map3.entrySet()) {
        System.out.print("\"" + itr.getKey() + "\", { ");
        for (int x : itr.getValue())
            System.out.print(x + " ");


# Python code to implement the approach
# Function to merge arrays
def mergeArrays (a, b, n, m):
    mergedArray = [];
    # Declaring a map.
    # Using map as a inbuilt tool
    # to store elements in sorted order.
    mp = {};
    # Inserting values to a map.
    for i in range(n):
        mp[a[i]] = True;
    for i in range(m):
        mp[b[i]] = True;
    # Printing keys of the map.
    for i in mp:
    return mergedArray;
# Function to merge maps
def mergeMap (map1, map2):
    map3 = {};
    for itm in map1.keys():
        map3[itm] = map1[itm];
    for itr in map2.keys():
        if (not itr in map3.keys()):
            map3[itr] = map2[itr];
            arr = mergeArrays(map2[itr], map3[itr], len(map2[itr]), len(map3[itr]));
            map3[itr] = arr;
    return map3;
# Driver code
map1 = {}
map2 = {}
map3 = {};
map1["key1"] = [0, 1];
map1["key2"] = [0, 1];
map2["key2"] = [1, 2];
# Function call
map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
for itr in map3.keys():
    print(f"\"{itr}\", {{", end=" ")
    for x in map3[itr]:
        print(map3[itr][x], end=" ");
    print("} ");
# This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal


    // JavaScript code to implement the approach
    // Function to merge arrays
    const mergeArrays = (a, b, n, m) => {
        let mergedArray = [];
        // Declaring a map.
        // Using map as a inbuilt tool
        // to store elements in sorted order.
        let mp = {};
        // Inserting values to a map.
        for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
            mp[a[i]] = true;
        for (let i = 0; i < m; i++)
            mp[b[i]] = true;
        // Printing keys of the map.
        for (let i in mp)
        return mergedArray;
    // Function to merge maps
    const mergeMap = (map1, map2) => {
        let map3 = {};
        for (let itm in map1) map3[itm] = map1[itm];
        for (let itr in map2) {
            if (!(itr in map3))
                map3[itr] = map2[itr];
            else {
                let arr = mergeArrays(map2[itr], map3[itr], map2[itr].length, map3[itr].length);
                map3[itr] = arr;
        return map3;
    // Driver code
    let map1 = {}, map2 = {}, map3 = {};
    map1["key1"] = [0, 1];
    map1["key2"] = [0, 1];
    map2["key2"] = [1, 2];
    // Function call
    map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
    for (let itr in map3) {
        document.write(`"${itr}", { `);
        for (let x in map3[itr])
            document.write(`${map3[itr][x]} `);
// This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MergeMaps
    class Program
        // Function to merge arrays
        static List<int> MergeArrays(List<int> a, List<int> b, int n, int m)
            List<int> mergedArray = new List<int>();
            // Declaring a dictionary
            Dictionary<int, bool> dict = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
            // Inserting values to a dictionary
            foreach (int i in a)
                dict[i] = true;
            foreach (int i in b)
                dict[i] = true;
            // Printing keys of the dictionary
            foreach (var i in dict.Keys)
            return mergedArray;
        // Function to merge dictionaries
        static Dictionary<string, List<int>> MergeMap(Dictionary<string, List<int>> map1, Dictionary<string, List<int>> map2)
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map3 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            foreach (var item in map1)
                map3[item.Key] = item.Value;
            foreach (var itr in map2)
                if (!map3.ContainsKey(itr.Key))
                    map3[itr.Key] = itr.Value;
                    var temp_itr = map3[itr.Key];
                    List<int> arr = MergeArrays(itr.Value, temp_itr, itr.Value.Count, temp_itr.Count);
                    map3[itr.Key] = arr;
            return map3;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map1 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map2 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map3 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            map1["key1"] = new List<int> { 0, 1 };
            map1["key2"] = new List<int> { 0, 1 };
            map2["key2"] = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
            // Function call
            map3 = MergeMap(map1, map2);
            foreach (var itr in map3)
                Console.Write("\"" + itr.Key + "\", { ");
                foreach (var x in itr.Value)
                    Console.Write(x + " ");


"key1", { 0 1 }
"key2", { 0 1 2 }

Time Complexity: O(N * log N + M * log M)
Auxiliary Space: O(M + N


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to merge arrays
vector<int> mergeArrays(vector<int>& a, vector<int>& b,
                        int n, int m)
    vector<int> mergedArray;
    // Declaring a map.
    // Using map as a inbuilt tool
    // to store elements in sorted order.
    map<int, bool> mp;
    // Inserting values to a map.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        mp[a[i]] = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        mp[b[i]] = true;
    // Printing keys of the map.
    for (auto i : mp)
    return mergedArray;
// Function to merge maps
map<string, vector<int> >
mergeMap(map<string, vector<int> >& map1,
         map<string, vector<int> >& map2)
    map<string, vector<int> > map3;
    map3.insert(map1.begin(), map1.end());
    for (auto itr : map2) {
        if (map3.find(itr.first) == map3.end())
            map3.insert({ itr.first, itr.second });
        else {
            auto temp_itr = map3.find(itr.first);
            vector<int> arr = mergeArrays(
                itr.second, temp_itr->second,
                itr.second.size(), temp_itr->second.size());
            map3[itr.first] = arr;
    return map3;
// Driver code
int main()
    map<string, vector<int> > map1, map2, map3;
    map1.insert({ "key1", { 0, 1 } });
    map1.insert({ "key2", { 0, 1 } });
    map2.insert({ "key2", { 1, 2 } });
    // Function call
    map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
    for (auto itr : map3) {
        cout << "\"" << itr.first << "\", { ";
        for (auto x : itr.second)
            cout << x << " ";
        cout << "}\n";
    return 0;


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
 public static Vector<Integer> mergeArrays(Vector<Integer> a,
                                           Vector<Integer> b, int n, int m) {
    Vector<Integer> mergedArray = new Vector<Integer>();
    // Declaring a map.
    // Using map as a inbuilt tool
    // to store elements in sorted order.
    Map<Integer, Boolean> mp = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
    // Inserting values to a map.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        mp.put(a.get(i), true);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        mp.put(b.get(i), true);
    // Printing keys of the map.
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> i : mp.entrySet())
    return mergedArray;
public static Map<String, Vector<Integer>> mergeMap(Map<String,
                          Vector<Integer>> map1, Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map2) {
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map3 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Vector<Integer>> itr : map2.entrySet()) {
        if (!map3.containsKey(itr.getKey()))
            map3.put(itr.getKey(), itr.getValue());
        else {
            Vector<Integer> temp_itr = map3.get(itr.getKey());
            Vector<Integer> arr = mergeArrays(itr.getValue(),
                                 temp_itr, itr.getValue().size(), temp_itr.size());
            map3.put(itr.getKey(), arr);
    return map3;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map1 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map2 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    Map<String, Vector<Integer>> map3 = new HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>>();
    map1.put("key1", new Vector<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)));
    map1.put("key2", new Vector<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)));
    map2.put("key2", new Vector<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2)));
    map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Vector<Integer>> itr : map3.entrySet()) {
        System.out.print("\"" + itr.getKey() + "\", { ");
        for (int x : itr.getValue())
            System.out.print(x + " ");


# Python code to implement the approach
# Function to merge arrays
def mergeArrays (a, b, n, m):
    mergedArray = [];
    # Declaring a map.
    # Using map as a inbuilt tool
    # to store elements in sorted order.
    mp = {};
    # Inserting values to a map.
    for i in range(n):
        mp[a[i]] = True;
    for i in range(m):
        mp[b[i]] = True;
    # Printing keys of the map.
    for i in mp:
    return mergedArray;
# Function to merge maps
def mergeMap (map1, map2):
    map3 = {};
    for itm in map1.keys():
        map3[itm] = map1[itm];
    for itr in map2.keys():
        if (not itr in map3.keys()):
            map3[itr] = map2[itr];
            arr = mergeArrays(map2[itr], map3[itr], len(map2[itr]), len(map3[itr]));
            map3[itr] = arr;
    return map3;
# Driver code
map1 = {}
map2 = {}
map3 = {};
map1["key1"] = [0, 1];
map1["key2"] = [0, 1];
map2["key2"] = [1, 2];
# Function call
map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
for itr in map3.keys():
    print(f"\"{itr}\", {{", end=" ")
    for x in map3[itr]:
        print(map3[itr][x], end=" ");
    print("} ");
# This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal


    // JavaScript code to implement the approach
    // Function to merge arrays
    const mergeArrays = (a, b, n, m) => {
        let mergedArray = [];
        // Declaring a map.
        // Using map as a inbuilt tool
        // to store elements in sorted order.
        let mp = {};
        // Inserting values to a map.
        for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
            mp[a[i]] = true;
        for (let i = 0; i < m; i++)
            mp[b[i]] = true;
        // Printing keys of the map.
        for (let i in mp)
        return mergedArray;
    // Function to merge maps
    const mergeMap = (map1, map2) => {
        let map3 = {};
        for (let itm in map1) map3[itm] = map1[itm];
        for (let itr in map2) {
            if (!(itr in map3))
                map3[itr] = map2[itr];
            else {
                let arr = mergeArrays(map2[itr], map3[itr], map2[itr].length, map3[itr].length);
                map3[itr] = arr;
        return map3;
    // Driver code
    let map1 = {}, map2 = {}, map3 = {};
    map1["key1"] = [0, 1];
    map1["key2"] = [0, 1];
    map2["key2"] = [1, 2];
    // Function call
    map3 = mergeMap(map1, map2);
    for (let itr in map3) {
        document.write(`"${itr}", { `);
        for (let x in map3[itr])
            document.write(`${map3[itr][x]} `);
// This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MergeMaps
    class Program
        // Function to merge arrays
        static List<int> MergeArrays(List<int> a, List<int> b, int n, int m)
            List<int> mergedArray = new List<int>();
            // Declaring a dictionary
            Dictionary<int, bool> dict = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
            // Inserting values to a dictionary
            foreach (int i in a)
                dict[i] = true;
            foreach (int i in b)
                dict[i] = true;
            // Printing keys of the dictionary
            foreach (var i in dict.Keys)
            return mergedArray;
        // Function to merge dictionaries
        static Dictionary<string, List<int>> MergeMap(Dictionary<string, List<int>> map1, Dictionary<string, List<int>> map2)
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map3 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            foreach (var item in map1)
                map3[item.Key] = item.Value;
            foreach (var itr in map2)
                if (!map3.ContainsKey(itr.Key))
                    map3[itr.Key] = itr.Value;
                    var temp_itr = map3[itr.Key];
                    List<int> arr = MergeArrays(itr.Value, temp_itr, itr.Value.Count, temp_itr.Count);
                    map3[itr.Key] = arr;
            return map3;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map1 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map2 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> map3 = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
            map1["key1"] = new List<int> { 0, 1 };
            map1["key2"] = new List<int> { 0, 1 };
            map2["key2"] = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
            // Function call
            map3 = MergeMap(map1, map2);
            foreach (var itr in map3)
                Console.Write("\"" + itr.Key + "\", { ");
                foreach (var x in itr.Value)
                    Console.Write(x + " ");

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