Mercedes Benz R&D Interview Experience for Graduate Engineer Trainee 2023

Branch: B.E, CSE

Round 1: (Online Test) MCQs – 60 mins having aptitude, technical questions, code snippets, some grammar questions, logical questions which was conducted on 9th February. Got the shortlisted Iist within 2 days.

Round 2: (Technical Interview) – avg of 30 to 35 mins, mine was 45 mins. Prepare well for your Resume and communicate well. Which was held online mode on 15th February.

  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell me about your projects,
  • I chose Python as my primary language so he asked 3 simple coding questions on Python: 1) Explain the split concept in Python. 2) convert 2 lists to the dictionary. 3)check whether the given email id is correct or not.
  • Difference between a list and a tuple.
  • Explain the Lambda function.

He talked very friendly and really I had a good experience, I answered all the questions, where I missed is communication, at the beginning I was soo tense, especially after listening to the department meeting that they conducted, to tell which department is going to take my interview and what are the skills and technologies that they are working on, in that so many I never even heard those names, but later realized it didn’t even matter just prepare well for your resume.

Result – Not selected

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