Measures to Remove Poverty

Poverty is a particular issue that affects many countries around the world. There can not be a universally acknowledged definition of poverty. Broadly it can be said that: Poverty refers to a state in which an individual is unable to fulfil even the basic necessities of life. The minimum requirements include food, clothing, shelter, education, and health facilities.

A nation suffers from a cycle of poverty when a large portion of the population is deprived of even the most necessities of life for an extended period. If the minimum needs are not fulfilled, a person has to undergo pain and suffering. Sickness and disabilities render him helpless in all aspects of life. Generation after generation person lives in poverty grows in poverty and dies in poverty. The population either breeds or multiplies itself. Therefore, it is essential to implement measures to remove poverty.

Measures to Remove Poverty


1. Acceleration of Economic Growth:

The first measure to remove poverty is accelerating the economic growth rate. Economic condition of people of the country can automatically improve through fast economic growth which can further reduce poverty. Besides, a company with fast economic growth can produce a large amount of goods and services which provides huge employment opportunities to people and help them generate higher incomes.

2. Agricultural Development:

Since 1951, the economic planning of the country includes agricultural development as it is very important. As we know that the major proportion of India’s population depends upon agriculture, and poverty in rural areas can be removed only through agricultural development. Therefore, it is essential to give more emphasis on agricultural development and enhance agricultural productivity and production. In order to do so, the government of India should take various steps to provide irrigation facilities, HYV seeds, fertilisers, financial assistance to small and poor farmers, etc.

3. Reducing Inequalities of Income:

Accelerating economic growth is important for a country but is not a sufficient condition for eradicating poverty. It is because if the economic growth rate increases with an increase in income inequality, then only the rich section of society will be able to get the benefit of economic development and the poor people will increase. Therefore, in order to give benefits to poor people, it is essential to reduce income inequalities.

4. Population Control:

One of the major factors which are responsible for poverty is the high population growth rate (especially among poor people). Therefore, to eradicate poverty it is essential to control the population growth rate. This can be done by making people aware towards the need for population control. Besides, intensifying family planning campaigns can also help remove poverty to a greater extent.

5. Land Reforms:

Land reforms is also an important measure in eliminating poverty. Through land reform, ceiling on landholdings can be imposed to acquire a good amount of land and then distribute it among the landless labourers. These landless labourers can then employ themselves on those lands and produce subsistence for themselves ultimately removing poverty.

6. More Employment Opportunities:

Poverty is a situation when people are not able to meet even their basic needs. Therefore, to eliminate poverty increasing employment opportunities is vital. This can be done by promoting labour-intensive techniques. Besides. employment can be generated by encouraging construction activities and small-scale industries in rural areas. Also, people will get jobs if they are literate and have proper education. Hence, more diversified education facilities should be provided to people along with a sustained training programme. These programmes will help educated unemployed people in developing their skills and get a job.

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