MCA, Meta to Launch Dedicated Fact Checking Helpline on Messaging Platform WhatsApp

Nowadays where artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool, it has also given rise to new forms of misinformation. Deepfakes, manipulated audio, video, or other digital content created using advanced AI tools, have become a growing concern. To combat this, Meta and the Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA) are collaborating to launch a dedicated fact-checking helpline on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Launches Helpline to Protect Users from Deep Fakes

The initiative relies on a four-pronged strategy encompassing detection, prevention, reporting, and raising awareness of the increasing proliferation of deepfakes. Additionally, it aims to develop a crucial tool enabling citizens to access trustworthy information in combating the dissemination of such misinformation.

What are Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are a form of synthetic media where a person’s likeness is swapped with another’s using artificial intelligence. They are created by training a machine learning model to understand the characteristics of a person’s face and mimic the movements of another person’s face. This technology has evolved rapidly, leading to deepfakes that are increasingly realistic and harder to detect. While they have legitimate uses, such as in film production or virtual reality, they also pose significant risks. Misused, deepfakes can spread misinformation, cause reputational damage, or even be used for blackmail. Hence, they’ve become a growing concern in the digital age.

How will the MCA-Meta Deepfake Helpline Work?

The MCA-Meta Deepfake Helpline, available in multiple languages, is a proactive measure against deepfakes. Users can report suspected deepfakes to a WhatsApp chatbot. These reports are then forwarded to the ‘deepfake analysis unit’ set by the Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA). This unit, of experts from various fields, works in collaboration with fact-checking organizations and industry partners to assess and verify the flagged content. The helpline serves as a bridge between the public and the experts, facilitating swift and efficient verification of potential deepfakes.

When will the WhatsApp Helpline be Available?

The WhatsApp helpline, a collaborative initiative by Meta and the Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA) to combat AI-generated deepfakes, is scheduled to be available for public use in March 2024. This multilingual service will provide a platform for users to report and verify suspicious media, helping to distinguish between genuine and fabricated content.

How to Report a Deepfake on WhatsApp

Here are the steps to report a deep fake on WhatsApp:

Step 1: Identify the Deepfake

If you come across a suspicious piece of media that you believe is a deepfake, you can report it.

Step 2: Access the WhatsApp Helpline

The helpline will be available as a chatbot on WhatsApp.

Step 3: Report the Deepfake

You can flag the deepfake by sending it to the WhatsApp chatbot.

Step 4: Complete the Verification Process

Once you’ve reported the deepfake, it will be forwarded to the ‘deepfake analysis unit’.

Step 6: Wait for the Outcome

If the reported content is found to be a deepfake, it will be debunked, and the messages might be deleted².

Please note that the helpline is expected to be available by March 2024.

How to Detect a Deepfake

Detecting deepfakes can be challenging. However, some strategies can help. Examine the quality and consistency of the video or image. Look for signs of distortion, blurriness, mismatch, or artifacts that might indicate editing or manipulation. Pay attention to facial features, as high-end deepfake manipulations are almost always facial transformations. One simple trick suggested by security researchers is to ask the person to turn their face sideways on. Deepfake AI models, while good at recreating front-on views of a person’s face, aren’t as effective at doing side-on or profile views.

What is the Aim of this Initiative

This initiative aims to combat the growing prevalence of deepfakes and misinformation. The program is designed around a four-pillar strategy that focuses on detection, prevention, reporting, and increasing awareness about deepfakes. It wants to empower citizens by providing them with a tool to access reliable information. By allowing users to report suspected deepfakes through a dedicated WhatsApp helpline, the initiative encourages the verification of content and helps prevent the spread of misinformation.


The launch of the WhatsApp helpline dedicated to discrediting deepfakes is a significant step towards ensuring the integrity of information in the digital age. As we move forward, such initiatives will play a crucial role in safeguarding public discourse from the threats posed by AI-generated misinformation.


What is the aim of the MCA-Meta initiative?

The program aims to execute a strategy focusing on detection, prevention, reporting, and increasing awareness about the growing prevalence of deepfakes.

When will the helpline be available?

The helpline will be available for public use in March 2024.

How will WhatsApp’s Helpline impact the public?

This initiative is designed to help the public distinguish between genuine and fabricated content by providing a platform for reporting and verifying suspicious media.

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