Maxis Interview Experience for OSS System Development & Support Specialist

Round 1 (Project Manager discussion 30min): This round consists of a discussion with the project manager, where he would like to know the background, problem-solving skills, and experience of the candidate in that project, which he is going to hire for. It is just a familiar discussion, and he collects useful information before proceeding to the second round if he thinks, the candidate is suitable for this position.

Round 2 (Live Coding Challenge 60min): This round consists of coding challenges which include bug fixing, missing code, information about the java component, etc. It will be done on the Maxis platform live, It is the same as Hacker Rank but Maxis has its own. It will be an alive and recorded session. However, before this session, the candidate will receive an email that includes what type of question will be asked. Below is a sample:

Coding Test guidelines and Questions: We invite the applicant to relax and enjoy solving day to day working experience based java problems and share information about roles and responsibilities. It is highly encouraged to use Java 8 version or best-known methods to solve these Challenges. There is a total of 10 questions that need to give answers.

  1. Fibonacci Series

    Given method call is : Fibonacci(0, 1, 10, 1)
    Print first 10 numbers in Fibonacci series : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34

    Replace line 8 with one line of code.  

    Hint: Recursion in java is a process in which a method calls itself continuously


    public static void fibonacci(int num1, int num2, int limit, int count) {
        int total = num1 + num2;
        if (count <= limit) {
            System.out.print(num1 + " ");
            num1 = num2;
            num2 = total;
            count = count + 1;
            // Write one line of code to complete fibonacci 
            // series - Hint : Use recursion      
        } else {


  2. Correct the following program

    • What exception do you expect in the following scenario?
    • The Best collection to use in Hashmaps to avoid this Exception.
    • Correct the program by replacing lines 7-13 to remove “number” from the given list of “Integers”. Given input=3, explain your approach to fix the code.


    public static List < Integer > removeValue(int number) {
        List < Integer > list = new ArrayList < > ();
        Iterator < Integer > it = list.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Integer value =;
            System.out.println("List Value:" + value);
            if (value.equals(number)) {
        return list;


  3. Evaluate the output of the following program and set daemon thread

    • What are thread priorities? What is maxed thread priority?
    • Different ways to write a thread.
    • What is a daemon thread?
    • Correct the following program and make t1 a daemon thread.


    public class Test1 extends Thread {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Test1 t1 = new Test1();
            //Make this a daemon thread  


  4. Sort and reverse a list of strings

    • Complete line 2,3 to sort and reverse list of countries. Hint : You may use collections API. Sort and reverse a List of countries.


    public static void sortAndReverseList(List < String > countriesList) {
        //Sort list
        //Reverse list


  5. Evaluate the output of the following program

    • Define Set
    • Predict outputs in lines 8, 10.


    public static void testSet() {
        List < String > fruits = new ArrayList < String > ();
        Set < String > fruitSet = new HashSet < > (fruits);
        System.out.println(fruitSet); //Predict Output :
        fruitSet = new TreeSet < > (fruits);
        System.out.println(fruitSet); //Predict Output :  


  6. Design patterns

    • List some Java design patterns you may have used.
    • Define the singleton pattern and explain highlighted lines of code.


    class Singleton
        private volatile static Singleton obj;
        private Singleton() {}
        public static Singleton getInstance()
            if (obj == null) {
                synchronized(Singleton.class) {
                    if (obj == null) {
                        obj = new Singleton();
                return obj;


  7. JAVA 8  

    • List some new features of Java 8.
    • Can you write an example lambda expression to stream any collection?
  8. Explain comparator and usage with JAVA 8

    • Explain comparator
    • Complete the following program to sort the list of users by username first and then user ID gave User class has fields username, userid.


    public void sortUsers() {
        User user1 = new User("Ben", 1);
        User user2 = new User("Anna", 2);
        User user3 = new User("Madonna", 3);
        User user4 = new User("Siri", 4);
        List < User > users = new ArrayList < > ();
        // Complete code to compare by the first name
        // and then the last name  
        System.out.println("Sorted users list " + sortedList);


  9. &Spring MVC and Spring Microservices features

    • List some features of Spring MVC and microservices.
    • Do you have any experience with Spring microservices development?
    • In terms of deployment and release, how are microservices better than deploying a
    • Spring MVC project run on servers like a tomcat in a production environment?
  10. Skills

    • Please explain the following skills relevant to your work and a very brief explanation of the list of topics.
    • Git code repository and Gerrit code review.
    • Maven build tool.
    • ORM experience: Hibernate, Spring JDBC template.
    • Cloud computing experience.
    • PL/SQL coding and SQL query writing experience.
    • Unix/Linux skills and experience.
    • The applicant is flexible to learn and adapt to a dynamic work environment.

Best practices in coding :

  • The naming convention of methods, variables to have camel casing, package naming, coding comments.
  • Designing to interface or abstract design pattern application in code.
  • Peer review of code and Code reviewing experience.
  • Test case writing and code quality tools like sonarqube.

Round 3 (HR 30min): The third round is an HR round, which discussed the salary and some technical questions etc.

Round 4(CEO 30min): Final round is between the CEO or any higher authority in the company and the candidate to discuss the future plan, and how the candidate beneficial for the company.

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