Maximize non-overlapping Substrings by splitting String into groups with K or (K+1) 1s

Given a binary string S of length N and an integer K, the task is to find the maximum number of non-overlapping substrings that can be obtained by splitting it as per the following conditions:

  • Each substring of the string contains K or K+1 number of 1
  • At most consecutive K substrings can contain the same number of 1s

Note: If the string does not contain K or K + 1 number of ones, simply neglect that substring.


 Input: S = “110101000010011011011011000100000”, K = 2
Output: 6
Explanation: The given string can be split into – [110], [10100], [00100110], [110], [110], [11000100000] so the answer is 6.

Input: S = “0000010001001100000110101100110000”, K = 2
Output: 5
Explanation: The given string can be split into – [000001000100], [1100000], [1101], [0110], [0110000] so the answer is 5. 

Input: S = “11111111111”, K = 4
Output: 2
Explanation: The string can be split into [1111], [1111] and 
The remaining string can be neglected because it does not contain K number of 1s.


Approach: This problem can be solved using the Greedy approach is based on the below idea:

To maximize the count of substrings splitting such that as many substring have count of ‘1’ as K
As it is not possible to split string having same number of ‘1’ successively more than K times, so after splitting K substrings with count of ‘1’ as K, split a substring with count of ‘1’ as K + 1.

Follow the below steps to implement the approach discussed above:

  • Iterate the string from i = 0 to N-1:
    • Keep adding the characters into the current substring until the count of 1s is K.
    • If consecutive K substrings already had the same number of substrings then move forward and add one more 1 into the current substring and start a new substring.
    • Increment the count of the number of substrings.
    • If it is not possible to have K number of 1s then ignore that substring.
  • Return the final count of substrings.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check the number of 1's
// in the given string
int check(string s)
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        if (s[i] == '1') {
    return count;
// Function to find the minimum operations
// to make the array elements same
int MaxSplit(string s, int n, int k)
    int times = 0;
    int k2 = 0;
    int ans = 0;
    int y;
    // Traversing the string
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        // Creating the substring
        string x = s.substr(k2, i - k2);
        // Checking the count of 1's in
        // the substring
        y = check(x);
        // Checking whether the count of 1's
        // equal to k
        if (y == k) {
            // If  k successive substring
            // with count of 1's equals to
            // k are used then simply find
            // 1 substring whose count of
            // 1's is k+1
            if (times == k) {
            // Else add 1 to ans as we have
            // the substring increase times.
            else {
                ans += 1;
                k2 = i;
        // If count of 1's is k+1 then
        // split the string and add one
        // to and also set times to zero.
        else if (y == k + 1) {
            times = 0;
            ans += 1;
            k2 = i;
    // Condition for checking whether
    // we can take up the remaining string
    if (y == k && y == k + 1 && y != 0) {
        ans += 1;
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "11111111111";
    int K = 4;
    int N = S.length();
    // Function call
    cout << MaxSplit(S, N, K);
    return 0;


// Java program for above approach
class GFG {
    // Function to check the number of 1's
    // in the given string
    public static int check(String s)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            if (s.charAt(i) == '1') {
        return count;
    // Function to find the minimum operations
    // to make the array elements same
    public static int MaxSplit(String s, int n, int k)
        int times = 0;
        int k2 = 0;
        int ans = 0;
        int y = 0;
        // Traversing the string
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            // Creating the substring
            String x = s.substring(k2, i);
            // Checking the count of 1's in
            // the substring
            y = check(x);
            // Checking whether the count of 1's
            // equal to k
            if (y == k) {
                // If  k successive substring
                // with count of 1's equals to
                // k are used then simply find
                // 1 substring whose count of
                // 1's is k+1
                if (times == k) {
                // Else add 1 to ans as we have
                // the substring increase times.
                else {
                    ans += 1;
                    k2 = i;
            // If count of 1's is k+1 then
            // split the string and add one
            // to and also set times to zero.
            else if (y == k + 1) {
                times = 0;
                ans += 1;
                k2 = i;
        // Condition for checking whether
        // we can take up the remaining string
        if (y == k && y == k + 1 && y != 0) {
            ans += 1;
        return ans;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String S = "11111111111";
        int K = 4;
        int N = S.length();
        // Function call
        System.out.print(MaxSplit(S, N, K));
// This code is contributed by Rohit Pradhan


# Python3 program for above approach
# Function to check the number of 1's
# in the given string
def check(s):
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(s)):
        if (s[i] == '1'):
            count += 1
    return count
# Function to find the minimum operations
# to make the array elements same
def MaxSplit(s, n, k):
    times = 0
    k2 = 0
    ans = 0
    y = 0
    # Traversing the string
    for i in range(0, len(s)):
        # Creating the substring
        x = s[k2: k2 + i - k2]
        # Checking the count of 1's in
        # the substring
        y = check(x)
        # Checking whether the count of 1's
        # equal to k
        if (y == k):
            # If k successive substring
            # with count of 1's equals to
            # k are used then simply find
            # 1 substring whose count of
            # 1's is k+1
            if (times == k):
            # Else add 1 to ans as we have
            # the substring increase times.
                ans += 1
                k2 = i
                times += 1
        # If count of 1's is k+1 then
        # split the string and add one
        # to and also set times to zero.
        elif (y == k + 1):
            times = 0
            ans += 1
            k2 = i
    # Condition for checking whether
    # we can take up the remaining string
    if (y == k and y == k + 1 and y != 0):
        ans += 1
    return ans
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    S = "11111111111"
    K = 4
    N = len(S)
    # Function call
    print(MaxSplit(S, N, K))
# This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
class GFG
  // Function to check the number of 1's
  // in the given string
  public static int check(String s)
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
      if (s[i] == '1') {
    return count;
  // Function to find the minimum operations
  // to make the array elements same
  public static int MaxSplit(String s, int n, int k)
    int times = 0;
    int k2 = 0;
    int ans = 0;
    int y = 0;
    // Traversing the string
    for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
      // Creating the substring
      String x = s.Substring(k2, i-k2);
      // Checking the count of 1's in
      // the substring
      y = check(x);
      // Checking whether the count of 1's
      // equal to k
      if (y == k) {
        // If k successive substring
        // with count of 1's equals to
        // k are used then simply find
        // 1 substring whose count of
        // 1's is k+1
        if (times == k) {
        // Else add 1 to ans as we have
        // the substring increase times.
        else {
          ans += 1;
          k2 = i;
      // If count of 1's is k+1 then
      // split the string and add one
      // to and also set times to zero.
      else if (y == k + 1) {
        times = 0;
        ans += 1;
        k2 = i;
    // Condition for checking whether
    // we can take up the remaining string
    if (y == k && y == k + 1 && y != 0) {
      ans += 1;
    return ans;
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main () {
    String S = "11111111111";
    int K = 4;
    int N = S.Length;
    // Function call
    Console.WriteLine(MaxSplit(S, N, K));
// This code is contributed by jana_sayantan.


// JS program for above approach
// Function to check the number of 1's
// in the given string
function check(s)
    var count = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        if (s[i] == '1') {
    return count;
// Function to find the minimum operations
// to make the array elements same
function MaxSplit(s, n, k)
    var times = 0;
    var k2 = 0;
    var ans = 0;
    var y;
    // Traversing the string
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        // Creating the substring
        var x = s.substr(k2, i - k2);
        // Checking the count of 1's in
        // the substring
        y = check(x);
        // Checking whether the count of 1's
        // equal to k
        if (y == k) {
            // If  k successive substring
            // with count of 1's equals to
            // k are used then simply find
            // 1 substring whose count of
            // 1's is k+1
            if (times == k) {
            // Else add 1 to ans as we have
            // the substring increase times.
            else {
                ans += 1;
                k2 = i;
        // If count of 1's is k+1 then
        // split the string and add one
        // to and also set times to zero.
        else if (y == k + 1) {
            times = 0;
            ans += 1;
            k2 = i;
    // Condition for checking whether
    // we can take up the remaining string
    if (y == k && y == k + 1 && y != 0) {
        ans += 1;
    return ans;
// Driver Code
var S = "11111111111";
var K = 4;
var N = S.length;
// Function call
document.write(MaxSplit(S, N, K));
// This code is contributed by phasing17



Time Complexity: O(N2
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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