Maximum number of people to be refunded with given coins

Given an array X[] of length N, Where X[i] for (1 ≤ i ≤ N) denotes the number of rupees we need to give to an ith person. Initially, we have P and Q numbers of coins of 1 Rs. and 2 Rs. respectively. Then your task is to output the maximum number of people, to whom you can return their money. 

Note: You can’t give partial money to any person. For Example: If we need to return 5 Rs. and have Two 2 Rs. coins, Then you can’t return 4 Rs. to that person.  


Input: N = 5, P = 3, Q = 4, X[] = {3, 1, 4, 5, 1}
Output: 4
Explanation: We can return money to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th person. Formally,

  • X[1] = one 1 Rs. coin + one 2 Rs. coin = 1+2 = 3 
  • X[2] = one 1 Rs. coin = 1 
  • X[3] = two 2 Rs. coin = 4 
  • X[5] = one 1 Rs. coin = 1

We have returned money to 4 people by using three coins of 1 and 2 Rupees and left with one 2 Rs. coins. Hence, 4 is the maximum count of people to them we can return money.       

Input: N = 7, P = 6, Q = 3, X[] = {4, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1}
Output: 5
Explanation: It can be verified that we can return at maximum 5 person to their money.

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

The problem is based on the Greedy approach and sorting. We will try to return that amount of money first, which requires less number of coins. Therefore, elements of X[], which are smaller in values need to return first. So, we need to sort the X[]. We know that 2 Rs. coins can’t be used to return any odd amount, On the other hand 1 Rs. coin can be returned regardless of the value of amount. For Example: By 2 Rs. coins we can’t return amount 3 but same can be returned with three 1 Rs. coins. So, Greedy approach says that we have to save 1 Rs. coins as much possible and try to return amount with 2 Rs. coins first, after that using both 1 and 2 Rs. coins, in last check for only by 1 Rs. coins.


If amount to be return is 1, Then we can return it by 1 Rs. coin only, If we have at least one 1 Rs. coin. If amount to be return is 2, Then we can return it either by one 2 Rs. coin or two 1 Rs. coins. If possible then return it with one 2 Rs. coin first else check for two 1 Rs. coins. If amount to be return is greater than 2, check if amount if odd, check, If we return X[i] amount with 2 Rs. coins as X[i] – 1 and one 1 Rs. coin for remained 1.

  • Example: X[i] = 9, amount (9-1) as 2 Rs. coins and remained 1 with 1 Rs. coin. 
    • If not possible by above condition, Then check available amount (P*2 + Q*1) ≥ X[i], Then set Q = 0 (Because for X[i] – 1 we have checked in previous condition, So in this condition there will be surely all 2 Rs. coins will be used for X[i] and the remained amount is paid by using 1 rs. coins).
  • Example: X[i] = 9, Considered (9-5) can be paid by 2 Rs. coins and rest 5 with five 1 Rs. coins. So all two 2 Rs. coins are used for returning (9-5) amount. Therefore, set Q = 0.
    • If not possible by above two conditions, Then we will check, If we can return the amount with 1 Rs. coins or not. Check, if amount is even, check If we can return amount by only 2 Rs. coins. If not possible with only by 2 Rs. coins, Then check for both 2 and 1 Rs. coins. In last, check if we can return it with only 1 Rs. coins or not.

Steps were taken to solve the problem:

  • Create a variable max for storing the maximum number of people.
  • Sort the array X[].
  • Traverse on array X[],
    • Check if (X[i] = 1)
      • If(P ≥ 1), then decrement P and increment max.
    • Check if (X[i] = 2)
      • If(Q ≥ 1), then decrement Q and increment max.
      • Else if (P ≥ 2), then decrement P by 2 and increment max. 
    • Check if (X[i] > 2)
      • If X[i] is odd:
        • If(Q ≥ (X[i]/2)), then Q -= (X[i]/2) and increment max.
        • Else if(((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) ≥ X[i]), then X[i] -= (Q*2), P -= X[i], set Q to 0 and increment max.
        • Else ((P ≥ X[i])), then P -= X[i] and increment max.
      • If X[i] is even:
        •   if(Q ≥ ((X[i ] – 1)/2))
          • if(P ≥ 1) then Q -= ((X[i] – 1)/2) and decrement P increment max.
          • Else if(((Q*2) + (P*1)) ≥ X[i]), then X[i] -= Q*(2),   P -= X[i], set Q = 0 and increment max.
          • Else if(P ≥ X[i]), then P -= X[i] and increment max.
  • Output the value of max.

Below is the code for the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Method for returning the max number
// of people to whom we can
// return money
void MaxReturn(int N, int P, int Q, int X[])
    // Variable to store max number
    // of people
    int max = 0;
    // Sorting X[] using in-built
    // Function of array class
    sort(X, X + N);
    // Loop for traversing over X
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If we need to return 1 Rs.
        // to a person then we can
        // give change in terms of
        // 1 Rs. coin only
        if (X[i] == 1) {
            // Checking that if we
            // have at least 1 coin
            // of 1 Rs. or not, If YES,
            // then minus count of 1
            // Rs. coin and
            // incrementing people count
            if (P >= 1) {
        // If we need to return 2 Rs.
        // to a person then we can
        // give change in terms of two
        // 1 Rs. coin or one 2 Rs. coin
        else if (X[i] == 2) {
            // Checking that if we
            // have at least 1 coin
            // of 2 Rs. or not. If YES,
            // then minus count of 2 Rs.
            // coin and incrementing
            // people count
            if (Q >= 1) {
            // If we don't have 2 Rs.
            // coin Then we are
            // checking that if we
            // have at least two 1 Rs.
            // coin or not. If YES,
            // then minus count of 1 Rs.
            // coin by 2 and increment
            // people count.
            else if (P >= 2) {
                P -= 2;
        // Else block, Executes when
        // we have to return money
        // Greater than 2
        else {
            // If money to be return
            // is Even
            if (X[i] % 2 == 0) {
                // Checking that if we
                // can return in number
                // of 2 coins
                if (Q >= (X[i] / 2)) {
                    Q -= (X[i] / 2);
                // If not have enough
                // 2 Rs. coins. Then
                // checking for combination
                // of 1 and 2 Rs. coins
                else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                    X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                    Q = 0;
                    P -= X[i];
                // If above two conditions are not
                // satisfied Then checking, Whether we
                // can return money By 1 Rs. coins only
                // or not
                else if ((P >= X[i])) {
                    P -= X[i];
            // Else block will execute when money to be
            // return is Odd
            else {
                // If we can return X[i] - 1 Rs. with 2
                // Rs. coins Formally, if X[i] = 7, then
                // checking we can return
                // As three 2 Rs. coins and one 1 Rs.
                // coins.
                // Example : ((2*3)+1*1) = 7
                if (Q >= ((X[i] - 1) / 2)) {
                    if (P >= 1) {
                        Q -= ((X[i] - 1) / 2);
                // Checking that If we can return X[i]
                // Rs. as combination of
                // 2 Rs. and 1 Rs. coins
                // This condition differs from above
                // conditon as: In above condition we
                // were returning X[i] - 1 Rs as 2 Rs.
                // coins. But in this condition we can't
                // do the same because 2 Rs. coins are
                // less Example : ((2*1)+1*5) = 7 We are
                // setting 2 Rs. coins count as 0 (Q =
                // 0), because all 2 Rs. coins will be
                // used in such condition
                else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                    X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                    Q = 0;
                    P -= X[i];
                // this else block will execute if we
                // have can't return money by above
                // conditions Then checking that we can
                // return as sum of 1 Rs. coins or not.
                else {
                    if (P >= X[i]) {
                        P -= X[i];
    // Printing the max number of people to whom
    // we can return money.
    cout << max;
// Driver Class
int main()
    // Inputs
    int N = 5;
    int P = 3, Q = 4;
    int X[] = { 3, 1, 4, 5, 1 };
    // Function call
    MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X);
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Driver Class
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws java.lang.Exception
        // Inputs
        int N = 5;
        int P = 3, Q = 4;
        int X[] = { 3, 1, 4, 5, 1 };
        // Function call
        MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X);
    // Method for returning the max number
    // of people to whom we can
    // return money
    static void MaxReturn(int N, int P, int Q, int[] X)
        // Variable to store max number
        // of people
        int max = 0;
        // Sorting X[] using in-built
        // Function of array class
        // Loop for traversing over X
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // If we need to return 1 Rs.
            // to a person then we can
            // give change in terms of
            // 1 Rs. coin only
            if (X[i] == 1) {
                // Checking that if we
                // have at least 1 coin
                // of 1 Rs. or not, If YES,
                // then minus count of 1
                // Rs. coin and
                // incrementing people count
                if (P >= 1) {
            // If we need to return 2 Rs.
            // to a person then we can
            // give change in terms of two
            // 1 Rs. coin or one 2 Rs. coin
            else if (X[i] == 2) {
                // Checking that if we
                // have at least 1 coin
                // of 2 Rs. or not. If YES,
                // then minus count of 2 Rs.
                // coin and incrementing
                // people count
                if (Q >= 1) {
                // If we don't have 2 Rs.
                // coin Then we are
                // checking that if we
                // have at least two 1 Rs.
                // coin or not. If YES,
                // then minus count of 1 Rs.
                // coin by 2 and increment
                // people count.
                else if (P >= 2) {
                    P -= 2;
            // Else block, Executes when
            // we have to return money
            // Greater than 2
            else {
                // If money to be return
                // is Even
                if (X[i] % 2 == 0) {
                    // Checking that if we
                    // can return in number
                    // of 2 coins
                    if (Q >= (X[i] / 2)) {
                        Q -= (X[i] / 2);
                    // If not have enough
                    // 2 Rs. coins. Then
                    // checking for combination
                    // of 1 and 2 Rs. coins
                    else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                        X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                        Q = 0;
                        P -= X[i];
                    // If above two conditions are not
                    // satisfied Then checking, Whether we
                    // can return money By 1 Rs. coins only
                    // or not
                    else if ((P >= X[i])) {
                        P -= X[i];
                // Else block will execute when money to be
                // return is Odd
                else {
                    // If we can return X[i] - 1 Rs. with 2
                    // Rs. coins Formally, if X[i] = 7, then
                    // checking we can return
                    // As three 2 Rs. coins and one 1 Rs.
                    // coins.
                    // Example : ((2*3)+1*1) = 7
                    if (Q >= ((X[i] - 1) / 2)) {
                        if (P >= 1) {
                            Q -= ((X[i] - 1) / 2);
                    // Checking that If we can return X[i]
                    // Rs. as combination of
                    // 2 Rs. and 1 Rs. coins
                    // This condition differs from above
                    // conditon as: In above condition we
                    // were returning X[i] - 1 Rs as 2 Rs.
                    // coins. But in this condition we can't
                    // do the same because 2 Rs. coins are
                    // less Example : ((2*1)+1*5) = 7 We are
                    // setting 2 Rs. coins count as 0 (Q =
                    // 0), because all 2 Rs. coins will be
                    // used in such condition
                    else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                        X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                        Q = 0;
                        P -= X[i];
                    // this else block will execute if we
                    // have can't return money by above
                    // conditions Then checking that we can
                    // return as sum of 1 Rs. coins or not.
                    else {
                        if (P >= X[i]) {
                            P -= X[i];
        // Printing the max number of people to whom
        // we can return money.


def MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X):
    max_people = 0
     # Sorting the array of amounts
    # Loop through each element in the
    # array X
    for i in range(N):
        if X[i] == 1
          # If the amount is 1
            if P >= 1:
                max_people += 1
                P -= 1
        elif X[i] == 2
          # If the amount is 2
            if Q >= 1:
                max_people += 1
                Q -= 1
            elif P >= 2:
                max_people += 1
                P -= 2
          # For amounts greater than 2
            if X[i] % 2 == 0
              # If the amount is even
                if Q >= (X[i] // 2):
                    max_people += 1
                    Q -= X[i] // 2
                elif ((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]:
                    X[i] -= Q * 2
                    Q = 0
                    P -= X[i]
                    max_people += 1
                elif P >= X[i]:
                    P -= X[i]
                    max_people += 1
              # If the amount is odd
                if Q >= ((X[i] - 1) // 2) and P >= 1:
                    Q -= (X[i] - 1) // 2
                    P -= 1
                    max_people += 1
                elif ((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]:
                    X[i] -= Q * 2
                    Q = 0
                    P -= X[i]
                    max_people += 1
                elif P >= X[i]:
                    P -= X[i]
                    max_people += 1               
    return max_people
# Driver code
N = 5
P = 3
Q = 4
X = [3, 1, 4, 5, 1]
result = MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X)


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
class GFG {
    // Method for returning the max number
    // of people to whom we can
    // return money
    static void MaxReturn(int N, int P, int Q, int[] X)
        // Variable to store max number
        // of people
        int max = 0;
        // Sorting X[] using in-built
        // Function of array class
        // Loop for traversing over X
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // If we need to return 1 Rs.
            // to a person then we can
            // give change in terms of
            // 1 Rs. coin only
            if (X[i] == 1) {
                // Checking that if we
                // have at least 1 coin
                // of 1 Rs. or not, If YES,
                // then minus count of 1
                // Rs. coin and
                // incrementing people count
                if (P >= 1) {
            // If we need to return 2 Rs.
            // to a person then we can
            // give change in terms of two
            // 1 Rs. coin or one 2 Rs. coin
            else if (X[i] == 2) {
                // Checking that if we
                // have at least 1 coin
                // of 2 Rs. or not. If YES,
                // then minus count of 2 Rs.
                // coin and incrementing
                // people count
                if (Q >= 1) {
                // If we don't have 2 Rs.
                // coin Then we are
                // checking that if we
                // have at least two 1 Rs.
                // coin or not. If YES,
                // then minus count of 1 Rs.
                // coin by 2 and increment
                // people count.
                else if (P >= 2) {
                    P -= 2;
            // Else block, Executes when
            // we have to return money
            // Greater than 2
            else {
                // If money to be return
                // is Even
                if (X[i] % 2 == 0) {
                    // Checking that if we
                    // can return in number
                    // of 2 coins
                    if (Q >= (X[i] / 2)) {
                        Q -= (X[i] / 2);
                    // If not have enough
                    // 2 Rs. coins. Then
                    // checking for combination
                    // of 1 and 2 Rs. coins
                    else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                        X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                        Q = 0;
                        P -= X[i];
                    // If above two conditions are not
                    // satisfied Then checking, Whether we
                    // can return money By 1 Rs. coins only
                    // or not
                    else if ((P >= X[i])) {
                        P -= X[i];
                // Else block will execute when money to be
                // return is Odd
                else {
                    // If we can return X[i] - 1 Rs. with 2
                    // Rs. coins Formally, if X[i] = 7, then
                    // checking we can return
                    // As three 2 Rs. coins and one 1 Rs.
                    // coins.
                    // Example : ((2*3)+1*1) = 7
                    if (Q >= ((X[i] - 1) / 2)) {
                        if (P >= 1) {
                            Q -= ((X[i] - 1) / 2);
                    // Checking that If we can return X[i]
                    // Rs. as combination of
                    // 2 Rs. and 1 Rs. coins
                    // This condition differs from above
                    // conditon as: In above condition we
                    // were returning X[i] - 1 Rs as 2 Rs.
                    // coins. But in this condition we can't
                    // do the same because 2 Rs. coins are
                    // less Example : ((2*1)+1*5) = 7 We are
                    // setting 2 Rs. coins count as 0 (Q =
                    // 0), because all 2 Rs. coins will be
                    // used in such condition
                    else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                        X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                        Q = 0;
                        P -= X[i];
                    // this else block will execute if we
                    // have can't return money by above
                    // conditions Then checking that we can
                    // return as sum of 1 Rs. coins or not.
                    else {
                        if (P >= X[i]) {
                            P -= X[i];
        // Printing the max number of people to whom
        // we can return money.
    // Driver Class
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Inputs
        int N = 5;
        int P = 3, Q = 4;
        int[] X = { 3, 1, 4, 5, 1 };
        // Function call
        MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X);
// This code is contributed by Utkarsh Kumar


// Javascript code to implement the approach
// Method for returning the max number
// of people to whom we can
// return money
function  MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X)
    // Variable to store max number
    // of people
    let max = 0;
    // Sorting X[] using in-built
    // Function
    X.sort((a, b) => a - b);
    // Loop for traversing over X
    for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If we need to return 1 Rs.
        // to a person then we can
        // give change in terms of
        // 1 Rs. coin only
        if (X[i] == 1) {
            // Checking that if we
            // have at least 1 coin
            // of 1 Rs. or not, If YES,
            // then minus count of 1
            // Rs. coin and
            // incrementing people count
            if (P >= 1) {
        // If we need to return 2 Rs.
        // to a person then we can
        // give change in terms of two
        // 1 Rs. coin or one 2 Rs. coin
        else if (X[i] == 2) {
            // Checking that if we
            // have at least 1 coin
            // of 2 Rs. or not. If YES,
            // then minus count of 2 Rs.
            // coin and incrementing
            // people count
            if (Q >= 1) {
            // If we don't have 2 Rs.
            // coin Then we are
            // checking that if we
            // have at least two 1 Rs.
            // coin or not. If YES,
            // then minus count of 1 Rs.
            // coin by 2 and increment
            // people count.
            else if (P >= 2) {
                P -= 2;
        // Else block, Executes when
        // we have to return money
        // Greater than 2
        else {
            // If money to be return
            // is Even
            if (X[i] % 2 == 0) {
                // Checking that if we
                // can return in number
                // of 2 coins
                if (Q >= Math.floor(X[i] / 2)) {
                    Q -= Math.floor(X[i] / 2);
                // If not have enough
                // 2 Rs. coins. Then
                // checking for combination
                // of 1 and 2 Rs. coins
                else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                    X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                    Q = 0;
                    P -= X[i];
                // If above two conditions are not
                // satisfied Then checking, Whether we
                // can return money By 1 Rs. coins only
                // or not
                else if ((P >= X[i])) {
                    P -= X[i];
            // Else block will execute when money to be
            // return is Odd
            else {
                // If we can return X[i] - 1 Rs. with 2
                // Rs. coins Formally, if X[i] = 7, then
                // checking we can return
                // As three 2 Rs. coins and one 1 Rs.
                // coins.
                // Example : ((2*3)+1*1) = 7
                if (Q >= Math.floor((X[i] - 1) / 2)) {
                    if (P >= 1) {
                        Q -= Math.floor((X[i] - 1) / 2);
                // Checking that If we can return X[i]
                // Rs. as combination of
                // 2 Rs. and 1 Rs. coins
                // This condition differs from above
                // conditon as: In above condition we
                // were returning X[i] - 1 Rs as 2 Rs.
                // coins. But in this condition we can't
                // do the same because 2 Rs. coins are
                // less Example : ((2*1)+1*5) = 7 We are
                // setting 2 Rs. coins count as 0 (Q =
                // 0), because all 2 Rs. coins will be
                // used in such condition
                else if (((Q * 2) + (P * 1)) >= X[i]) {
                    X[i] -= (Q * 2);
                    Q = 0;
                    P -= X[i];
                // this else block will execute if we
                // have can't return money by above
                // conditions Then checking that we can
                // return as sum of 1 Rs. coins or not.
                else {
                    if (P >= X[i]) {
                        P -= X[i];
    // Printing the max number of people to whom
    // we can return money.
// Driver Class
    // Inputs
    let N = 5;
    let P = 3, Q = 4;
    let X = [3, 1, 4, 5, 1];
    // Function call
    MaxReturn(N, P, Q, X);
// This code is contributed by Vaibhav Nandan



Time Complexity: O(N*LogN), As sorting is performed.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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