Maximum Number of Accepted Invitations to Party

Given a grid of m boys and n girls, where grid[i][j] = 1 represents that ith boy can invite girl jth girl to party. Each boy can invite only one girl and each girl can accept only one invitation. Find the most invitations that can be accepted.


Input: grid = {{1,1,1},
Output: 3
Explanation: The invitations can be sent as follows:
=> 1st boy invites the 2nd girl.
=> 2nd boy invites the 1st girl.
=> 3rd boy invites the 3rd girl.

Input: grid = {{1,0,1,0},
Output: 3
Explanation: The invitations can be sent as follows:
=> 1st boy invites the 3rd girl.
=> 2nd boy invites the 1st girl.
=> 3rd boy invites no one.
=> 4th boy invites the 2nd girl.


The solution uses the concept of maximum bipartite matching. We have to iterating over each boy and trying to find a girl that he can invite. If a boy finds a girl who hasn’t been invited yet, he invites her. If the girl has already been invited by another boy, then we recursively check if there is another girl that the other boy can invite. If yes, then the current boy invites the girl, and the other boy invites the other girl. This process is repeated until all boys have been checked.

The key idea here is to use depth-first search (DFS), we can efficiently backtrack and find alternative matches if a certain path doesn’t lead to a solution. This will makes sure that we find the maximum possible number of matches.

Steps-by-step approach:

  • Create a function canInviteGirl(), which recursively checks if the current boy can invite any girl:
    • It uses backtracking to explore possible combinations.
    • Check if a girl is successfully invited then returns true
    • otherwise, returns false.
  • Create a function maximumInvitations(), which iterates through each boy.
    • For each boy, calls canInviteGirl() to check if the boy can invite a girl.
    • Maintains a count of successful invitations and returns the total count.

Below are the implementation of the above approach:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Function to check if the current boy can invite any girl
bool canInviteGirl(vector<vector<int> >& invitationMatrix,
                   int totalBoys, int currentBoy,
                   vector<int>& girlInvitedBy,
                   vector<bool>& visitedBoys)
    // If the boy has already visited, return false
    if (visitedBoys[currentBoy])
        return false;

    // Mark the boy as visited
    visitedBoys[currentBoy] = true;

    // Iterate through all the girls
    for (int girl = 0;
         girl < invitationMatrix[currentBoy].size();
         girl++) {
        // If the current boy can invite the girl
        if (invitationMatrix[currentBoy][girl]) {
            // If the girl is not invited by any boy or the
            // boy who invited the girl can invite another
            // girl
            if (girlInvitedBy[girl] == -1
                || canInviteGirl(
                    invitationMatrix, totalBoys,
                    girlInvitedBy[girl], girlInvitedBy,
                    visitedBoys)) {
                // The girl is invited by the current boy
                girlInvitedBy[girl] = currentBoy;
                return true;
    return false;

// Function to find the maximum number of invitations
int maximumInvitations(
    vector<vector<int> >& invitationMatrix)
    int totalBoys = invitationMatrix.size();
    int totalGirls = invitationMatrix[0].size();
    vector<int> girlInvitedBy(
        totalGirls, -1); // girl[i] = which boy has invited
                         // the ith girl.
    int totalInvitations = 0;

    // For each boy, try to invite a girl
    for (int boy = 0; boy < totalBoys; boy++) {
        vector<bool> visitedBoys(totalBoys, false);

        if (canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, boy,
                          girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys))

    return totalInvitations;

int main()

    // Define the invitation matrix
    vector<vector<int> > invitationMatrix
        = { { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 1 } };

    // Call the maximumInvitations function and store the
    // result
    int totalInvitations
        = maximumInvitations(invitationMatrix);

    // Print the result
    cout << "The maximum possible number of accepted "
            "invitations is: "
         << totalInvitations << endl;

    return 0;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Main {
    // Function to check if the current boy can invite any girl
    static boolean canInviteGirl(int[][] invitationMatrix, int totalBoys, int currentBoy,
                                 int[] girlInvitedBy, boolean[] visitedBoys) {
        // If the boy has already visited, return false
        if (visitedBoys[currentBoy]) return false;

        // Mark the boy as visited
        visitedBoys[currentBoy] = true;

        // Iterate through all the girls
        for (int girl = 0; girl < invitationMatrix[currentBoy].length; girl++) {
            // If the current boy can invite the girl
            if (invitationMatrix[currentBoy][girl] == 1) {
                // If the girl is not invited by any boy or the
                // boy who invited the girl can invite another girl
                if (girlInvitedBy[girl] == -1 || canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys,
                        girlInvitedBy[girl], girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys)) {
                    // The girl is invited by the current boy
                    girlInvitedBy[girl] = currentBoy;
                    return true;
        return false;

    // Function to find the maximum number of invitations
    static int maximumInvitations(int[][] invitationMatrix) {
        int totalBoys = invitationMatrix.length;
        int totalGirls = invitationMatrix[0].length;
        int[] girlInvitedBy = new int[totalGirls];
        Arrays.fill(girlInvitedBy, -1); // girl[i] = which boy has invited the ith girl.
        int totalInvitations = 0;

        // For each boy, try to invite a girl
        for (int boy = 0; boy < totalBoys; boy++) {
            boolean[] visitedBoys = new boolean[totalBoys];
            if (canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, boy, girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys))

        return totalInvitations;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define the invitation matrix
        int[][] invitationMatrix = {{1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}};

        // Call the maximumInvitations function and store the result
        int totalInvitations = maximumInvitations(invitationMatrix);

        // Print the result
        System.out.println("The maximum possible number of accepted invitations is: " + totalInvitations);
# Function to check if the current boy can invite any girl
def canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, currentBoy, girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys):
    # If the boy has already visited, return False
    if visitedBoys[currentBoy]:
        return False

    # Mark the boy as visited
    visitedBoys[currentBoy] = True

    # Iterate through all the girls
    for girl in range(len(invitationMatrix[currentBoy])):
        # If the current boy can invite the girl
        if invitationMatrix[currentBoy][girl]:
            # If the girl is not invited by any boy or the boy who invited the girl can invite another girl
            if girlInvitedBy[girl] == -1 or canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, girlInvitedBy[girl], girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys):
                # The girl is invited by the current boy
                girlInvitedBy[girl] = currentBoy
                return True
    return False

# Function to find the maximum number of invitations
def maximumInvitations(invitationMatrix):
    totalBoys = len(invitationMatrix)
    totalGirls = len(invitationMatrix[0])
    girlInvitedBy = [-1] * totalGirls  # girl[i] = which boy has invited the ith girl.
    totalInvitations = 0

    # For each boy, try to invite a girl
    for boy in range(totalBoys):
        visitedBoys = [False] * totalBoys

        if canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, boy, girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys):
            totalInvitations += 1

    return totalInvitations

# Define the invitation matrix
invitationMatrix = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]

# Call the maximumInvitations function and store the result
totalInvitations = maximumInvitations(invitationMatrix)

# Print the result
print("The maximum possible number of accepted invitations is:", totalInvitations)
// Function to check if the current boy can invite any girl
function canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, currentBoy, girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys) {
    // If the boy has already visited, return false
    if (visitedBoys[currentBoy])
        return false;

    // Mark the boy as visited
    visitedBoys[currentBoy] = true;

    // Iterate through all the girls
    for (let girl = 0; girl < invitationMatrix[currentBoy].length; girl++) {
        // If the current boy can invite the girl
        if (invitationMatrix[currentBoy][girl]) {
            // If the girl is not invited by any boy or the boy who invited the girl can invite another girl
            if (girlInvitedBy[girl] === -1 || canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, girlInvitedBy[girl], girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys)) {
                // The girl is invited by the current boy
                girlInvitedBy[girl] = currentBoy;
                return true;
    return false;

// Function to find the maximum number of invitations
function maximumInvitations(invitationMatrix) {
    const totalBoys = invitationMatrix.length;
    const totalGirls = invitationMatrix[0].length;
    const girlInvitedBy = new Array(totalGirls).fill(-1); // girl[i] = which boy has invited the ith girl.
    let totalInvitations = 0;

    // For each boy, try to invite a girl
    for (let boy = 0; boy < totalBoys; boy++) {
        const visitedBoys = new Array(totalBoys).fill(false);

        if (canInviteGirl(invitationMatrix, totalBoys, boy, girlInvitedBy, visitedBoys))

    return totalInvitations;

// Define the invitation matrix
const invitationMatrix = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]];

// Call the maximumInvitations function and store the result
const totalInvitations = maximumInvitations(invitationMatrix);

// Print the result
console.log("The maximum possible number of accepted invitations is:", totalInvitations);

The maximum possible number of accepted invitations is: 3

Time complexity: O(m * n), where m is the number of boys and n is the number of girls.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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