Maximum common prefix of all strings

Given array A[] of strings of size N, the task for this problem is to print the Maximum Common prefix of string ‘i’ with other strings from 1 to N apart from ‘i’ itself for all given strings from 1 to N. Given strings consists of lowercase English letters.


Input: {“abc”, “abb”, “aac”}
Output: 2 2 1

  • Answer for first string is two. since first string has maximum length of common prefix is 2. with one of the all other strings. 
  • Answer for second string is two. since second string has maximum length of common prefix is 2 with one of the all other strings. 
  • Answer for third string is one. since third string has maximum length of common prefix is 1 with one of the all other strings. 

Input: A2 = {“abracadabra”, “bracadabra”, “racadabra”, “acadabra”, “cadabra”, “adabra”, “dabra”, “abra”, “bra”, “ra”, “a”}
Output:  4 3 2 1 0 1 0 4 3 2 1

Naive approach: The basic way to solve the problem is as follows:

The basic way to solve this problem is to iterate all other strings for each strings and maintain maximum count.

Time Complexity: O(N2)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Efficient Approach:  The above approach can be optimized based on the following idea:

Trie data structure can be used to solve this problem.

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • All strings are inserted in TRIE by iterating on each string from A[].
  • Iterating on all strings from 1 to N.
  • For each string remove that string by calling remove().
  • Print a maximum length of string with whom the given string has the maximum common prefix by calling query().
  • Insert the same string back again in TRIE by insert().

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ code for the above approach:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure for Node of Trie
struct Node {
    // Links of string trie
    Node* links[26];
    // Count of similar prefixes
    // strings has
    int cnt = 0;
// Root node initialized
Node* root = new Node();
// Insert function for inserting
// words in trie
void insert(string word)
    // Initializing node variable
    Node* node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
        // If node does not exists
        if (node->links[word[i] - 'a'] == NULL) {
            // Creating new node
            node->links[word[i] - 'a'] = new Node();
        // Next node
        node = node->links[word[i] - 'a'];
        // Incrementing counter
// Remove function for removing
// words in trie
void remove(string word)
    // Initializing node variable
    Node* node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
        // Next node
        node = node->links[word[i] - 'a'];
        // Decrementing the counter
// Finding common prefix in all
// other strings
int query(string word)
    // Count of answer
    int cnt = 0;
    // Initialization of node variable
    Node* node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
        // If doesn't exist break;
        if (node->links[word[i] - 'a'] == NULL)
        // Next node
        node = node->links[word[i] - 'a'];
        // If counter zero break;
        if (node->cnt == 0)
        // Incrementing the counter
    // Returning the integer
    return cnt;
// Function for finding Longest Common
// prefix of all given strings in given
// array
void findLCP(vector<string>& A, int N)
    // Inserting all strings in Trie
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    // Finding answer for ith string
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Deleting current string from Trie
        // Printing answer for i'th string
        cout << query(A[i]) << " ";
        // Inserting i'th string again
    cout << endl;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    vector<string> A1 = { "abc", "abb", "aac" };
    int N1 = 3;
    // Call for test case 1
    findLCP(A1, N1);
    vector<string> A2
        = { "abracadabra", "bracadabra", "racadabra",
            "acadabra", "cadabra", "adabra",
            "dabra", "abra", "bra",
            "ra", "a" };
    int N2 = 11;
    // Call for test case 2
    findLCP(A2, N2);
    return 0;


// Java code for the above approach:
import java.util.*;
// Structure for Node of Trie
class Node {
    // Links of string trie
    Node[] links = new Node[26];
    // Count of similar prefixes strings has
    int cnt = 0;
public class Main {
    // Root node initialized
    static Node root = new Node();
    // Insert function for inserting words in trie
    static void insert(String word)
        // Initializing node variable
        Node node = root;
        // Iterating on given word
        for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
            // If node does not exists
            if (node.links[word.charAt(i) - 'a'] == null) {
                // Creating new node
                node.links[word.charAt(i) - 'a']
                    = new Node();
            // Next node
            node = node.links[word.charAt(i) - 'a'];
            // Incrementing counter
    // Remove function for removing words in trie
    static void remove(String word)
        // Initializing node vaiable
        Node node = root;
        // Iterating on given word
        for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
            // Next node
            node = node.links[word.charAt(i) - 'a'];
            // Decrementing the counter
    // Finding common prefix in all other strings
    static int query(String word)
        // Count of answer
        int cnt = 0;
        // Initialization of node variable
        Node node = root;
        // Iterating on given word
        for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
            // If doesn't exist break;
            if (node.links[word.charAt(i) - 'a'] == null)
            // Next node
            node = node.links[word.charAt(i) - 'a'];
            // If counter zero break;
            if (node.cnt == 0)
            // Incrementing the counter
        // Returning the integer
        return cnt;
    // Function for finding Longest Common prefix of all
    // given strings in given array
    static void findLCP(List<String> A, int N)
        // Inserting all strings in Trie
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        // Finding answer for ith string
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // Deleting current string from Trie
            // Printing answer for i'th string
            System.out.print(query(A.get(i)) + " ");
            // Inserting i'th string again
    // Driver program to test above functions
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<String> A1
            = Arrays.asList("abc", "abb", "aac");
        int N1 = 3;
        // Call for test case 1
        findLCP(A1, N1);
        List<String> A2 = Arrays.asList(
            "abracadabra", "bracadabra", "racadabra",
            "acadabra", "cadabra", "adabra", "dabra",
            "abra", "bra", "ra", "a");
        int N2 = 11;
        // Call for test case 2
        findLCP(A2, N2);
// This code is contributed by rutikbhosale


# Python3 code for the above approach
class Node:
    def __init__(self):
        # links of string trie
        self.links = [None] * 26
        # count of similar prefixes strings has
        self.cnt = 0
# root node initialize
root = Node()
# Function for inserting words in trie
def insert(word):
    # initialize node
    node = root
    # iterate on word
    for i in range(len(word)):
        # if node not exist
        if not node.links[ord(word[i]) - ord('a')]:
            # creating new node
            node.links[ord(word[i]) - ord('a')] = Node()
        # next node
        node = node.links[ord(word[i]) - ord('a')]
        # increase count by 1
        node.cnt += 1
# Function for removing words in trie
def remove(word):
    # initialize node variable
    node = root
    # iterate on given word
    for i in range(len(word)):
        # next node
        node = node.links[ord(word[i]) - ord('a')]
        # decrease the count by 1
        node.cnt -= 1
def query(word):
    # initialize count to 0
    cnt = 0
    # initialize node
    node = root
    # iterate for word
    for i in range(len(word)):
        # if it doesn't exist break loop
        if not node.links[ord(word[i]) - ord('a')]:
        # next node
        node = node.links[ord(word[i]) - ord('a')]
        # if counter zero break
        if node.cnt == 0:
        # increase the count by 1
        cnt += 1
    # return count
    return cnt
#  Function for finding Longest Common
#  prefix of all given strings for given array
def findLCP(A):
    # insert all strings in trie
    for word in A:
    # find answer for i-th string
    for word in A:
        # delet current string from trie
        # print answer for i-th string
        print(query(word), end=" ")
        # insert i-th string again
# Drive code
A1 = ["abc", "abb", "aac"]
# Function call for test case 1
A2 = ["abracadabra", "bracadabra", "racadabra",
      "acadabra", "cadabra", "adabra",
      "dabra", "abra", "bra","ra", "a"]
# Function  call for test case 2
 # This code is contributed by nikhilsainiofficial546


// C# code for the above approach:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Structure for Node of Trie
public class Node
  // Links of string trie
  public Node[] links = new Node[26];
  // Count of similar prefixes strings has
  public int cnt = 0;
public class Program
  // Root node initialized
  static Node root = new Node();
  // Insert function for inserting words in trie
  static void insert(string word)
    // Initializing node variable
    Node node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
      // If node does not exist
      if (node.links[word[i] - 'a'] == null)
        // Creating new node
        node.links[word[i] - 'a'] = new Node();
      // Next node
      node = node.links[word[i] - 'a'];
      // Incrementing counter
  // Remove function for removing words in trie
  static void remove(string word)
    // Initializing node vaiable
    Node node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
      // Next node
      node = node.links[word[i] - 'a'];
      // Decrementing the counter
  // Finding common prefix in all other strings
  static int query(string word)
    // Count of answer
    int cnt = 0;
    // Initialization of node variable
    Node node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
      // If doesn't exist break;
      if (node.links[word[i] - 'a'] == null)
      // Next node
      node = node.links[word[i] - 'a'];
      // If counter zero break;
      if (node.cnt == 0)
      // Incrementing the counter
    // Returning the integer
    return cnt;
  // Function for finding Longest Common prefix of all
  // given strings in given array
  static void findLCP(List<string> A, int N)
    // Inserting all strings in Trie
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    // Finding answer for ith string
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      // Deleting current string from Trie
      // Printing answer for i'th string
      Console.Write(query(A[i]) + " ");
      // Inserting i'th string again
  // Driver program to test above functions
  public static void Main()
    List<string> A1 = new List<string> { "abc", "abb", "aac" };
    int N1 = 3;
    // Call for test case 1
    findLCP(A1, N1);
    List<string> A2 = new List<string> {
      "abracadabra", "bracadabra", "racadabra",
      "acadabra", "cadabra", "adabra", "dabra",
      "abra", "bra", "ra", "a"
    int N2 = 11;
    // Call for test case 2
    findLCP(A2, N2);
// This code is contributed by Pushpesh Raj.


// JavaScript code for the above approach:
// Structure for Node of Trie
class Node {
    // Links of string trie
    constructor() {
        this.links = Array(26).fill(null);
        // Count of similar prefixes
        // strings has
        this.cnt = 0;
// Root node initialized
const root = new Node();
// Insert function for inserting
// words in trie
function insert(word) {
    // Initializing node variable
    let node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
        // If node does not exists
        if (node.links[word.charCodeAt(i) - 97] === null) {
            // Creating new node
            node.links[word.charCodeAt(i) - 97] = new Node();
        // Next node
        node = node.links[word.charCodeAt(i) - 97];
        // Incrementing counter
// Remove function for removing
// words in trie
function remove(word) {
    // Initializing node variable
    let node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
        // Next node
        node = node.links[word.charCodeAt(i) - 97];
        // Decrementing the counter
// Finding common prefix in all
// other strings
function query(word) {
    // Count of answer
    let cnt = 0;
    // Initialization of node variable
    let node = root;
    // Iterating on given word
    for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
        // If doesn't exist break;
        if (node.links[word.charCodeAt(i) - 97] === null)
        // Next node
        node = node.links[word.charCodeAt(i) - 97];
        // If counter zero break;
        if (node.cnt === 0)
        // Incrementing the counter
    // Returning the integer
    return cnt;
// Function for finding Longest Common
// prefix of all given strings in given
// array
function findLCP(A, N) {
    // Inserting all strings in Trie
    for (let i = 0; i < N; i++)
    // Finding answer for ith string
    for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Deleting current string from Trie
        // Printing answer for i'th string
        console.log(query(A[i]) + " ");
        // Inserting i'th string again
// Driver program to test above functions
const A1 = ["abc", "abb", "aac"];
const N1 = 3;
// Call for test case 1
findLCP(A1, N1);
const A2 = ["abracadabra", "bracadabra", "racadabra", "acadabra",
"cadabra", "adabra", "dabra", "abra", "bra", "ra", "a", ];
const N2 = 11;
// Call for test case 2
findLCP(A2, N2);


2 2 1 

4 3 2 1 0 1 0 4 3 2 1 

Time Complexity: O(N*K2), where N is the number of strings and K is the maximum length of the strings. 
Auxiliary Space: O(N*K)

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