Maximize sum of N X N upper left sub-matrix from given 2N X 2N matrix

Given a 2N x 2N matrix of integers. You are allowed to reverse any row or column any number of times and in any order. The task is to calculate the maximum sum of the upper-left N X N submatrix i.e the sum of elements of the submatrix from (0, 0) to (N – 1, N – 1).


Input : mat[][] = {

                    112, 42, 83, 119,

                    56, 125, 56, 49,

                    15, 78, 101, 43,

                    62, 98, 114, 108


Output : 414

Given matrix is of size 4 X 4, we need to maximize 

the sum of upper left 2 X 2 matrix i.e 

the sum of mat[0][0] + mat[0][1] + mat[1][0] + mat[1][1].

Following operations maximize the sum:

1. Reverse the column 2,

112, 42, 114, 119,

56, 125, 101, 49,

15, 78, 56, 43,

62, 98, 83, 108

2. Reverse row 0,

119, 114, 42, 112,

56, 125, 101, 49,

15, 78, 56, 43,

62, 98, 83, 108

Sum of upper-left matrix = 119 + 114 + 56 + 125 = 414.

To maximize the sum of upper-left submatrix, observe, for each cell of the top-left submatrix, there are four candidates, meaning the corresponding cells in the top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right submatrices that it can be swapped with. 

Now, observe for each cell, wherever it is, we can swap it with the corresponding candidate value in the top-left submatrix without changing the order of the other cells in the top-left submatrix.The diagram show for an instance where the maximum value of the 4 candidates is in the top-right submatrix. If it is in the bottom-left or bottom-right submatrices, we can first reverse a row or column to put it in the top-right submatrix and then follow the same sequence of operations as shown in diagram. 

In this matrix, let say a26 is the maximum of the 4 candidates and a23 must be swapped with a26 without changing the order of the cells in the top-left submatrix.

Reverse Row 2, 

Reverse Column 2, 

Reverse Row 7, 

Reverse Column 6, 

Reverse Row 2, 

Below is the implementation of this approach: 


// C++ program to find maximum value of top N/2 x N/2
// matrix using row and column reverse operations
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define R 4
#define C 4
using namespace std;
int maxSum(int mat[R][C])
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < R / 2; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < C / 2; j++) {
            int r1 = i;
            int r2 = R - i - 1;
            int c1 = j;
            int c2 = C - j - 1;
            // We can replace current cell [i, j]
            // with 4 cells without changing affecting
            // other elements.
            sum += max(max(mat[r1][c1], mat[r1][c2]),
                       max(mat[r2][c1], mat[r2][c2]));
    return sum;
// Driven Program
int main()
    int mat[R][C]
        = { 112, 42, 83,  119, 56, 125, 56,  49,
            15,  78, 101, 43,  62, 98,  114, 108 };
    cout << maxSum(mat) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to find maximum value of top N/2 x N/2
// matrix using row and column reverse operations
class GFG {
    static int maxSum(int mat[][])
        int sum = 0;
        int maxI = mat.length;
        int maxIPossible = maxI - 1;
        int maxJ = mat[0].length;
        int maxJPossible = maxJ - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxI / 2; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < maxJ / 2; j++) {
                // We can replace current cell [i, j]
                // with 4 cells without changing affecting
                // other elements.
                sum += Math.max(
                             mat[maxIPossible - i][j]),
                    Math.max(mat[maxIPossible - i]
                                [maxJPossible - j],
                             mat[i][maxJPossible - j]));
        return sum;
    // Driven Program
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int mat[][] = { { 112, 42, 83, 119 },
                        { 56, 125, 56, 49 },
                        { 15, 78, 101, 43 },
                        { 62, 98, 114, 108 } };
/* This Java code is contributed by Rajput-Ji*/


# Python3 program to find the maximum value
# of top N/2 x N/2 matrix using row and
# column reverse operations
def maxSum(mat):
    Sum = 0
    for i in range(0, R // 2):
        for j in range(0, C // 2):
            r1, r2 = i, R - i - 1
            c1, c2 = j, C - j - 1
            # We can replace current cell [i, j]
            # with 4 cells without changing/affecting
            # other elements.
            Sum += max(max(mat[r1][c1], mat[r1][c2]),
                       max(mat[r2][c1], mat[r2][c2]))
    return Sum
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    R = C = 4
    mat = [[112, 42, 83, 119],
           [56, 125, 56, 49],
           [15, 78, 101, 43],
           [62, 98, 114, 108]]
# This code is contributed
# by Rituraj Jain


// C# program to find maximum value
// of top N/2 x N/2 matrix using row
// and column reverse operations
using System;
class GFG {
    static int R = 4;
    static int C = 4;
    static int maxSum(int[, ] mat)
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < R / 2; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < C / 2; j++) {
                int r1 = i;
                int r2 = R - i - 1;
                int c1 = j;
                int c2 = C - j - 1;
                // We can replace current cell [i, j]
                // with 4 cells without changing affecting
                // other elements.
                sum += Math.Max(
                    Math.Max(mat[r1, c1], mat[r1, c2]),
                    Math.Max(mat[r2, c1], mat[r2, c2]));
        return sum;
    // Driven Code
    public static void Main()
        int[, ] mat = { { 112, 42, 83, 119 },
                        { 56, 125, 56, 49 },
                        { 15, 78, 101, 43 },
                        { 62, 98, 114, 108 } };
// This code is contributed
// by ChitraNayal


// PHP program to find maximum value 
// of top N/2 x N/2 matrix using row 
// and column reverse operations
function maxSum($mat)
    $R = 4; $C = 4; 
    $sum = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $R / 2; $i++)
        for ($j = 0; $j < $C / 2; $j++) 
            $r1 = $i;
            $r2 = $R - $i - 1;
            $c1 = $j;
            $c2 = $C - $j - 1;
            // We can replace current cell [i, j]
            // with 4 cells without changing 
            // affecting other elements.
            $sum += max(max($mat[$r1][$c1],
        return $sum;
// Driver Code
$mat = array(array(112, 42, 83, 119),
             array(56, 125, 56, 49),
             array(15, 78, 101, 43),
             array(62, 98, 114, 108));
echo maxSum($mat) . "\n";
// This code is contributed
// by Mukul Singh


// Javascript program to find maximum value of top N/2 x N/2
// matrix using row and column reverse operations
    let R = 4;
    let C = 4;
    function maxSum(mat)
        let sum = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < R / 2; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < C / 2; j++) {
                let r1 = i;
                let r2 = R - i - 1;
                let c1 = j;
                let c2 = C - j - 1;
                // We can replace current cell [i, j]
                // with 4 cells without changing affecting
                // other elements.
                sum += Math.max(Math.max(mat[r1][c1], mat[r1][c2]),
                        Math.max(mat[r2][c1], mat[r2][c2]));
        return sum;
    // Driven Program
    let mat = [[112, 42, 83, 119], 
           [56, 125, 56, 49], 
           [15, 78, 101, 43], 
           [62, 98, 114, 108]];
    // This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155



Time Complexity: O(N2).
Auxiliary Space: O(1) as it is using constant space for variables


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