Max() and Min() function in MS Access

1. Max() Function :
max() function return the maximum value of given set. In the function a query is passed and in the eligible records which value will be maximum that will return as result. A expression will be pass as parameter and it will return the maximum value in the expression.

Syntax :

Max (expression)

Demo Database for example :

Table name : student

student_id Marks
121 56
122 45
123 89
124 50

Example-1 :

SELECT Max(Marks) AS marks 
FROM student;

Output –


Example-2 :

SELECT Max(Marks) AS marks 
FROM student
where Marks<80;

Output –


2. Min() Function :
min() function works like max() function but it will return the minimum value of the expression. In this function a query will be passed as parameter and it will return the minimum record.

Syntax :


Example-1 :

SELECT Min(Marks) AS marks 
FROM student;

Output –


Example-2 :

SELECT Min(Marks) AS marks 
FROM student
where Marks>50;

Output –


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