Matplotlib.pyplot.broken_barh() in Python

Matplotlib is one of the most popular Python packages used for data visualization. It is a cross-platform library for making 2D plots from data in arrays. Pyplot is a collection of command style functions that make matplotlib work like MATLAB.


The function broken_barh() is used to Plot a horizontal sequence of rectangles.A rectangle is drawn for each component of xranges which consists of a sequence of tuples. All rectangles have the same vertical position and estimate characterized by yrange.

Syntax: matplotlib.pyplot.broken_barh(xranges, yrange, *, data=None, **kwargs)


  • xranges : sequence of tuples (xmin, xwidth)
    Each tuples gives the position(xmin) of the rectangle and it’s horizontal extension(xwidth) from that position.
  • yranges : (ymin, ymax)
    In the above attribute, ymin gives the position of the rectangle and ymax gives the vertical extension from ymin.


  • BrokenBarHCollection: A collection of horizontal bars spanning yrange with a sequence of xranges.

Examples to illustrate the matplotlib.pyplot.broken_barh() function are as follows:
Example 1:

# importing module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Adding title to the plot
plt.title('w3wiki - EXAMPLE')
# adding x axis label to the plot
# label for y axis  for the plot
x_1 = [(1, 4), (10, 7)]
y_1 = (2, 2)
# Plotting the chart
plt.broken_barh(x_1, y_1, facecolors ='green')
x_2 = [(10, 1), (15, 4), (25, 6)]
y_2 = (6, 2)
# Plotting the chart
plt.broken_barh(x_2, y_2, facecolors ='cyan')

Output :

Example 2:

# importing module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Adding title to the plot
plt.title('w3wiki - EXAMPLE')
# adding x axis label to the plot
plt.xlabel('Number of Cars')
# label for y axis  for the plot
plt.ylabel('Average Speed')
x_1 = [(10, 3), (15, 4)]
y_1 = (50, 10)
# Plotting the chart
plt.broken_barh(x_1, y_1, facecolors ='cyan')
x_2 = [(1, 4), (10, 1), (15, 4), (25, 6)]
y_2 = (70, 10)
# Plotting the chart
plt.broken_barh(x_2, y_2, facecolors ='green')
x_3 = [(5, 3), (11, 2), (18, 5)]
y_3 = (90, 10)
# Plotting the chart
plt.broken_barh(x_3, y_3, facecolors ='blue')

Output :

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