Mathworks EDG FT+INT Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Mathworks came to our college on 26 Aug 2021 for interviews. Online test was conducted some 3-4 days before. The platform was Hacakerank.

Online Test: Test was of 90 min. A total of 42 questions were asked.

  • Topics were form domains like aptitude, c, c++, Java, OOPs, DBMS, computer networks, DSA and there was one bonus section consisting of python or matlab.
  • Then there were 2 coding questions. Both were of good level n based on string manipulation. I would suggest practicing leetcode string medium to hard level questions. They are surely going to help coz questions are very similar or sometimes almost same.
  • Total 23 people were shortlisted for interview.

On the day of interview, there was ppt for 30 min which talked about the company and its EDG program. Listen to it very carefully…’s very important, they ask about it in the interviews.

Round 1: 1st round of interview was Group Discussion. Topics were “skills required to survive in corporate world and how does EDG help in it”.

The remaining 3 rounds i.e Tech, Managerial, HR could happen in any order.

For me, first was HR

HR Round: General HR questions were asked n preferred wording location was asked. it went I for 30 min hardly.

  • Next was the Tech round which went on for almost 75 min.
  • There were 2 people and I was asked 3 coding que there was an online editor n you have to write n run your code there.
  • Firstly, they introduced themselves n told me to introduce myself. After that, they went through my resume n asked me to explain any one of my project.

Tip – Try to explain your project in as many details as u can. Try to name all the tech stack you have used to make the project, all of its functionality.

  • 1st question was to write a power function. They want u to write the most optimized code and will ask for time complexity of the code that u would write. I was not able to come up with the ans initially. The interviewer helped me. They gave me a hint n I was able to pick that up n write the code.
  • 2nd que was to reverse a singly linked list.
  • 3rd que was to merge k sorted linked list.
  • They also asked me difference between arrays n linked list in between coding. And finally asked me the difference between semaphore n mute lock.
  • At the end, they asked me I have any questions for them. I asked if they have any feedback for me.

Managerial Round: Last round for me was Managerial round which went on for like 40 min. He asked me about my projects, my strengths, weaknesses, stutations when I took up the initiative n all such HR stuff, he wanted me to give examples in each case. He also asked about the EDG program, what was my understanding about it…the company, what it does, are there any drawbacks of the EDG program.

Finally, we got the results the next day. A total of 7 people were selected and I was one of them.

Tip – keep calm, don’t try to think about the results. Just go with the flow. Don’t take any kind of stress about the interviews……if ur mind is cool n calm….u would be able to perform without any stress n tension.

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