Mathematical operator symbols in LaTeX

Mathematical operator symbols –
Mathematical operator Symbols and their LaTex Code –
1. sin x \sin x
2. sin-1 x \arcsin x
3. sinh x \sinh x
4. cos x \cos x
5. cos-1 x \arccos x
6. cosh x \cosh x
7. tan x \tan x
8. tan-1 x \arctan x
9. tanh x \tanh x
10. cosec x \cosec x
11. Exponent \exp
12. Kernel \ker
13. Superior limit \limsup\limits_{x\to 0}
14. Minimum \min_{x_1\dots x_T}
15. Degree \deg
16. GCD of x and y \gcd (x, y)
17. lg symbol \lg
18. Logarithm of x to base e \ln x
19. Partial derivative \partial
20. Supremum \sup
21. Denote determinant of A \det (A)
22. hom symbol \hom
23. Limit \lim_{x \to 1}
24. Logarithm \log
25. Denote argument of x \arg (x)
26. dim symbol \dim
27. Infinity \infty
28. Inferior limit \liminf\limits_{x\to 0}
29. Maximum \max_{x_1\dots x_T}
30. cot x \cot x

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