Mathematical Functions in Python | Set 2 (Logarithmic and Power Functions)

Numeric functions are discussed in set 1 below Mathematical Functions in Python | Set 1 ( Numeric Functions) Logarithmic and power functions are discussed in this set. 1. exp(a) :- This function returns the value of e raised to the power a (e**a) . 2. log(a, b) :- This function returns the logarithmic value of a with base b. If base is not mentioned, the computed value is of natural log. 


# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# exp() and log()
# importing "math" for mathematical operations
import math
# returning the exp of 4
print ("The e**4 value is : ", end="")
print (math.exp(4))
# returning the log of 2,3
print ("The value of log 2 with base 3 is : ", end="")
print (math.log(2,3))


The e**4 value is : 54.598150033144236
The value of log 2 with base 3 is : 0.6309297535714574

Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

3. log2(a) :- This function computes value of log a with base 2. This value is more accurate than the value of the function discussed above. 4. log10(a) :- This function computes value of log a with base 10. This value is more accurate than the value of the function discussed above. 


# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# log2() and log10()
# importing "math" for mathematical operations
import math
# returning the log2 of 16
print ("The value of log2 of 16 is : ", end="")
print (math.log2(16))
# returning the log10 of 10000
print ("The value of log10 of 10000 is : ", end="")
print (math.log10(10000))


The value of log2 of 16 is : 4.0
The value of log10 of 10000 is : 4.0

Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

5. pow(a, b) :- This function is used to compute value of a raised to the power b (a**b). 6. sqrt() :- This function returns the square root of the number. 


# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# pow() and sqrt()
# importing "math" for mathematical operations
import math
# returning the value of 3**2
print ("The value of 3 to the power 2 is : ", end="")
print (math.pow(3,2))
# returning the square root of 25
print ("The value of square root of 25 : ", end="")
print (math.sqrt(25))


The value of 3 to the power 2 is : 9.0
The value of square root of 25 : 5.0

Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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