Math class methods in Java with Examples | Set 2

java.math class and its methods | Set 1

java.math class methods discussed in this article :

  1. abs() : java.math.abs() method returns the absolute value of any type of argument passed. This method can handle all the data types.
      Special Case :

    • Result is positive zero, if the argument is positive zero or negative zero.
    • Result is positive infinity, if the argument is infinite.
    • Result is NaN, if passed argument is NaN.


    public static datatype abs(datatype arg)
    arg - the argument whose absolute value we need
    absolute value of the passed argument.
  2. acos() : java.math.acos() method returns the arc cosine value of the passed argument.
    arc cosine is inverse cosine of the argument passed.
    acos(arg) = cos-1 of arg
    Special Case : Result is NaN, if the argument is NaN or its absolute value is greater than 1.

    public static double acos(double a)
    a - the argument whose arc cosine value we need.
        argument is taken as radian    
    arc cosine value of the argument.
  3. toRadians() : java.math.toRadians(double deg) method converts argument (degree) to radians.
    Special Point : Math class usually takes radians as an input which is very much different in real life applications since angles is usually represented in degrees.

    public static double toRadians(double deg)
    deg - degree angle needs to be in radian.
    radians equivalent of the degree-argument passed.
  4. What is NaN argument ?
    A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type double. It is equivalent to the value returned by Double.longBitsToDouble(0x7ff8000000000000L).

    Java code explaining abs(), acos(), toRadians() method in Math class.

    // Java program explaining Math class methods
    // abs(), acos(), toRadians()
    import java.math.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Declaring the variables
            int Vali = -1;
            float Valf = .5f;
            // Printing the values
            System.out.println("Initial value of int  : "+Vali);
            System.out.println("Initial value of int  : "+Valf);
            // Use of .abs() method to get the absoluteValue
            int Absi = Math.abs(Vali);
            float Absf = Math.abs(Valf);
            System.out.println("Absolute value of int : "+Absi);
            System.out.println("Absolute value of int : "+Absf);
            // Use of acos() method
            // Value greater than 1, so passing NaN
            double Acosi = Math.acos(60);
            System.out.println("acos value of Acosi : "+Acosi);
            double x = Math.PI;
            // Use of toRadian() method
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            double Acosj = Math.acos(x);
            System.out.println("acos value of Acosj : "+Acosj);



    Initial value of int  : -1
    Initial value of int  : 0.5
    Absolute value of int : 1
    Absolute value of int : 0.5
    acos value of Acosi : NaN
    acos value of Acosj : 1.5159376794536454
  5. addExact() : java.math.addExact(int a, int b) method returns the sum of the passed arguments.
    Special point : If Result overflows an int or long (according to the passed argument), the method throws ArithmeticException.

    public static int addExact(int x, int y)
    public static long addExact(long x, long y)
    a - first value
    b - second value
    Sum of the specified method arguments - a and b.
  6. asin() : java.math.asin() method returns the arc sine value of the method argument passed. Returned angle is in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.
    arc sine is inverse sine of the argument passed.
    asin(arg) = sine-1 of arg
    Special Case :

    • Result is NaN,if the argument is NaN or its absolute value is greater than 1.
    • Result is a zero, if the argument is zero.


    public static double asin(double arg)
    arg - argument passed. 
    arc sine of the argument passed.
  7. cbrt() : java.math.cbrt() method returns the cube root of the passed argument.
    Special Point :

    • Result is NaN, if the argument is NaN.
    • Result is an infinity with the same sign as the argument, if the argument is infinite.
    • Result is a zero, if the argument is zero.


    public static double cbrt(double arg)
    arg - argument passed. 
    cube root of the argument passed
  8. Java code explaining addExact(), asin(), cbrt() method in Math class.

    // Java program explaining Math class methods
    // addExact(), asin(), cbrt()
    import java.math.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            int a = 1, b = 8;
            // get the result of addExact method
            int radd = Math.addExact(a,b);
            System.out.println("Using addExact() : "+radd);
            // Use of acos() method
            // Value greater than 1, so passing NaN
            double Asini = Math.asin(radd);
            System.out.println("asin value of Asini : "+Asini);
            double x = Math.PI;
            // Use of toRadian() method
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            double Asinj = Math.asin(x);
            System.out.println("asin value of Asinj : "+Asinj);
            // Use of cbrt() method
            double cbrtval = Math.cbrt(216);
            System.out.println("cube root : "+cbrtval);



    Using addExact() : 9
    acos value of Asini : NaN
    acos value of Asinj : 0.054858647341251204
    cube root : 6.0
  9. floor() : java.math.floor() method returns the floor value of an argument i.e. the closest integer value which is either less or equal to the passed argument.
    eg : 101.23 has floor value = 101
    Important point : Same argument is resulted if passed an NaN or infinite argument.

    public static double floor(double arg)
    arg - the argument whose floor value we need
    Returns:closest possible value that is either less than 
                    or equal to the argument passed
  10. hypot() : java.math.hypot(double p, double b) method returns hypotenuse of a right triangle on passing the triangle’s base and perpendicular as arguments.
    hypotenuse = [perpendicular2 + base2]1/2

    Important Point :

    • If either argument is infinite, then the result is positive infinity.
    • If either argument is NaN and neither argument is infinite, then the result is NaN.
    public static double hypot(double p, double b)
    p - perpendicular of the right triangle
    b - base of the right triangle
    hypotenuse of the right triangle
  11. IEEEremainder() : java.math.IEEERemainder(double d1, double d2) method returns the remainder value by applying remainder operation on two arguments w.r.t IEEE 754 standard.
    Remainder value = d1 – d2 * n
    n = closest exact value of d1/d2

    public static double IEEEremainder(double d1,double d2)
    d1 - dividend 
    d2 - divisor
    remainder when f1(dividend) is divided by(divisor)
  12. log() : java.math.log() method returns the logarithmic value of the passed argument.
    public static double log(double arg)
    arg - argument passed. 
    logarithmic value of the argument passed.
  13. Java code explaining floor(), hypot(), IEEEremainder(), log() method in Math class.

    // Java program explaining MATH class methods
    // floor(), hypot(), IEEEremainder(), log()
    import java.lang.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Use of floor method
            double f1 = 30.56, f2 = -56.34;
            f1 =Math.floor(f1);
            System.out.println("Floor value of f1 : "+f1);
            f2 =Math.floor(f2);
            System.out.println("Floor value of f2 : "+f2);
            // Use of hypot() method
            double p = 12, b = -5;
            double h = Math.hypot(p, b);
            System.out.println("Hypotenuse : "+h);
            // Use of IEEEremainder() method
            double d1 = 105, d2 = 2;
            double r = Math.IEEEremainder(d1,d2);
            System.out.println("Remainder : "+r);
            // Use of log() method
            double l = 10;
            l = Math.log(l);
            System.out.println("Log value of 10 : "+l);



    Floor value of f1 : 30.0
    Floor value of f2 : -57.0
    Hypotenuse : 13.0
    Remainder : 1.0
    Log value of 10 : 2.302585092994046

    java.math class and its methods | Set 3

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