Materialize CSS Modals

Materialize CSS uses modal component for creating dialog boxes, confirmation messages or presenting important content to the viewers where underlying content becomes inactive until the modal window is closed.

In order for the modal to work, add the modal Id to the link of the trigger and include the reference materialize.min.js along with jQuery on the web page. To add a “close” button, add the class modal-close to your button.

Types of Modals:

  1. Basic Modal: The basic modal consist of content and footer. The modal-content class is referred to the “main” div and the modal-footer class in another “div” tag where the “action” button is used.



    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href=
        <link href=
    "" rel="stylesheet">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=
        <script src=
    <body class="container ">
        <div class="card-panel center">
            <h3>Beginner for Beginner</h3>
            <!-- Modal Trigger -->
            <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn 
                green darken-1 modal-trigger" 
                Click Here!
            <!-- Modal Structure -->
            <div id="demo-modal" class="modal">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <h4>Demo of Simple Modal</h4>
                    <div class="red-text">
                        Content of the modal goes here. <br>
                        Type information here. <br>
                    C is a procedural programming language.
                    It was initially developed by Dennis 
                    Ritchie as a system programming language 
                    to write operating system. The main 
                    features of C language include low-level
                    access to memory, simple set of keywords,
                    and clean style, these features make C 
                    language suitable for system programming 
                    like operating system or compiler development.
                <div class="modal-footer">
                    <a href="#!" class="modal-action 
                        modal-close waves-effect waves-green 
                        btn green lighten-1">
            $(document).ready(function () {



  2. Modal with Fixed Footer: If the content is large, then this type of modal is used. In this we can create “action” buttons that are fixed. For this, modal-fixed-footer class is used along with the modal class in the main container element.



    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href=
        <link href=
    "" rel="stylesheet">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=
        <script src=
        <div class="container center">
            <div class="card-panel">
                <h3>Beginner for Beginner</h3>
                <!-- Modal Trigger -->
                <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn 
                    green darken-1 modal-trigger" 
                    Click Here!
                <!-- Modal Structure -->
                <div id="demo-modal-fixed-footer" 
                    class="modal modal-fixed-footer">
                    <div class="modal-content">
                        <h4>Modal with Fixed Footer</h4>
                        <div class="red-text">
                            Content of the modal goes here. <br>
                            Type information here. <br>
                        <p class="center">
                            An array is a collection of items 
                            stored at contiguous memory locations.<br>
                            The idea is to store multiple items of 
                            the same type together.<br> This makes 
                            it easier to calculate the position<br>
                            of each element by simply adding an 
                            offset to a base value,<br> i.e., the 
                            memory location of the first element of
                            the array <br>(generally denoted by the 
                            name of the array).<br>
                        <p class="center">
                            An array is a collection of items stored 
                            at contiguous memory locations.<br>
                            The idea is to store multiple items of 
                            the same type together.<br>
                            This makes it easier to calculate the 
                            position of each element <br>
                            by simply adding an offset to a base 
                            value, i.e., the memory location of <br>
                            the first element of the array (generally 
                            denoted by the name of the array).<br>
                    <div class="modal-footer">
                        <a href="#!" class="modal-action 
                            modal-close btn green darken-1">
                        <a href="#!" class="modal-action 
                            modal-close btn red darken-1">
            $(document).ready(function () {



  3. Bottom Sheet Modal: Modals can be displayed to the bottom of the user’s screen and not the middle. It is just like the normal modal that can be closed by clicking anywhere on the screen as well as using the button inside that modal. For this, bottom-sheet class is used along with the modal class in the <div> container. 



    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href=
        <link href=
    "" rel="stylesheet">
        <script type="text/javascript" 
        <script src=
    <body class="container ">
        <div class="card-panel center">
            <h3>Beginner for Beginner</h3>
            <!-- Modal Trigger -->
            <a class="waves-effect waves-light 
                btn green darken-1 modal-trigger" 
                Click Here!
            <!-- Modal Structure -->
            <div id="demo-modal" class="modal bottom-sheet">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <h4>Demo of Bottom sheet Modal</h4>
                    <div class="red-text">
                        Content of the modal goes here. <br>
                        Type information here. <br>
                    An array is a collection of items stored at
                    contiguous memory locations.
                    The idea is to store multiple items of the
                    same type together.
                <div class="modal-footer">
                    <a href="#!" class=" modal-action 
                        modal-close waves-effect
                        waves-green btn red">
            $(document).ready(function () {



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