MatchResult group() method in Java with Examples

The group() method of MatchResult Interface is used to get the input subsequence matched by the previous match result.

public String group()

Parameters: This method do not takes any parameter.
Return Value: This method returns the String which is the input subsequence matched by the previous match.
Exception: This method throws IllegalStateException if no match has yet been attempted, or if the previous match operation failed.
Below examples illustrate the method:
Example 1:


// Java code to illustrate group() method
import java.util.regex.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Get the regex to be checked
        String regex = "(G*s)";
        // Create a pattern from regex
        Pattern pattern
            = Pattern.compile(regex);
        // Get the String to be matched
        String stringToBeMatched
            = "w3wiki";
        // Create a matcher for the input String
        Matcher matcher
            = pattern
        // Get the current matcher state
        MatchResult result
            = matcher.toMatchResult();
        System.out.println("Current Matcher: "
                           + result);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            // Get the group matched using group() method

Current Matcher: java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=(G*s) region=0,13 lastmatch=] 


Example 2:


// Java code to illustrate group() method
import java.util.regex.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Get the regex to be checked
        String regex = "(G*G)";
        // Create a pattern from regex
        Pattern pattern
            = Pattern.compile(regex);
        // Get the String to be matched
        String stringToBeMatched
            = "GFG FGF GFG";
        // Create a matcher for the input String
        Matcher matcher
            = pattern
        // Get the current matcher state
        MatchResult result
            = matcher.toMatchResult();
        System.out.println("Current Matcher: "
                           + result);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            // Get the group matched using group() method

Current Matcher: java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=(G*G) region=0,11 lastmatch=] 


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