Mastercard Interview Experience for summer Internship (On-Campus)

There were 3 panels of interviewers, in my panel, there was a vice president of mastercard, rahul naik sir.

Questions asked :

  • About my java spring MVC project which I written in my resume. ask about my role in the project , what is mvc ? why we use them and what is the alternative of mvc framework ?
  • Favorite subject?
  • Java oop questions , ask me about interfaces : why we use interface even we can use abstract class for to achieve the abstraction then what is the purpose of interface
  • The aptitude-based pattern is given and predicts the next number. (easy)
  • Write a Fibonacci series code using recursion+dp on paper also trace algo for given number.

The interviewer was very friendly, and No language barrier, overall a good experience. but I was not selected .only 2 out of 13 were selected as a summer intern. 

tips:- focus on java especially spring , oop concept in java and projects.

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