MakeMyTrip Interview Experience | Set 8 (On-Campus)

MakeMyTrip recently visited our campus. There were 4 rounds.

Online Round ( 1 Hour )
This round consisted of 20 aptitude questions and 3 coding Questions.

Coding Questions:
1. Find ‘x’ in the equation. The input is in the form of a string. Equation consisted of addition operator
only and 2 integers and a variable ‘x’.
Sample Input Case: x+3=5 output=2

Decoding the string into 2 numbers and an unknown variable took a lot of time.
2. Given two numbers x and y find x^y in log y time.

Had solved all 3 questions and around 15 questions in aptitude. Was shortlisted for the next round.

Technical Interview 1 ( 1 Hour 20 mins )
Firstly the interviewer asked me to introduce myself, asked me about my projects.
Then he moved on to coding questions and puzzles and some basic object oriented fundamentals:
All the questions below were in random order.

1. Questions related to collections, interfaces, JBM, JDE, Polymorphism and Abstraction.

2. Coding question :
Full codes to be written
a> Given an array comprising of only 1’s and 0’s , find the maximum length along with the starting indexand ending index which consisted equal number of 1’s and 0’s. I could not do it, the interviewer gave
me another question:
Given an array comprising of any number ( both positive and negative), find the maximum length alongwith starting and ending index which had sum equal to 0. I was able to do this one.
The interviewer told me to solve the previous question now. I told him that replace all the 0’s with -1’s
and the question becomes entirely the same.

b> To Check whether a binary tree is a BST or not?

3. Puzzles:
1. There are 3 switches outside a room. Inside the room there is only 1 bulb. You could go inside the
room only once, how will you know with which bulb the switch is associated with.
2. There are 100 coins in a table. 20 coins are heads and others are tails (facing upwards). Find the
optimal cut(2 piles) such that both have equal number of heads facing up.Technical Interview 2 ( 1 hr )

Technical Interview 2 ( 1 hr )

Coding Questions:
1. Cloning Linked List with every node comprising of next and (random pointer to any other node).
2. Detect Loop in a Linked List and remove it.
3. In-place reversing of a string.
Questions about abstract data type, abstract keyword, difference between C++ and Java, garbage
collection in Java and OOPS concepts were asked.

HR Round ( 20 mins )
Basic details, family background and why do you want to join this company? Where do you see yourself
after 5 years and questions about weakness and strengths.

All Practice Problems for MakeMyTrip !

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