How To Make Money as a Freelance Content Writer in 2024?

Expressing what’s in our minds is a great skill that not many possess these days. It becomes a talent when you understand and express with words what another individual is trying to express. Well, this is the master skill that a content writer has in his quiver. He learns to address user pain points and express a business, product, or service as an answer to them. If you are a word master then freelancer content writing is your thing. In this comprehensive article, we will get to know how to make money as a freelance content writer in the digital age. Whether you’re just starting or have some experience under your belt, this journey can lead to a stable income. Join us as we explore the strategies and opportunities that come with turning your writing talents into a source of revenue.

Table of Content

  • How To Make Money as a Freelance Content Writer
  • Building Your Portfolio
  • Top 5 Platforms for Freelance Writers
  • 1. Upwork
  • 2. FlexJobs
  • 3.
  • 4. Guru
  • 5. BloggingPro
  • How to Choose a Specific Niche to Make Money as a Freelance Content Writer
  • How To Market Yourself as a Freelance Content Writer?
  • Income Potential and Strategies
  • 11 Best Freelance Writing Tools and Resources (Free)
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – Freelance Content Writing in 2024

How To Make Money as a Freelance Content Writer

Your way with words is a marvelous skill that businesses and organizations are looking for. But, how can you generate writing job profits from such opportunities? It is a competitive industry where writers of diverse age groups showcase their skills. Worry not and follow how you can create a strong portfolio to stay ahead of the crowd.

Building Your Portfolio

A profitable Freelance Writing 2024 venture needs a proper portfolio. For starters, creating a commendable one might be tough but not impossible. Here is the list of things to cater to as a newbie or experienced writer.

1. Create a simple website

Purchase a domain with your name or a professional pseudonym. Choose a clean and user-friendly website template. Include an “About Me” section mentioning your background, skills, and passion for writing.

2. Choose a niche

Identify your writing niche or specializations (e.g., technology, health, finance). Tailor your portfolio with relevant samples in your chosen niche. Include a variety of samples of logs, articles, product descriptions, etc to demonstrate versatility. Create sample pieces that reflect your writing style if you don’t have one.

3. Write a compelling bio

Craft a professional and engaging bio. Highlight your writing experience, skills, and what sets you apart from other writers.

4. Add your resume

Attach a resume or CV detailing your education, relevant experience, and writing-related skills. For more details, check out our articles on resume writing.

5. Create a services page

Clearly outline the writing services you offer. Mention any additional skills like SEO, social media management, or content strategy.

6. Provide contact information

Make it easy for clients to reach you. Include a professional email address and links to your social media profiles.

Top 5 Platforms for Freelance Writers

Now that you have your website ready, scout for the leading platforms for freelance writing gigs. This will be your first step as a Freelance writer money-making 2024 venture. Here are some of the best freelancing platforms where you can find temporary or permanent gigs to work on.

1. Upwork

Upwork is a marketplace where job posters post their requirements and freelancers bid. Both parties can go for short-term or long-term arrangements. This portal charges 10% of your earnings as a service fee.


Link: Upwork

2. FlexJobs

FlexJobs is another website that offers gigs for making money writing online 2024. This website screens and lists verified jobs. It charges $2.95 for a two-week trial period and a monthly subscription.


Link: FlexJobs

3. is also another option where you can find gigs posted by small companies to large businesses. You can bid competitive rates and do Content writing for income 2024. This website charges $5 or 10% of the project valuation.


4. Guru

Guru is a comprehensive portal for generating content writer earnings. This website does not charge freelancers but rather seek handling fees from job posters. Set your freelance rates with a profile and seek content writing gigs from hirers.


Link: Guru

5. BloggingPro

BloggingPro acts as a job board for aspiring content writers and professionals. It does not perform a detailed screening of applicants and prevents client-side scams too. This is a safe portal for freelancer writers like you to begin with.


Link: BloggingPro

How to Choose a Specific Niche to Make Money as a Freelance Content Writer

Now that you have an idea of how to build your content writing portfolio and where to look for freelance gigs, you will have to set a niche. It is a domain where you have expertise and knowledge. This niche will serve as a platform for content writing for income 2024.

To set your niche, consider these few points apart from your expertise.

What to write – social media posts, case studies, blogs, articles, product descriptions, press releases, etc.

Types of industry to serve – e-commerce, local businesses, SEO, B2B, B2C, influencers, personalities, etc.

Company size – enterprises, corporations, startups, small businesses, etc.

Following these three crucial points, let us focus on a list of niches you can consider for earning as a content writer.


Healthcare is a sensitive niche that needs experts who focus on value addition. It comprises healthcare tips, health management, medical technology, wellness, nutrition, fitness, and informative content on health conditions.

Education Technology or EdTech

Education technology has undergone a remarkable transformation due to COVID-19. A rapid growth in digital content needs freelance content writers to create educational courses, e-learning portals, website content, etc.


Finance is a great niche provided you are an expert in this field. The content writing gigs in this niche pay quite well as you have to do extensive research based on contemporary topics. The most common topics that freelancers work on are taxation, financial tips, budgeting, credit management, investment, retirement planning, etc.


Technology is the driving factor that takes the industrial revolution to the next stage. It is a brilliant niche for Profitable Freelance Writing 2024. This vast niche requires freelancer content creators for software development, cybersecurity, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, etc.

Travel and Tourism

Another excellent niche to work on, travel and tourism pays well to content writers. This niche needs content on travel guides, tips, itineraries, food, culture, adventure, extreme sports, reviews, and many more. You will be surprised to know that some freelance content writers get to go to locations, all services paid!


Cryptocurrency is one of the top choices for higher writing job profits. This technical niche is all about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance Coin, Dogecoin, etc. They are digital currencies based on cryptographic techniques that do not need any financial institution. You can create content in this niche related to investment, NFTs, regulations, blockchain applications, initial coin offerings, etc.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This niche explains how a consumer can compare and find the best software service as per his requirements. This promising domain can be ideal for content writing for income 2024 if you learn to write how-to guides, industry news, press releases, software reviews, comparison articles, etc.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing presents multiple niches for content writers such as listicles, review articles, SEO writing, blogs, social media posts, newsletters, tutorials, etc. Associating with digital companies will open multiple niches to generate a stable freelance writing income.


E-commerce is an evergreen niche that offers exclusive content writing gigs to freelancers. You need to think like buyers and cover their pain points. Your responsibility will be to create data-driven blogs, articles, listicles, etc to compel readers to make buying decisions.

How To Market Yourself as a Freelance Content Writer?

Now that we have a comprehensive idea of content writing niches, let us focus on how to market your skills.

Personal Branding

Here is what you can do for personal branding as a freelance content writer.

  • Choose a niche you are an expert in. Understand the target audience to create well-tuned copies.
  • Write your blogs to get your voice out there. Post them on your personal website or social media forums.
  • Build a strong portfolio by adding your skills, clients, experience, testimonials, etc.
  • Compile guest posts based on your expertise to build a fan base.
  • Collaborate with other professionals such as a graphic designer for adding catchy elements.

Networking Strategies

Apart from creating a website, choosing a niche, and following personal branding measures, you will have to connect with other professionals and create a network. This network will ensure a sustainable flow of work for content writer earnings. Here is what you must do.

  • Attend workshops, conferences, and industry events to connect with other professionals of the same or different fields.
  • Become an active member of online communities and indulge in public discussions.
  • Create social media profiles and build a strong online presence.
  • Collaborate with graphic designers, writers, SEO experts, and other industry professionals for knowledge sharing and opportunities.

Income Potential and Strategies

Apart from specializing in a promising domain, here is what you can do to increase your income potential.

  • Enhance your skill set by pursuing content-writing courses.
  • Learn new skills related to the niche you are working on. It will help to offer a turnkey solution to job posters.
  • Set package deals for bundled services. You can collaborate with other freelancers to increase writing job profits.
  • Provide complementary services such as content strategy creation, proofreading, editing, etc.
  • Diversify your income streams by incorporating affiliate marketing, e-book writing, online course creations, etc.
  • Increase your rates with experience.
  • Do proper marketing and search high-paying platforms for clients.

Remember, negotiation is the best skill to enhance your income from freelance content writing.

11 Best Freelance Writing Tools and Resources (Free)

Check this list of tools you need to start your freelance content writing journey.

  1. Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc as writing tools
  2. Grammarly for grammar check and writing assistant
  3. Hemingway for readability improvement
  4. Trello, Notion, or Asana as a project management tool
  5. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc for communication
  6. Google Drive for collaborative content development
  7. Hootsuite for social media management
  8. Canva for social media post creation
  9. WordPress for website management tools
  10. LinkedIn for networking
  11. Upwork and LinkedIn for hunting client


Follow this simple guide to commence your Freelance writer money-making 2024 journey. Assemble the tools above and prepare a strong base to work for the best clients in a chosen niche. Create a network and stay in touch to prepare a strong clientele for generating work around the year.

FAQs – Freelance Content Writing in 2024

1. How can I become a freelance content writer?

Work on your writing skills and choose your expertise as the niche. Create a profile on LinkedIn and start networking. Look for temporary and contractual gigs on Upwork and Fiverr. Upskill based on the contemporary market trends to stay competitive.

2. Is content writing a good choice for a career in 2024?

Making money writing online in 2024 can be a sustainable choice if you have the flair. Learn to understand products and services. Keep upskilling and gathering knowledge. Follow the market trends and stay on the track.

3. How can I increase my earning potential from content writing?

First, select a high-paying niche and learn to negotiate. Identify your skill level and charge accordingly. Offer additional services to keep clients hooked to increase your earning potential.

4. Where can I find freelance content writing gigs?

Check this list of online platforms to find freelance content writing gigs.

  • Upwork
  • FlexJobs
  • Guru
  • BloggingPro

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