Magrittr Package in R Programming

If you have been using R programming for a while, you may have come across the magrittr package. This package is designed to make the process of writing R code more efficient and readable. In this article, we will discuss what the Magrittr package is, why it is useful, and how to use it in your R code.

What is the Magrittr Package?

The Magrittr package is a package in R programming that provides a set of tools for writing clean and readable code. It is designed to make the process of writing R code more efficient by allowing you to chain together multiple functions using the pipe operator (%>%).

The pipe operator is the main feature of the magrittr package. It permits you to transmit the results of one function as an argument to another.. This makes it easy to chain together multiple functions and create more complex operations in a more readable way. Some of the main uses of the package are:

1. Piping: Magrittr allows you to use the pipe operator (%>%) to chain multiple operations together in a readable and efficient way. This can be particularly useful when working with complex data transformations or analysis.

2. Dot Placeholder: The dot placeholder (.) in Magrittr allows you to refer to the current input in a chain of functions. Your code will become clearer and more succinct as a result.

3. Custom Functions: Magrittr makes it easy to create custom functions that can be used in a chain with the pipe operator. By enabling you to reuse code, this can save you time and effort..

4. Modularity: By allowing you to break down complex operations into smaller, modular steps, Magrittr can help make your code more manageable and easier to maintain.

5. Tidyverse Compatibility: Magrittr is part of the tidyverse collection of packages, which are designed to work seamlessly together. Using Magrittr in conjunction with other tidyverse packages can help you write clean and efficient code.

Package Installation:

To use the Magrittr package, you first need to install and load it in your R session using the following commands:





Operators used in magrittr package:

1. Dot Placeholder:

The dot placeholder, denoted by “.”, is used to represent the output of the previous function. This can be useful when you want to pass the output of one function as an argument to another function.



# Load the package
# Create a vector of numbers
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# Use the dot placeholder to take
# the mean of the square of the first three numbers
x %>%
  head(3) %>%
  sqrt() %>%
  mean(., na.rm = TRUE)


[1] 1.382088

In this example, we use the dot placeholder to pass the output of the previous function (the square root of the first three numbers) as an argument to the mean() function.

2. Assignment Pipe Operator:

The assignment pipe operator, denoted by “%<>%”, is used to update an object in place. This can be useful when you want to update an object without creating a new object.



# Create a vector of numbers
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# Use the assignment pipe operator to square the first three numbers in place
x %<>%
  head(3) %>%
# Print the updated vector


> print(x)
[1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051

In this example, we use the assignment pipe operator to update the first three numbers in the vector x to their square roots. The updated vector is then printed to the console.

3. Tee pipe operator:

The tee pipe operator, %T>%, is a useful operator in the magrittr package that allows you to split the output of a pipeline into two or more separate streams, while still continuing to apply further operations to one of those streams.



# create a vector
x <- 1:10
# use the tee pipe operator to split the output of the first step
x %T>%
  # square each element
  (function(x) x^2) %T>%
  # print the squared vector
  print() %>%
  # take the square root of each element
  sqrt() %>%
  # add 1 to each element
  `+` (1) %>%
  # print the modified vector


 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
 [1] 2.000000 2.414214 2.732051 3.000000 3.236068 3.449490 3.645751 3.828427 4.000000
[10] 4.162278

In this example, we first create a vector x with the values 1 through 10. We then use the tee pipe operator (%T>%) to split the output of the first step, which squares each element of x, into two separate streams. The first stream prints the squared vector, while the second stream takes the square root of each element, adds 1 to each element, and prints the modified vector. When you run this code, you’ll see that the first print statement outputs the squared vector, while the second print statement outputs the modified vector.

4. Dot Pipe Operator:

The dot pipe operator, %>%, is a very common operator in the magrittr package that allows you to chain multiple functions together in a pipeline, with the output of each function becoming the input of the next function in the chain.



# create a vector
x <- 1:10
# use the dot pipe operator to chain multiple functions together
x %>%
  # square each element
  (function(x) x^2) %>%
  # take the square root of each element
  sqrt() %>%
  # add 1 to each element
  `+` (1) %>%
  # print the modified vector


+   print()
 [1]  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11

In this example, we first create a vector x with the values 1 through 10. We then use the dot pipe operator (%>%) to chain multiple functions together in a pipeline. The pipeline first squares each element of x, takes the square root of each element, and adds 1 to each element. Finally, the modified vector is printed.

Custom Functions using magrittr Package:

Magrittr can also be used to create custom functions that take advantage of the pipe operator and the dot placeholder. For example, suppose you want to create a custom function that calculates the square of a number and then adds it to the original number.

You could write this function as follows:


square_plus <- function(x) {
  x^2 + x
3 %>% square_plus()

With Magrittr, you can use this function in a chain by using the dot placeholder to refer to the input of the function:


[1] 12

In this example, the number 3 is first passed to the square_plus() function, which calculates the square of 3 and adds it to 3. The output of this function is then returned to the console.


The Magrittr package provides a set of powerful tools for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code in R programming. The pipe operator is the main feature of the package and allows you to chain together multiple functions to create more complex operations in a more readable way. In addition, the package provides several other useful features, including the dot placeholder, assignment pipe operator, and exposition pipe operator. If you’re looking to improve your R code, the Magrittr package is definitely worth exploring.

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