Magic Eraser in Google Photos

Google Photos is among the most widely used picture galleries online. Excellent editing tools are available, and they also facilitate the sharing and organization of memories. One tool like this is Magic Eraser, which easily eliminates unwanted people and things in a picture. It does exactly what it says it will do to eliminate or hide distracting things in your photographs.

What is a Magic Eraser?

The Magic Eraser from Google is great. You may remove unwanted elements from your photos with this tool. It used to only work on Google Pixel phones. The app is now accessible on iOS and Android devices, but access requires a Google One subscription.

The Magic Eraser is an excellent tool for enhancing your picture editing experience. Its release in 2021 sparked much buzz about its ability to enhance the visual appeal of photographs. The tool finds things that shouldn’t be in pictures and tells you to eliminate them.

Magic Eraser is cool because it doesn’t only just work by itself. You can also pick the area to erase by hand if the tool misses something or if you want to eliminate something it missed.

How do Magic Erasers Work?

When you edit a photo, Google suggests elements it thinks you might want to remove. You can remove more or keep some of its suggestions. After removal, Google fills in the space using its AI algorithms.

One useful feature is the Magic Eraser, especially for photos focused on one or two people. Google recognizes the main subject and suggests removing other people in the background. You can use Magic Eraser on any photo, not just those taken with a Google Pixel phone.

However, results may vary. While the tool removes distractions, it may leave some distortion. This can be noticeable in certain images, especially busy ones with complex backgrounds.

Click Here to Download Magic Eraser – Remove Object – Apps on Google Play

How to use Magic Eraser in Google Photos

As the name suggests “Magic Eraser” is an image editing tool that does not require any special editing skill. Even when you are offline, Google photos allows you to surf your old images. Enlisted below is a step-wise guide to use Magic eraser in Google photos:

Step 1: Turn on the Google photos application on your device

Open the Google photos app on your device and choose an image that consists of unwanted or additional objects in it.

Step 2: Open “Tools” from the “Edit” option in the bottom

At the bottom of the image tap at the “Edit” menu bar. Select “Tools” from the drop-down menu and explore the tools and other options.

Step 3: Select “Magic Eraser” tool and let it work

Click at the “Magic Eraser” tool from the editing tools menu bar. Now Google Photos will automatically detect and remove unwanted elements from your picture.

Step 4: Click at “Erase all” and “Done” to clear the additional elements “Save a copy.”

Once Google Photos completes the scanning of the image, click at the “Erase all” to remove the unwanted elements entirely. Click “Done” and select “Save copy” to save the new edited version.

Step 5: Highlight Manually over unwanted items

In cases where automatic detection fails, use your finger to draw over the unwanted item manually. This ensures precise removal.

Step 6: Tap “Done” and then click”Save” to save the edited image.

Once you’ve edited your image, click at “Done” to save the new changes. Now select “Save as copy” to save, the new edited version of the images.

You can erase something with Magic Eraser more than once if you need to. If you can’t get rid of the object completely the first time, do it again and draw over any parts that are left over to clean up.


Great images only happen sometimes; when they do, annoying subjects or a photobomber might destroy them. If that happens, follow the steps above to get rid of anything in your pictures right away that you don’t want.

Released in 2021 and still running strong in 2023, the Magic Eraser feature was a great hit upon debut. Plus, it’s not limited to just Pixel phones anymore with a Google One subscription, you can use it on pretty much any smartphone. Neither of these tools is perfect, but they make it easy to make changes requiring paid tools and a lot of knowledge to make otherwise.

Magic Eraser in Google Photos – FAQs

How do I enable Google Magic Eraser?

This tool can be found in the Google Photos app when changing pictures. To open Magic Eraser, all you have to do is click on the Tools tab. The app will instantly find distracting things, like people in the way of your photos, and remove them instantly.

Why am I not seeing Magic Eraser in Google Photos?

Log out all of your accounts from the “Google Photos” and “Google One” apps, and maybe even from all of your other Google apps. Sign in again, but this time, use the account you paid Google for. Before opening Google Photos again, close all of your other apps.

How does Magic Eraser’s photo work?

When you select specific pictures, Magic Eraser will suggest people or power lines you can remove using AI. Please press “Erase all” to get rid of the suggested distractions. You can circle or brush them to get rid of them by hand if ideas don’t show up or if you want to eliminate other distractions.

Can Google Photos remove people?

Magic Eraser searches your pictures for people in the background and erases them. After that, you have the option to delete them all at once or each one at a time. You can get away without using power lines in your images if they aren’t necessary.

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