Magic 8 Ball Program In Python

The Magic 8 Ball is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice. In Python, we can recreate this by using a list of possible answers and selecting one randomly each time a user asks a question. This program is an excellent exercise for learning about lists, user input, and importing libraries in Python.

Step to Implement 8 Ball Program In Python

1. Setting Up Your Environment

Make sure Python is installed on your system. You can write the code in any text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, or even a simple Python IDLE.

2. Import Necessary Libraries:

You will need to import the `random` library to help generate random responses.

3. Create a List of Responses:

Define a list that contains various answers that the Magic 8 Ball can provide. You can be creative with these responses, ranging from positive to negative to non-committal.

# code
   responses = [
       "Yes, definitely.",
       "As I see it, yes.",
       "Reply hazy, try again.",
       "Cannot predict now.",
       "Do not count on it.",
       "My sources say no.",
       "Outlook not so good.",
       "Very doubtful."

4. Program Structure:

The program will continuously ask the user to enter a question and then provide a random answer from the list. The loop will continue until the user decides to stop asking questions.

Example 1:

# code
while True:
       question = input("Ask the magical 8 Ball a question (type 'exit' to quit): ")
       if question.lower() == 'exit':
           print("Magic 8 Ball says:", random.choice(responses))

Output: Here’s a simulation of what might happen when this code runs with different user inputs:

User Input: Will I get a promotion this year?
Output: Magic 8 Ball says: Outlook good.

User Input: Should I travel next month?
Output: Magic 8 Ball says: Yes - definitely.

User Input: Is it going to rain tomorrow?
Output: Magic 8 Ball says: Don't count on it.

User Input: exit
Output: Goodbye!

5. Running the Program:

Save your script with a `.py` extension and run it through your terminal or command prompt by typing `python`. Each time you ask a question, you’ll get a random answer until you type ‘exit’.

Example 2

Here’s a creative twist on the traditional Magic 8 Ball program in Python. This version not only provides random answers but also incorporates a simple logging feature to keep track of the questions asked and the responses given during the session. It’s a fun way to add a bit of memory to an otherwise stateless interaction.

Python Code for Magic 8 Ball with Logging

# code
import random
import datetime

def get_magic_8_ball_response():
    responses = [
        "Yes, definitely!",
        "No, certainly not.",
        "Ask again later.",
        "Cannot predict now.",
        "Don't count on it.",
        "It is decidedly so.",
        "My sources say no.",
        "Outlook is good.",
        "Very doubtful."
    return random.choice(responses)

def log_question_and_answer(question, answer):
    with open("magic_8_ball_log.txt", "a") as log_file:
        timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        log_file.write(f"{timestamp} - Question: {question} - Answer: {answer}\n")

def main():
    print("Welcome to the Magic 8 Ball!")
    while True:
        question = input("Ask a question or type 'exit' to leave: ")
        if question.lower() == 'exit':
        if question.strip() == '':
            print("Please ask a real question.")
        answer = get_magic_8_ball_response()
        log_question_and thewer(question, answer)
        print("Magic 8 Ball says:", answer)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Since the Magic 8 Ball program with logging relies on user inputs and random responses, it does not produce a static output.

Simulated Session Output:

Welcome to the Magic 8 Ball!
Ask a question or type 'exit' to leave: Will I get a promotion this year?
Magic 8 Ball says: Outlook is good.

Ask a question or type 'exit' to leave: Should I start a new hobby?
Magic 8 Ball says: Yes, definitely!

Ask a question or go leave: exit

Log File Content (magic_8_ball_log.txt)

If you check the log file after this session, it would typically look something like this, with timestamps reflecting the actual time of each query:

2024-05-29 14:22:43 - Question: Will I get a promotion this year? - Answer: Outlook is good.
2024-05-29 14:23:10 - Question: Should I start a new hobby? - Answer: Yes, definitely!

Each line in the log file records the time of the query, the question asked, and the Magic 8 Ball’s response. This can help track interactions over time, providing insights into what kinds of questions are being asked and how frequently the Magic 8 Ball is used.

How the Program Works:

  • Random Response Generation: The get_magic_8_ball_response() function randomly selects an answer from a predefined list of possible responses.
  • Logging Functionality: The log_question_and_answer() function logs each question along with its corresponding answer and the current timestamp to a file. This can be useful for reviewing the history of questions and responses.
  • User Interaction: The main() function handles user input, allowing the user to ask questions until they decide to exit by typing ‘exit’. It checks if the input is not just empty spaces before fetching and displaying the response.


The Magic 8 Ball program is a great beginner project for learning Python. It incorporates fundamental concepts like loops, conditionals, input handling, and randomness, all of which are essential in many more complex programs. You can enhance this project by adding more features, such as logging questions and answers to a file, customizing responses based on the type of question, or even creating a graphical user interface (GUI) using libraries like Tkinter.

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